The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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JftisttUdneotis MOST ELEGANT STOCK IRST MORTGAGE ISSUED BY THE ST LOUIS ST JOSEPH 0 of JimoiRi ffiljantts tor Stisiiuss INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL PAYABLE IN GOLD BONDS DATED NOVEMBER 2 1808 THE MANSION HOUSE IN GREENIELD MASS 82 Heal si6 lldRas We shall hereafter keep a full line of these desira ble goods in onr Counting Room and respectfully" solicit orders from the wholesale or retail trade Principal Payable Twenty fire Year front date in United States Gold Coin Chronic diseases and bodily ifoynMml are the lot of too many mortals tf tVery man and woman young and old study the admirable works of Dr A ifgyfs the unfailing physician an immense amount cl suffering would be saved (See advertise ment of Peabody edical Institute Now occupied by Messrs Stevens fc Sons is of fered for sale together with the furniture in tbe same also the brick block of which the hotel is a part all of which is under rent for offices stores Masonic Hall billiard rooms etc The hotel stand is well known and is one of the best in Western Massachusetts or particulars etc inquire of REDERICK CLAPP ALLEN Agent Greenfield Mass RAILROAD BOYDS Samples arid Prices sent on Applica tion i William stowe James Brewer George Walken Lombard Dale Charles Merriam Henry Russell Smith At the Joan and Trust Coinpan of the City of New York Twenty Thousand Dollars DIED In this city 26th Adams Russell 27 ry uneral at house 252 Main street to day (Tuesday) at 1230 riends are invited to attend At Agawam 27th William isk 80 runeral to morrow (Wednesday) afternoon at half past 2 At Holyoke 25th Hill Parker 58 At Chicopee 27th George Jones 50 EST" uneral at his late residence to morrow (Wednesday) at 2 At Holyoke 27th Deacon Joseph Ely 6o (3r" uneral to morrow (Wednesday) at 2 pm at the Second Baptist church At eeding Hills 27th Gilman 2 months son of Gilman Lewis tar uneral to day (Tuesday) at 1 At Nebraska City 12th Charles Calhoun 72 formerly of Boston and brother of the late Wil liam Calhoun of this city At Canaan 22d Harder 65 father of Mrs Morehouse of this city At New Haven Ct 25th Hattie wife of Griswold and daughter of Nelson Hotchkiss At Worcester 26tli Miss Sarah Thayer 89 late ly of Sterling At Cambridge 25th Gen John Willson 90 for merly of Lancaster At Waltham 25th Richard Parker 0 son the late Bishop Parker At Waukegan is 26th Rev Dr John Wood bridge 85 uneral at Hadley to morrow (Wednesday) afternoon At Gilead Ct 17th Deacon Israel Hutchin son 88 At Stockbridge Vt 4th Daniel Nichols 82 8tb Cynthia 33 wife of George Chapin At Sandisfield 21st Polly 92 wite of Elihu Per gons At Stephentown 1st Dr Elijah Graves 84 At Litchfield Ct 22d Thomas Stephens 55 At Worcester 24th Abigail 98 widow of Jere miah Stiles At Spencer 21st Elisha Dra ke 82 At West Warren 18th Jane 22 daughter of Charles Carter At Orange 13th anny 50 wife of Pack arAt Greenfield 19th Catherine 40 wife of William Drenning At Gill 23d John Merrill 79 father of Mrs Al bert Newhall of Greenfield BOR5 At Deerfield 25th a daughter to Edwabd Cowles MARRIED In this city 16th by Rev Hills George Williston of this city and Emma A Peabody of Putnam Ct At Sunderland 23d rederick Pomkboy and Leona daughter of Kellta Hubbard At Warwick 8th Rev Osgood of Marlboro and Mary A Reed At Newport I 22d Geobgb earing and Harriet daughter of William Travors of New YAt Edgartown 20th William Phelps of West Winsted Ct and Libbie daughter of James At North Adams 23d Goodrich and Jen kie Paul At Brimfield 21st Seba Carpenter of Worcester and Brigham At Great Barringten Robert Van Deuben of Canaan Ct and Nellie A Lawrence At Middlefield Ct 22d Rev Andbus Denison and Hattie Hart At Cincinnati 23d Charles A Adob and Laura Ball IK NEW AND CHOICE Dress Goods SAMUEL BOWLES CO s23 8PRINRIEDD 1YIASN Interest pzj able in like Gold Coin on the 1st of May and November in each year at the rate of Six Per Cent (6 per cent) per annum ree of Govern ment Tax They are Coupon Bonds Price 87 1 2 and Accrued Interest in Cur rency THE LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY are the Trustees for the Bondholders and are not only the Custodian of all the Bonds issued by the Company but are also the Custodian of the proceeds of the Bonds when sold and pay the same over only as the road approaches completion in accordance with the terms of the Trust Deed These Bonds are secured by a first and only mort gage on the Road Road Bed Rolling Stock includ ing Engines Cars Coaches Depots Lande ran chises and property of all kinds which the Company now own may hereafter possess Length of road 72 miles The Company have a paid up Capital of SI 000008 Amount of irst Mortgage Bonds and all that can be issued 1000 $700000 already sold The balance we now eflr for sale Business and stock in trade OR Any person wishing to engage in the retail Boot and Shoe trade located in Hampden county can learn full particulars by calling on Messrs CUTLER McINTOSH CO of Springfield Capital required about S5000 The present stock on baud is first class and will be sold at cost au20 7011 My house situated on Pleasant st Westfield It contains ten rooms besides closets kitchen and wood house The house is in first class repair lot 5x13 rods well stocked with fruit trees Terms easy Apply or call on WM TERRY No 59 Elm st Westfield Mass au20 )R In Meriden Ct a first class Machine Shop with a very complete equipment of Machinery Engine Boiler Tools Pat terns to employ 12 or 15 meu Most of the ma chinery was made to order for the present owner and is of the most approved patterns There is prob ably for its size no better shop In New England Must be sold by the first of November or particu lars address COOKE LOUNSBURY Agent West Mjeriden Ct SHIPPING TAGS Hook Tags GUMMED LABELS PRACKER BREAD and CAKE BAKE V1 RY OR SALE at Easthampton Mass Is now running two carts and doing a good business Will be sold cheap for cash Inquire of ALTHANZ SHEEDING 824 10d )R An interest in a light and profitable manufacturing business that can be d2ne by any worker in bra or iron and which is well protected by Letters Patent Address with real name MANUACTURER Springfield Post Office a nil THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN TUESDAYSEPTEMBER 28 1868 NEW ENGLAND NEWS HEMS Western lHaMnchnsetts DEATH REV DR WOODBRIDGE A telegram from his son in law IV Dickin son of Chicago informs us of the decease of Rev Dr John Woodbridge of Hadley which occurred on Sunday at Waukegan Wis Dr Woodbridge was formerly a cotemporary ot the late Dr Os good of this city and of other New England divines like himself widely known who went to heaven before him He was' born at Southampton December 2 1784 and died there fore at the ripe old age of 85 He was graduated at Williams college in 1804 and was ordained at Hadley June 20 1810 as the colleague of Rev Dr Samuel Hopkins son of Rev Samuel Hopkins of West Springfield Dr Hopkins died the follow in" year and Dr Woodbridge remained pastor of the church for twenty years during which time it enjoyed several revivals including a remark able one in 1816 when 187 persons were received into the church The whole number added daring his ministry in Hadley was 405 In 1830 he was dismissed to become pastor of the Bowery Presbyterian church at New York and subse quendy was settled in Bridgeport and New Hart tord Ct In 1842 he returned to Hadley and became tne tirst pastor me auwcu uuuivu i organized the year before and named after Rev John Russell the first minister of Hadley who died in 1692 Dr Woodbridge continued this re lation till 1857 when he was dismissed and we believe has not since been a settled pastor He married a daughter of Thomas Seymour ot Hartford and had nine children eight of whom were daughters Two of them married ministers Rev Dr Parsons Cook of Lynn and Elizabeth Rev Richardson of Chicago John Woodbridge the only son settled in Chicago as a lawver and no Jess than five of his sisters have made that city their home The boot business in Miltord is very dull and many hands are out of work Twenty nine brass bands will attend the con vention at Leominster to day and join in a monster concert The Worcester choral union has re elected Solon Wilder conductor for the ensuing year and will begin work on the oratorio of next week They hope to get up a chorus of 300 voices The Barre cattle show on Thursday will have a number of distinguished visitors Gov Claflin and Gen Underwood of his staff Judge Russell Oliver Warner John Gough Rev Murray and others will arrive in the afterenoon on the ancient coach in which Daniel Webster rode to Bane in 1840 drawn by an eight in hand team Ginery Twitchell handling the A procession of citizens will receive the guests on their approach to the village Henry I Higgins of Chester has bought Mar tin blacksmith shop in that place for csinn and will himself carrv on the business Prof Hitchco*ck of Amherst college goes to the wiU be hetd for five days HousflC runnel wivii uis btuiui ljusd mw week to collect specimens and examine the rocks lately reached Whiting Griswold of Greenfield has taken in William A Gile as his law partner The Greenfield Episcopalians have built this summer a parsonage for their rector Rev inch which is one of the finest dwelling houses in town and cost exclusive of the land $7500 It is situated just south of the church The cornorators of the Williamsburg and I UUulla llloO A WA uulu wmj Shelburne alls railroad will meet at the Conway himself for the professorship of music in the i TTT nJ rf loltou i 1 v'r'lrNolr 1 noitl UU HuUUUUdV) VclVUVi av a a Gill has only 13 deaths tins year and yet has just bought a new $400 hearse John Merrill of Gill and formerly of Hinsdale died Thursday from injuries received by being thrown from a wagon a few days before The Central and Mechanics National banks of Worcester divide 6 per cent each James Tavlor the swindler who operated on Harrington Morton of Millbury to the ex tent of about $10000 in selling their mowing machines in Vermont wat brought to Worces ter Sunday from St Albans where he has lately been jailed and a course of legal treatment will soon be instituted for his benefit Michael Halligan of West Brookfield was arrested on Thursday by Constable Horace Bush for stealing $50 from the house of Edwin Chase some two weeks ago and on riday was taken before Justice Duell and by him ordered to give bail in $3000 in default of which he was committed to Worcester jail co await trial at the next criminal court Halligan has long been suspected of being concerned in criminal transactions in West Brookfield The recent death of Mrs Jerome Baker of Ster ling excites suspicions of foul play if not of double murder and the affair is being officially investigated She died on the 10th inst at the house of Ellis and was buried the next day in bis garden The summer is ended yet the summer boarders at Lenox and Stockbridge are not all gone Some still remain at the hotel in the former town and the private boarding houses are not vacated Quite a number of the New York sojourners in Berkshire will help to make the wedding at the Pomeroy mansion in Pittsfield on Thursday the most brilliant occasion of the season At a meeting in the Westfield town hall on Saturday evening a military company was organized to participate in the exercises of the bi centennial celebration October 6 and the fol lowing were chosen as officers Captain Phincas Solomon 1st lieutenant Sherman 2d lieutenant Noble The other officers will be chosen at an adjourned meeting to night Thn nAmnnnv a tn ha Irnntrn ou tha Vpfnrnn Reserves oi were $239000 about $4000 of which came from Leonard Lyman brokers at Westfield have tr cxccuSveommittee of Boston peace tlle Willimantic campmeeting One train of cars purchased of Boswell Merriam his farm on inhike celebrated the completion of the enterprise going to that gathering had 23 heavily loaded Union street Rev Moors of Greenfield with bis wife tbc citJ govermcnt committees were in lrain ou a Braae will sail for Europe from New York to morrow vited gucstsin an a party of40 The Coliseum t0 bb nwrd of Iodvard sned Rev Charles A Allen ot Montpelier will supply was constructed iu 58i working days and cost Aiipn of that town in the New London his pulpit during his absence $102000 the decorations $10000 and the gas bcrt Allul at damn for There are twin sisters in Shelburne over sev and or rm S3300 each There were used superior court last week for $5000 damages for enty years of age who look exactly alike Their I nvl 400 000 feet of lumber twenty tons of slander and got $1 husbands are over seventy years old They have SeVCn of bolts six and half spikes Charles Stone a Nc truckmmi was both raised large families and are still hale and thirt Ofroofing paper and 15000 lights of glass Py liearty The total number of single work was equal Two thousand bushels of huckleberries have mianon whole lower portion oi Ina ooay paralyzed been picked in Sbutcsbury this year and the Clarence A Brown ot Brighton was bound Bandonioni end is not yet over in $300 bv United States Commissioner riday evening was postponed on account of the An excursion train of sixteen cars from ra toyn Monday for The larcTny of a sl('css of one of the company They were all iningham and the line of 'he Boston and Clinton Lr from nost office in that town The sick when they were here railroad visited the Hoosac tunnel Saturday an in life box it he took it 1110 Tolland county a ricnltural fair vil1 be eighteenth cattle show riday letter wu urowu ana ins nox out netooK it jed ijyde park Rockville Wednesday and went off satisfactorily with 81 entries of Xsed' Thp? Thursday and the races of the horse association 15 of horses 11 of swine and 16 ot poultry Rev 1 hL nally 1S nnPri50nmcnt lor tbrct will occur the week following A Horton delivered the address Lornas Stearns was arrested at Munches T1'e bred Hulburt latelv roadmaster on the Wor and committed for trial by the United Srand cester and Nashua railroad has accepted a simi court at Boston Saturday in default of Vllrt0" or lar position on the Lebanon Springs (NY) road iii tor isdr" 5(Xio'in scven tinrtv The rwenty fourtn Connecticut veterans or Ex Gov eldest son is engaged to a ganized a regimental association at Middletown daughter of the late Commodore A Stevens 1 Kte riday with Lieut Col Allison of Crom the Hoboken millionaire a lady who is ti wcnt thc na'me o( well president and Lieut Cbattaway of worth over a million in her own right The lovers Middletown secretary and appointed their next fi rst met in Europe and are still abroad United Stat tc of limft itior no Incetini at New Havcu September 9 1870 The The strike at Boston has been com tmn would have jiletely successful because the merchant tailors iieid ariiit him riday at Danbury They keep up the military lacked pluck and unity and the tailoresscs pan "Colbll'rn ecrk of the 8tntc Scnate organization and one of the speakers saiil amid taloon makers mostly propose now to foflow from 1830 to 1842 from 1844 to 1850 and from treine ndous that wlnn the last three suit They have raised their list of prices about 1R 1Sr4 vPbrwkn Citv Nev Sen men should come up for a reunion they were to 15 per cent and will strike unless it is accepted theage of about 70 be tbe coloael of the Worcester conventions A funny blunder was made by the managers he nhaii oinh By Telegraph to Tha Republican of one of the East Cambridge churches Sunday ofrbe American the and The ten hour staie convention called by thc who appointed the hour tor the immersion of A be it a field nine Saturday 49 to 7 factory operatives at all River met at Worces four candidates for church membership at the ea2ab ter Monday morning and was organized by the exact time of high water at New York instead of election cf Goodman of all River as at Boston The mistake was not discovered un 3haroL veil hoS chairman Resolutions were adopted pledging til the party arrived at the river and the cere and Cromwell holds a ow the members of the convention to secure by all mony had to be postponed until afternoon when 'authorize au 1 honorable means the enactment of a law probib it took place in the presence of an immense tl0a miniMfprg are aIi back from th eir iting the manufacturing corporations of thc crowd of spectators 1e a re commonwealth from employing females and mi The association of Universalists 1 oAhw nors more than ten hours per day and calling changed its name Sunday to the Mriden Driest in his 4un upon candidates for state offices in the coming assoiiation of the city of Dr Rowland aa state election to pledge themselves to the support Connor its pastor has preached 131 sermons yfrno services after noon nor ofsuchalaw A meeting was held in the even during the two years of thc exist unc ing when steps were taken for the formation of cnce attended 43 weddings and 82 funerals ssion If Catholics want tobe decently buried a state central committee and the convention Maine in Mei iden they must die according to the rules then adjourned Delegates to the convention to Only sl5 50 of the 527000 taken nt tbe New hiid down by ather Walsh be held at Worce ter to day were arriving in England fair at Portland was counterfeit A Rockville correspondent says of thc recent large numbeis from all sections of the state Calais subscribes $150000 in aid of the Knowl there: Dart lias not run They represent every mercantile interest The ton branch railroad away and is at home attending to his business eCe1Dtral c'mmlttee Wve in sessl0n tbc Daniel Wyman of oxcroft lately sold bis He had some money to raise last week and his Waldo house Monday mgnt trotting marc for $3000 mak visit away from home was forthat purpose He Eastern MaMacbuactu ing $5500 paid for two horses from that little was absent about twenty four hours twelve Through trains are again running on the Cape town within four weeks hours longer than he expected to be and the Cod railroad LakeScbago water was introduced into Port Holt excitement being up at that time the sto Tbe Guild piano manufacture has passed into land last week The lake is sixteen miles from ries about Mr Dart easily got afloat In regard the bands of the new firm of Guild Chase the city and 247 feet above tide water and has a to town affairs let me say that Mr Dart preseut the including George Hews and supply ample tor three times the present popula ed bills to the town and drew orders on those bills Cephas Church both practical manufacturers of tion of Portland which the auditors of this town refuse to allow extensive experience All the Lewiston mills arc running to their I aaj there thc matter The Boston workingmen are holding secret full capacity I Imore filibusters off montauk point meetings to perfect their organization Chief Justice John Apple ton of Bangor and Tlorftnh t0 The Rcnubliean and 11 Rand for the past fourycars Assistant Justice Ihekcrspu of Belfast have By Telegraph to The Republic an proprietors of tbe Parks house at Boston will been reappointed to their positions ou the eu The smack Lizzie Capt Moxley from Mon take possession of the new St Cloud hotel at New preme court bench tank Point arrived at New London Monday York October 1 criminal aews rePnTs a stcanier on Snn The Harvard divinity students arc clubbing to TpI rqnh to The Renubllean day receiving coal from a schooner alongside get eheai er board Bj Telegraph to Hie KepoMiean The names ot both the vessels were painted out Moses Bates has retired from tbe democratic I VCillioin Robinson who has been on trial aat) the steamer carried a heavy armament fllisccllancons GOODS? NEW DS A splendid assortment of Hair and ancy Goods of all descriptions The largest invoice of ashion able Hair Goods ever brought to this city Jut re ceived new andelegant Chignons Kraids Puffs Hair Switches LADIES TAKE NOTICE A complete assortmenr of the finest Shelf Combs and Bracelets Call and examine It will pay you II MONTAGUE jy20 No 77 Keith Main ft under Hotel WITH THE UTMOST SATISACTION I' RECOMMEND THESE IRST MORTGAGE LAI ROAD BONDS TO PARTIES SEEKING AND SAE INVESTMENTS AND W1LL NISH PAMPHLETS MAPS AND ALL INO ATION THAT MAY BE DESIRED TURNER BROS TANNER 00 INE rench Dress Goods (Among which are some of the very choicest novel ties of the season) TO BE OUND IN THE CITY McKMGHT NORTOM A HAWLEV Direction Labels TURNER BROS 14 NASSAU ST TANNER GO BANKERS Ko 49 WALL ST NEW YOBK iscal Agents of the Company Springfield Tneday September 2S 'SPRIEGIELD AND VICINITY Morris minstrels appear at the house this evening Chestnuts made their appearance in map ket yesterday If this cold weatn a continues nuts will shortly be plenty Capt A Clary has been dctaclied from ordnance duty at the Charic navy yard and placed on waiting orde The Chicopee National has decared a dividend of six per cent out of tl)0 last half earnings payable nex Monday Mr Harris teil the scientific associa tion to night nat saw California The meeting will held at Institute hall Rev Mr Eustis of the Memorial church will perform shOrt service to morrow morning which 'will deprive him of one of the young ladies who sings in his choir AnnH er nf horses rushed up Main street yesterday afternoon smashing awheel near the depot and then running into his own quarters without doing further damage The excitement in gold or something else last week set all the farmers crazy and on bringing in their butter Saturday they demand ed and obtained an advance of five cents a pound cai tying up the retail price from 50 to 55c But the trouble is that whereas gold has gone down where it was before butter at the higher price Good tub butter however can still be obtained for 48c The Ames company at Chicopee have just completed ani shipped a large order for silver ware for the corner of Thirty first street and Broadway New York The ware cost $12000 and is one of the best made in the country Everything served at the hotel is to be served on silver and the whole set consists of over 800 pieces in all The water ceoler to stand in the rotunda holds over 12 gallons and is the largest silver one in the country The effect of such a collection of superb ware artistically ar ranged is very fine The law term of the supreme court commenced yesterday afternoon with Chief Justice Chap man and his four associates upon the bench ive cases in which the commonwealth was plaintiff against the following parties were taken up: Mary A Hurley James Maley Michael Hallam George Robertson and John Lawler The following cases also had a hearing: Inhabitants of Palmer against Dr Horace Wakefield of Monson Charles A Winchester against Daniel Charter and wife Hartford live stock insurance company against A Matthews of Longmeadow Samuel Chapin against Caroline Kelly and LeviP Roland against John Bangs of this city No decision's are announced We invite special attention to the program ot Theodore concert on Thursday eve ning which is printed elsewhere in this paper It is capitally made up and furnishes enough va riety to be sure of suiting every taste There are three overtures and that magnificently gloomy Alle gretto in seventh symphony Web "Invitation to the scored by Hector Burlioz afantgsie for the zither an instrument rarely heard here and numerous other gems including that etherial reverie of which has occasioned so much delight at the previous Thomas concerts Alto gether we regard the program as richer and finer than any Mr Thomas has ever presented in Springfield The sale of reserved seats will be gin at this morning EQUINOCTIAL WEATHER Probably there will be no incredulous sneerers at the equinoctial storm this year no one tocall its reputation haphazard and traditional for the lusty onset of wind and rain which dashed skies and earth together through Sunday and into the young week must have drowned any heretical doubts That was an orthodox old storm The day was save for one word depicted long ago in melody of "Tbe day is cold and dark and dreary It rains and the wind is never The night was tempestuous the water drove down fiercely before the strong howling gale the trees shook their branches with the dirge ot the summer moaning through them all signs betokened change Slowly the grey clouds grew blue the near clouds grew distant the warm wind failed before the cold and in the morning chill autumn reigned The northwest wind grew colder through Monday and at night overcoats and shawls were donned of necessity The northern aurora shone quite brilliantly in the evening presaging frost rosts are seasonable now and not to be grumbled at for the sun has crossed the celestial equator and shines each day more briefly upon us CITY COUNCIL MEETING The board of aldermen with two members missing met last night and transacted the follow ing business: Permission was granted to enter sewers with private Dr Hurlburt the Vernon street arrar the Elliot street I Leonard the ranklin street Michael Cur tis the Willow street These petitions were properly referred Hiram Kendall to enter with drain the Worthington street sewer A Spencer and others to enter a new sewer between ort and Hampden streets Rufus Chase and others for a brick walk on the south side of Cen tral steet from Maple to Mill street and on the north side from Spruce to Mill street Shaw to use a portion of Water and Court streets ii vnfawnA Vin mavni nnrl Al WUUV UUllUHA 1LIU1LU VUV 1HUJVA UUU derman Dwight) Charles Rogers to move a shed through Chestnut and Worthington streets to Ringgold street (referred to Alderman Marsh with power) Train and others for a gas light on Walnut street at the corner of Oak and Union streets George Bliss was given power to cut manv shade trees as he pleased opposite his bouse on Chestnut street Henry Hubbard was granted permission to cut a shade tree on Pearl street Thomas Beals was appointed weigher of coal and licensed to run six truck teams A communication from the county com missioners in reference to the new road from Plainfield street and appointed a meeting of all interested at Demond's October 25 was re ferred to the supervisors The petitioners for the removal of Skinner from the police force were granted another week to make out specific charges The establishing of the lines on Con gress street was postponed one week for the preparation of a plan of the street The report of the special committee in reference to tlie city hospital recommending the sale of the Central street property (unfit for a building site) and the purchase of the Ray property on the Boston road for a sum not exceeding $4750 was accepted 'Ihe council amended this order by striking out thesaleof the Central street property Thc al dermen accepted tiie amendment and sent back an order authorizing the mayor to sell the Cen tral street property which was immediately laid upon tbe table by the council Subsequently both branches authorized ihe special committee on tiie citv hospital to expend not more than $2000 iu fitting up the Raj property The re port of tbe committee on sidewalks in favor of building new walks rn both sides of Carew street 6 feet wide and 2670 feet from Main street and of relaying the walks 7 feet wide on State street from Maple to School streets was adopted and sent down The report of the committee on lighting streets recommending the placing of new gaslights in the following places was ac cepted Corners of Holyoke and ulton streets Worthington and Water Pine and lorence Hanco*ck and lorence two on Pearl Carew street and Hanco*ck street opposite Spruce street An order authorizing the city marshal to cut off the drains of Tilly Haynes from his blocks was laid upon the table and a hearing in the case or dered The board adjourned until to morrow evening when the horse railroad will have a hearing The common council concurred in all orders sent down with tbe exception of the one pre viously mentioned concerning the Central street property and originated the following orders: Tbe petitions of Carter and others for a gaslight on the corner ot Bradford and ulton streets was properly referred of Henry Gray and ol hers for a hydrant near the corner of Ly man and Spnng streets was referred to tbe com mittee of the fire department as was also that of Walker and others for a better protection against fire on Water street from remont to Gardner streets of McKniglit and others lor establishing a grade of curbing stones on the north side of State street from Hanco*ck all 1 referred properly The order concerning Alarv Keating the detained witmss was laid on ine tabic and the council adjourned' for one week GEO KINGSBURY furnishes Lots and Builds Houses wood or brick in or or out of the city and gives long payments desired Also buys Sells and Exchanges Houses arms and Building Lots Office hours 900 a 130 and 7 jl 192 Main st pARM COUNTRY SEAT The place occupied by the late Wm oster situ ated in Agawam three miles from the Springtield City Hall comprising about tliirtv five acres of the best quality of Connecticut River Valley land under a high state of cultivation and abundantly stocked with fruit trees of all descriptions The house is modem Gothic containing eleven rooms fine barn and outbuildings complete The location Is a very desirable one either for a country residence or for the purpose of market gardening Price $12000 or further particulars inquire of RICE ULLER S10 Springfield Mass pOR SALE One of the most valuable farms in West Spring field Mass containing about one hundred acres of choice land suitably divided into tillage and pastur ing good buildings and in good repair three good barns carriage house and out buildings a good two story house a choice young orchard running water te house and barns The farm can easily be made to cut one hundred and fifty tons of hay The farm is well adapted for a milk farm and raising tobacco Laying 4 miles from Springfield on the main road to Westfield it being a part of the Jude Ludington farm Well watered Also fifty acres of heavy timber consisting of otfk and chestnut the finest lot of timber in the state four miles from Springfield A WHITNEY Westfield Aug 1 869 au1 6md tinder false Old Colony Sentinel at Plymouth which has al Portland was imme passed into the ownership of an gJton trial for bigamy and plead guilty will hereafter be run as a republican paper itfl diateiy Hampshire ATteefm free whSas stood in the old War MATTerS at Dartmouth i ren estate at Roxbury for a century and a halt correspondent writes as follows from Han andon which it is said Gen Warren hung his Dartmouth college begins its second cen scythe when he left his swath for the revolution der favorable auspices anl with fair ary army was cut down on riday it having Jgpects for the future A freshman class become ro decayed os to be dangerous numbering about ninety six besides thirty in Rev William Wright pastor of the Berkley gcientlfic department adds much to the life street church at Boston on Saturday received a institution Never within out tneWory present from a few members of his church of a 1 becn such general good and fine horse and buggy with harness robes and nas exhibited between the vatfdls classes complete outfit A young man drove the team denartmen's as at present No contests be to Mr door and handing him the pres The 60Phom*ores and iWhtnen occur to entation letter walked away leaving the pastor prevailing harmony The freshman completely surprised But wasnt that a sensi his ane and tall hat with no fear of haz ble way to do it? while the sophom*ores look on acquiescent The Chariestown Odd eUows Young Mens tjmehonorcd game is now a Christian association and Abraham Lincoln post of tbe tlje facuty having forbidden it of the Grand Army of the Republic will each ait07ether so that the only game played here dedicate new halls this week now is base ball and that only in a limited de Rev Mr Reed of Malden has good reason to The gucce5sfui and pleasant manner in believe in the efficacy ot prayer He considered centennial passed off has given the the expenditure of $10000 on the old church stronger hopes and renewed zeal in her edifice a poor way to dispose of money and Tie active cooperation of the alumni to hoped Lord would lay the whole thing sustaja aad build her up is already making its The big gale did the business and left a sustain ana that the fond wreck worth for kindling wood about $500 wjshes friends will be The Boston Commonwealth says that state compjsjedi Tie ground for the agricultural Senator Samuel Crane of Suffolk will proba uidipo js iaij Out the contracts have been let bly be run again for that office and that his ho that wilhin iess than a year it name is favorably mentioned for the presidency completed The location is pleasant and of that body There will doubtless be several will ne satisfactory A fine piece of move names mentioned for the same has been obtained for experimental farm place before the time comes for filling it but we ir gtarted this depart do not know that any will be more worthy ot of great value support John Hovt a workman in the Portsmouth Danvers has advertised for proposals lor a dropped dead on Saturday monument TbeJ St Crispins in the Wallace factory at George Springer the German awaiting tna ave struck against a decrease of for attempting to throw a train off thc Lowell bb and Lawrence railroad track last May hung wa es widely known business man himself in bis cell in the Lawrence jail Sundav and proprietor of night He made a similar attempt in June and bairdye died at the McLean asylum for the in would have been tried next month ay iday week He bad been Katie Murphy and Maggie isher the "female sane wiiDorv at Savin hill Dorchester had anotaer of Alexandria last week drank match for $150 a side Saturday which was won 'nutes 74 of the largest eggs that by Kate could be fished out of 200 dozen weighing Three persons have died suddenly South and equal no common eggs He Hinghatn within a short Mrs Joshua Tur eatq 125 eggs and ought to be al ner from paralysis Mrs Hosea Whiting from t139 attemPt heart disease and Hosea Whiting suicide by lowed Pensb Hazing is worse than ever at Harvard and the The Burlington ree Press says: fine Boston Traveller declares that such abuses and weather of the week past has substantially saved breaches of the peace if subject to civil law the corn crop in Vermont what there is of it would loctee half the in the house of cor in this region the crop is a light one perhaps not rection in one week Why shouldn't they be over half a crop On the whole however the subject to civil law we should like to know farmers have little to complain of this season The state board of education will hold teach Hay and the great staple of the state ers' institutes at Province town Haverhill have been very heavy Wheat was never better Holmes Hole Northampton Hinsdale and North and potatoes are an abundant crop Adams durinz October and November Each Col Charles Joyce of Rutland declines to A I I AM TA IZZVW be a candidate iur bucaaei ui iul numc The books of the fair at Boston resentatives and recommends Mr Grandey ot now contain over 1500 entries more than a third Vergennes of which have been made since the opening The state convention of Yeung Mens Chrts The Cape Cod cranberry crop will be a fair tian associations will meet at Rutland October one but prices have fallen off from last year 19 and 20 from $16 to $20 per bushel to $10 Harwick will Henry Read of Brattleboro is going to sue the gather 12000 barrels this year against 9000 last New London Northern railroad company tor I year injuries received from a drunken brakeman dur Prof Campbell the well known blind ing the recent excursion from that town to New teacher of tbe blind in the South Boston insti London tution has latelv sailed for Germany to perfect Hezron Smith has been appointed postmas I XT ri A1T rv rk I cislQ rr I LV i ter at iiuriu itxuuu llu iu vauw collegiate course now being organized Prof Davis resigned Bi Campbell has been an instructor in the instita Mrs Martha Washburn who died at Reading tion for ten years and goes abroad at its ex Saturday week was 100 years and eight months pense old and was the second white female child born Curtis tbe nose pulling aristocrat nbw in Windsor in Suffolk jail is treated like other prisoners of Solomon Emmons a prominent citizen of less consequence He is allowed to see his family Woodstock died a few days since from in onceaweek and employs his leisure hours in juries received by a fall in his barn His funeral I amateur mechanics and ornamental whitewash sermon was preached by Elder Jasper Haven by ing whom he wasmarried 49 years and nine months Easthampton has thus far succeeded in secur before ing first class lecturers for the coming season Bhode Island Among the number are Wendell Phillips Charles rank Brown was arrested at Providence Sumner red Douglas Rev Dr Chapiu and Kate Saturday for stealing a horse from John ield ii I Whittier Boston and confessed his guilt The first of the new senes of Harvard Lowell The horse was rcc()Vered in South Providence base ball matches was easily won Saturday by fhe petry bouse at Newport including the the Harvards 39 to 16 opera house and the Commodore Perry estate Rev George Hcpworth delivered a farewell were sold at allctiOn Saturday to Henry Bull discourse in the Boston theater Sunday evening jor ggo ooo or $4672 above the mortgage which to an audience of 4000 persons compelled the sale The property and its im The strike at Boston has becn complete Drovements cost the late proprietor over $100 lysuccessful because the merchant tailors lacked gQ0 pluck and unity and customers will have to pay Mistaking poison for medicine killed higher prices lor ciotuing Cornwell of Portsmouth one day last week Gen Sylvanus Thayer of South Braintree has Eljjah pearce of NewpOrt a man 80 years added $20000 making $60000 in all tohisen old as asseSRCd $1150 damages last week for dowmentof the Thayer school of civil engineer assault and battery on his son in law James ing at Dartmouth college Pe irce SO Pollard has recovered $17958 of the town William Corey cashier of the National of Woburn for injuries received in 1867 in a Exchange bank of Providence which is troubled street which was obstructed and disorganized to witb a jjttle of $10000 or $25000 allow thc moving of a building Moral: Can our bag resijnC(i city authorities see it? Connecticut The Catholic charity coQcerf at tbennoston The Hartford Courant reads the insurance Coliseum Sunday was attended by 40000 peo companieSt proposing soon to build in that city pie and the receipts are timaul at $20000 A I csgon on architecture and advises a return to chorus ot 400 voices and an orchestra of 100 in Gothic style for stoue buildings as far more struments furnished the music nnl hcutifnl than the Gretian Taylor of Lowell won the walking iUH Green the Utcbfield wife match for $225 at the park in that city Satur poisonert wa3 convicted last week of murder in day beating William Alley and A II White of gecond degree) and on Saturday took up his Lynn and making 21 miles in four hours and abode jn the state prison where he will remainllblrew tbe 1 th mile fortbe restof his natural life unless pardoned and White on tne 21st 1 wnQ first convicted of murder in the first de One of the most exciting races ever trotted on iianm" bv setting a new the Riverside park occurred on ridav and Sat but escaIcl etung a new LJ! fX passenger oarningsforlhepasteixiBonths trotted and the best time was 231 The executive committee of the Boston peace by a big dinner at thc St James hotel riday to which the city government committees were in vited in all a party of 40 Tbe Coliseum was constructed in 58i working days and cost $102000 the decorations $10000 and the gas fixtures and organ $3500 each There were used over 2400000 feet of lumber twenty tons of nails seven of bolts six and a half of spikes thirty of roofing paper and 15000 lights of glass The total number of single work was equal to 12000 Clarence A Brown of Brighton was bound over in $300 by United States Commissioner Hallett at Boston Monday for the larceny of a letter from the post office in that town The letter was and in his box but he took it in Rn illegitimate manner after the office was closed The penalty is imprisonment for three years Thomas Stearns was arrested at Manches ter and committed for trial by the United States court at Boston Saturday in default of $50000 bail tor passing $5000 in seven thirty counterfeit United States bonds on a firm in State street nearly two years ago At that time he went under the name of Thomas Carter The arrest was made just in time for by the United States statute of limitations no indictment returned alter Monday would have held against him Charles Colburn clerk of the state Senate from 1830 to 1842 from 1844 to 1850 and from 1853 to 1854 died at Nebraska City Nev Sep tember 12 at the age of about 70 A funny blunder was made by tbe managers of one of the East Cambridge churches Sunday who appointed the hour for the immersion of four candidates for church membership at the exact time of high water at New York instead of at Boston The mistake was not discovered un til thc party arrived at the river and the cere mony had to be postponed until afternoon when it took place in the presence of an immense crowd of spectators The association of changed its name Sunday to the asso flatten of the city of Dr Rowland Connor its pastor has preached 131 sermons during the two years of the association's exist A TIN AND STOVE BUSINESS OR SALE in the pleasant village of Coleraine 'Ihe subscriber wishing to go West offers for eale bis tin and stove business shop tools stock Also one good cottage house barn and au excellent garden and about 2 acres of land The above property will be sold at a bargain It is a paying business and a rare chance and one not often met with and is as good a locality ae there is to be found in western Massachusetts s8 24d PHILO MARSH JJOTEL AND URNITURE OR SALE TTOME LIE INSURANCE COMPANY MUTUAL 254 Broadway Assets $2000000 Assumd Member Organization strictly KlB9jj'gprjAssis' Advantages to PolicyHoH9 0LCrroETTH PresW' Agents Wanted on Liberal Terms Suitings Cloakings Silks and Shawls NOW OPENING aax TINKHAM CO AS THE ALL TRADE IS ULL! COMMENCED We are now prepared to offer the Jnsnronre SPRINGIELD IRE AND MARINE INSURANCE) CHARTER A CAPITAL $500000 ASSETS OS 1 diroetobb: Edmund reeman Chester Chapin Daniel Harris Marvin Chapin Edward Southworth William Birnie lion A Hull WaitstiH REEMAN SMITH Yice Sanford Hall Secretary.

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.