The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN TUESDAY MAY 12 1868 Amusem*nts myll 2d 'JTuesday lay Auction Sales Cet GUIDE financial parses anb (Etimagcg OR One pair Work Horses four single Horses KIBBE BROS CO my5 I Hit hore Jitif) unit 1111 tip's (Elotljing my9 3d jl '68 Henry uller Jas Russell 8700 800 750 1000 OR RENT One or two Rooms on the 2d floor of our Block suitable for offices (or some light business) The rboms are large 20x30 feet en trance commodious and convenient to the head of the most desirable rooms in Union Block sit uated in the center of business Also large rooms in the 4th story with power for light business requir ing a liberal amount of room Access from the front with elevator in rear Inquire of H8 KIBBE BROTHERS CO MARRIED At Pittsfield 11th by Rev Dr Wentworth Ed ward Joses and Abvilla Noble At Athol 30th ult Philip Piedalle and Aarv Dr URY At Amherst 4th Lewis Cobb and Licina HAt South Halifax Vt 5th Joseph S'Barxes of Heath and J1AKY JAXE Roberts of Coleraine At t'harlemont 29th ult Ralph Phillips ot Ash field and Maria Wildbb At Bernardston 29th ult 11 McElroy of Mid dlesex Vt and Mary A Athertos Trains Leave Mprinsficld Daily as ol lows or the East (Worcester Boston 210n (express) 715 a (way) 1130 a m( way) 145 pm (express) 4 tn (way) 830 in (express) Sunday nights 1010 in (way) or the West (Westfield Pittsfield Albany 1220 a 615 a (freight with passenger car to Pittsfield) 9 a 1215 in 615 all way or the North (Holyoke Northampton Green field Vermont and 8 a 2 m630 all way or Holyoke and Northampton in addi tion 12 in 850 or Holyoke in farther addi tion 910 a ni 405 or Chicopee Center and Chicopee alls 715 a 10 am 12 20 ni315 550 or the South (Hartford New Haven and New 7 am (wav) 1040 a (Hartford way) 12 (express) 220 (way) 510 in (Hartford way) 6 (express) 830 (way connecting at New Haven with steamer for New York) 12 midnight (express) Sunday nights 1025 (express) or Pittsfield and North Adams Road via 9 a 1215 tn oil New London Northern Road via Palmer South and North 715 a in 145 South in addition 4 pm or Worcester and Nashua and Providence RcAPS via Worcester 715 a in 145 in oil Hartford Providence and ishkill road via West 7 a 220 pm East 7 a 12 510 ip or New Haven and Northampton road via North 12 15 in Trains Leave for Springfield Daily ns PAPER MILL AT AUCTION Will be sold at auction on the premises nearLou il villein the town ofNorthamptonMasson Wednes day the 20th dav of May next at 12 co*ck noon a Paiier Mill with all its machinery and water privi lege a snug cottage dwelling with about acres ot land on which is some valuable timber JOHN RIDER CO Northampton Mass za 1YHE SPRINGIELD IVE CENTS JL SAVINGS BANK Banking Room No 2 Court street Hampden House Block north side of Court square Business hours from 9 to 1 and 2 to 3 Joseph Pynchon President Vice Presidents: Willis Phelps A Chapin Aaron Bagg Bond Daniel Marsh Treas'r vaniei ryiicuuii Thos Warner Jr Wm Smith David Smith ii i MOO inirun jl OR In West Springfield one mile from Springfield Bridge a Cottage House hav ing eleven rooms cellar an acre of land garden orchard stable or terms apply to HOMER ELY Jr West Springfield Mass my9 Cd DIED Tn this city 10th Sadie sight 5 Bry uneral kt 29 West Union street to day at 4 o'clock Relatives and friends are invited to attend In this city 10th Willie rank 8 months only child of Chapman At Chicopee' 11th Mary 71 wire of Jahleel uneral at on ront street to morrow (Wednpsday) at Rulatnes and friends are invited to attend At Ilinghani 7th Rev Silas 5V Riple 60 New York 7th Dr Horace Wheeleu as sistant physician of the Bloomingdale insane asylum At Chicago 10th Major A Bareness 9 son of Nathan Harkness of Worcester and of the late 57th Massachusetts regiment At Boston 9th Prudence 80 widow of acon James Loring: 10th Abigail 85 widow of Jonathan Cummings of Leominster AtGreenfield 4tlq Margaret 58 wife of Timothy McDonald At Montague 29th ult Ebenezer 1 Barnard Athol 3d Morgan Young 47 At Warwick 2d Willard orbes 57 At Milo Me Theophilus Sargent 81 the pio neer settler of the town At Wellington 30th ult Ephraim Miller V4 formerly of Chester Mass At Whitefield Me 3d Enoch Heath 84 At Augusta Me 4th William Andrews 8 Pawtucket 10th Mrs Sarah Simpson 80 Killingworth Ct 2d Mrs Margery Lord 8i By two single gentlemen a fur nished front room and board in a private fam ily on Main st or some street west of it betwren Bliss and remont sts Address Box 1172 11 2d SPRINGIELD INSTITUTION OR IO Incorporated A 1827: Banking Room New Building corner of Main and State streets first floor Receives Deposits and pay interest on sums from One to One Thousand Dollar JOSIAH HOOKER President WILCOX Vice President Henry Lee Shurtleff Benj Day Josiah Hooker Wil cox Thompson Stebbins William Gunn Henry Lee jl OR The Third loor of the irst National Bank of Northampton building lately occupied by for Photographic Rooms Ap ply to HENRY ROBERTS Cashier Northampton May 5 1868 my6 steady muscovado coffee dull and heavy Maracaibo 16Jc spirits turpentine firmer at 54'ei oils quiet petroleum quiet and firm crude IJc rt lined bonded 31c Neic York 11th receipts 5161 beeves 104t sheep and lambs and 21695 hogs beeves were actni with onlv a moderate demand at higher prices ''jm sales of extra at 19c prime ISji 18Jc fair to good 1 17'c inferior and ordinary 15! yllijc sheep ami imbs 1c higher under the receipts and Mer quickly disposed of at 610Jr: hogs depressed by liberal offerings with sales at 9gl0c At Liverpool cotton dull witli sales of 7000 baba at unchanged prices breadstuff and provisions dun corn 38s 9d lard 69s 6d peas 47s 6d No lady in justice to herself should purchase a rich dress or shawl without first consulting our stock as it has never been equaled for magnificence and va riety in this city One priceand no deviation McKnigIit Norton Hawley AV Board and Lodging will be giv en to an honest young man as compensation for watching the Union House from 10 pm to 4' a myll 3d PAINTERS 2 or 3 goodH Painters wanted Good wages Pay every Sat urday COLTON West Springfield Jlassa" chusetts nivllSd ROOMS TO our single gentlemen can find ftirnished rooms at No 6 Crossett Ave nue myll 2d Remnants of fancy cassimeres for sale at the office of my factory on Mill IJver in this citv wool and wood taken in exchange for cloth Second mill above mill th tall chimney K1M TO irst Store north of the Ex change Hotel entrance Any party wishing to hire can do so without purchasing tlie goods now in it myll 3d YVALKEK The propertv described below will be sold al public auction Tuesday May 12th at 2 pm: ARM STOCK TOOLS RAVAND TOBACCO IN WEST SPRINGIELD Situated about one and a half miles west oi Mit tineague and about four miles from Springfield and contains about forty acres of land is suit ably divided into mowing pasturing and tillage laud suitable for any crop a man wishes to raise There are upwards oi one hundred and titty large ap ple trees some of them very nice fruit besides a young orchard of the finest varieties known also a nice pear orchard of one hundred or more trees just coining into bearing besides all the smaller fruits such as cherries curarnts gooseberries and a line lot of grape vines There is a large two story old fashioned brown house back kitchen and wood shed hen house ice house all filled and a barn 45x42 with cellar under the whole of it nine feet deep the walls made solid witli lime and cement also a good cow house about forty feet long 1 ossession given immediately tine half ot the purchase money can remain on bond and mortgage if required or further particulars inquire of STEER on the premises A Rand nyl By Telegraph to The Republican The money market at New 1 ork Monday was quiet and steady without decided change The sup 1 ply was abundant and loans were readily effected at from 6 to 7 per cent The government securities were in good demand many orders being received from the country to purchase and the conversions ot seven thirties still being large The foreign de mand for United States securities wns also strong and active in spite of the decline of five twenties in Lon don The gold market was active aud unsettled in consequence of the suspense at ashington ami there was a growing disposition to discount on the acquittal of the president The stock market was also fluctuating and the whole list suffered a decline from Saturday's prices At Boston 11th Boston Hartfordand Erie railroad 14J 15 Boston and Providence 139it Old ololy and Newport 9292 Cheshire preferred fib North ern 11 120 Ogdensburg ami Lake Champlain boj W64 Philadelphia Wilmington and Baltimore ob Indianapolis and Cincinnati United statesine tWt Abool'erRlltii American gold 13SW 40 United States coupon sixes (1881 113 jl 13l mted States live twenties (1862) 109 (1864) 107 (1865) 10i (1865 new 1091 (1867) 109j United Statestemforties ICo United States seven tliirties 107) Missouri sixes 89 Tenues see sixes 67 North Carolina sixes b4J New York Central railroad 127? Erie 68? Hudson River 135j lleadiiig 901 Michigan Central 118 Michigan south ern and Northern Indiana 83J Illinois Central 14o Cleveland and Pittsburg 83 Cleveland and Toledo Chicago Hock Island and Pacific 94j Chicago Northwestern 66? Chicago and North western preferred 76? Pittsburg ort Wayne aud I hicago Hartford an Erie 14J Milwaukee and bt laul nreierred 74? Adams express company AmeAcan 54 Union 30J Western nion telegraph company 37? Pacific mail steamship com innv91i Cumberland coal company preferred o2 Canton 501 quicksilver 28j Boston water nth consols 94riHl United States five twenties 70j Illinois Central railroad ib Erie 45Atra7iArfllthUnited States five twenties 73J i Utt flour state and western dull ldw soui i II uu 1385: wheat without de and sn)tq 0T Chicago spring No 1 at Nos 1 2 miked 2 41 witii iiesofnew mixed wi'steni at slli Al i i 18'(1 oats a shade firmer with sales at R7lc beri quiet pork firmer with sales owstniat8itc fl drooping with is'iWlr bntmfquict Ohio 3840c state 40 sales vt middling uplands ut lli nw quiet sugar TERMS THE REDUDLICAy S3 a 11 copies by mail S80 Semi S4 a year 10 copies by mad Weekly 10 copies by mail 21 denies ADVEBTISLNG Ztaity Six lines or half an inch 50 cents for one insertion and 39 tor each aodi lwai twelve linos or uih djmi Aoilc' iineisandflOceuO twelve lines ond 75 conts Business Notices ceut a Iiimj Births mmiages and deaths 25 cents Semi II eekln One inch t21nes) or less75 cents for it "sertion aiid 39 cents subsequent ''1eentsa line eack insertion special notices oc busi uess nctices 30c SAMUEL BOWLES COMPANY Publishers THE EVENING a daily afternoon paper cf Telegraphic News Public Opinion Literature Lo cal aud General is also published at the effioo of The Springfield Republican by 11 Sterns aud Edward King Contents entirely dis tinct from The Republican h'nceTwo Cents serv ed by carriers or nt by mail 12 cents a week or aOceuts amiojitli jins rt5 ITIHE BEST hirst class Carte de Visits and Photographs very cheap roofisliown minutes Portraits ih Crayon Ink Oi yncboB Bank Block lEollows rom Boston 5 a 7 a 830 a 230 439 830 Sunday nights 630 rom 635 a (wav) 905 a in (way) 1005 a (express) 11 a (freight and passenger) 4 ni (express) 615 ni (way) 10 nr (ex press) Sunday nights 8 in from Palmer 813 am 1043 a 1130 a 518 753 11 30 in Sunday nights 922 rom Albany 630 a in 950 a (express) 4 in 910 rom Pittsfield 852 a 1140 a (express) 551 1139 pm rom 1050 a 109 735 27 night rom Brattleboro 427 a (express) 850 am (way) 320 (way) rom 515 a 948 a in 417 rom 553 a in 558 a 1039 a 125 in 508 in rom 622 a 955 a 1104 a 149 435 pm 532 rom Chicopee 750 a 10 35 a 105 pi 355 620 And from Chicopee Center CRfiti titllll i ininutes later rom New York 8 fi m( 1215 (i 8 fOl jjew 755 a (way) 1055 a ni (ex Pf'ss) 315 (way) 605 jj ni (express) 810 mjsteamboat train) 1115 ill (express) rom Hariford 1240a in 6 a in (Way) 930 a in (way) 1220 in (express) 2 hr wy 445 (way) 730 (express) 94o (way) rom Amherst via 615 a nv k) a rom New London via 5 ni 8 a 150 rom Providence via Worcester 20 a in 114a a ni 405 rom Nashua via 710 a 12 in 5 rom Willimantic via 620 a 9o0 a 435 rom aterbury via Hartford S05 a 340 in somebody that they will not do as it is hinted chosen annually have that through that so me do ay personal influence they will lie turned out or office It is claimed tliiit the plan proposed works admirably in New York though we do not lejirn that it has received a practical tnal incities of smaller size Astrong effort is mak ing to introduce it in Boston! hut solar vitn doubtful result The Boston bill contains one feature which certainly ought to be embodied in I the Springfield bill the people cither directly I or through their representatives the city gov ernment should have a chance to cay whether jthev will a' cept the proposed mendu ent to their charter As the bill now stands it proposes to alter city charter without so much I a by yoT i' leave but wc uadcrstuid that an amendment to submit the matter Le the city council willbe proposed at once CHICOPEE MATTEJS8 The perfivmance of Nights: in a Bar room and and under the auspices of Crystal lolge of Good Templars postponed from last vvegl will take place at Cabe' hall Chicopee this evening The Chicown Univcrsalist society have given a call to Rev Mr owler late of Kendall s1 ills Me to become their pastor The selectmcr of Chicopee have drawn Joi eph Buckingham and Chat les Styles grand jurors and George Houghton Charfes llow ard and Roland'i Oakes traverse jurors for the Mar term oi me vupenui vuuii In the Chicopee police court Monday Albert Tolman Daniel Crjme Jeremiah Sullivan George Shaw and Patrick av paid lines tor drunken ness Charles Kelley a member of Lent circus was sent down for the same offense and Owen Reed for disturbing the peace was ordered in the same direction Edward Stuart was lined for target shootiRg on Chicopee bridge on Sunday witich sum le raise and was sent down Tliis shooting of pistols on Sunday which hasb eeonie very common in some parts ot the village cf late is hereafter to be made expen sive to those who it Capt Jesse Stevens rnd George A Crocket of Lewiston Me have charge of the repairs being made de the mills of the Dwight manufac turing company at Chicopee Upwards of 8000 persons attended the perform ance of circus at Chicopee last Satui day NE EN GLAND NEWS ITEMS Western yiassaehnsetls Several new residences will be built this season on Day avenue a new way in Westfield lead south from Court to Chestnut street The two lots at the head worth nearly S2000 each are owned one by Colton the other by John Reed who will not build this season Be low them nearly every lot is purchased and houses will be erected by Knowles Griggs Greene and A Latham At the footof the avenue and on Chestnut street Lambson has nearly completed a beautiful resi dence that will cost The ladies of the Unitarian society in Brook field will hold a fair and festival in the vestry of1 A1 rv nunnimi Thn TH''I llicir HCAV VUUlVUy WUWUVH cecds will te devoted towards the completion of their new church The cemetery at Williamstown among its quaint old monuments has one in memory of the right honorable Chartier Marquis de Lotbiniere who died at New York in 1798 and was buried in Some of the stones in the cemetery besides the usual inscrip tions and have cut upon them with many flourishes and embellishments their names thus Pike Sculp which is a very unique way to Jad venisc to say the least The Williams college Vidette began its second volume on Saturday enlarged in form and greatly improved in matter College newspapers 'at best are never very lofty or very successful efforts in the journalistic art but the Vidette is working itselt up to a high place among these publications and is becoming a fair and credita ble exponent of the life and sentiment of old Williams The address before the Adclphic union at 11 nftiipi't the Monday before commencement wdil year by Collector Thomas Russel of Boston The people of Williamstown have formed an esthetic society the chief purpose of which is to improve and ornament the streets and surround ings of that already beautiful village The presi dent of the association is Prof Albert Hopkins and the women ns well as the men have a voice in its management The annual meeting will be held sometime in the summer in Mission park whinan address and poein from some distin guished men will be delivered fl A TrnvIN YA 11IU CimillCUl 111 NXUUU VI tnv aiwj polytechnic institute visited the Hoosac tunnel und spent two days in its examination last week At the time when the railroad was proposed from Greenfield to the state sinking fund at lloOsae mountain the various towns along the route agreed to liW in thereof sums accord ing to their valuaffon When the work Charlemont petitioned Gen should be so changed as to run along side of thd river ns it would accommodate as well and la" Jutact their valuable fartnsne general anxious to please finally agreed to alter his plans in that way When 0 ments from the towns were collected was not a little taken aback when Cnarleinont refused to pay claiming that the route had been changed from the origin il SiWvey This is almost worse than Berkshire she rp practice During April l369 f38 pounds of freight ere transported from Greenfield by railroad to Shel burne alls and 1500 tickets sold thither from the latter place i The Congregational society at Conway are to make extensive repairsand alterations on their church this season Jli'Valkot New York being thAir Dr Charles Williams for 37 years postmaster and town clirk of Deerfield was presented with many and valuable tokens of friendship on the recent occasion of his golden wedding I he donors numbered 117 all citizens or former resi dents of the town Dr Winslow Bigelow oi Boston is relieved of any implication in the recent death by abor tion of Ellen Holden of Lunenburg but Whitney her seducer is held for further develop ments remarkable clergyman of Greenfield has used a carpet for 45 years that remains nearly as good as new A Congregational conference fornorthern Berk shire will meet at Williamstown at 2 to morrow I) astern Jlassachnsetls The Middleboro Methodist society have pur chased land whereon to erect a new house ot "Tine'day last week there weie 80000 pounds of halibut afloat in the harbor of Gloucester all of which was sold during the day and boxed up ready for transportation the next morning at 6 cents per pound Ira Worcester of Ipswich received severe intcr nal injuries a few days ago by being thrown from his carriage The Irish population of Bridgeport are rapidly emigrating westward The Marshfield agricultural society are building on their grounds a fine running track 1 hey also intend soon to enlarge their hall A Salisbury vessel last week conveyed to Provincetown 113 dories as its cargo Rev Stephen II Tyng Jr has become a pulpit sensation in Boston where he is to preach every ening this week Endeavors arc being mad? to ootain inc reiea of Austin of Cunbridge sentenced to the house of correction in 1867 for arson mid llc a' ed maiden school teacher from Nantucket whom many Boston surgeons pro nounced afflicted with an incurable ovarian tn mor liavinr ixonc home indcspau ga'C mrtii lust week to a fine girl Which makes one think science a very marvelous thing a pattern fish story from Uj mouth A wood chopper at work on the edge of Grassy pond started a wedge into a log and the wedge flew out and killed a pickerel weighing four pounds The chopper then commenced iceling lie bottom of the pond with a deft stick for his wedge and drew up a gold watch lost by a fish erm in four years ago Kelly and Kerrigan arrested in Boston and charged with being of the gang of roughs who robbed Squire isk of Pawtucket three weeks since were recognized last week by Mrs risk i 1 hey arc in Dedham jail' I mid th it tlnee men would do the work required of them no more efficiently tuau eight men who now have charge ot it On the other hand I those who favor the measure claim that great I advantage will be derived from the tact I that the commissioners will bold office tor I three years ami will not therefore be so airaid of displeasing somebody that they will not do 1 I 1 nvrairKtn be done hav inch 75 cents tor npsi uv Aacaa ach subsequent "sixyiai inglio tear VV A girl to Cook Wash and lion Apply at Mrs HENRY' STEHNS'S I'entrjj Three good Masons Lmuire of A ROBERTS South Hadley alls Mas sacliusetts nlyg MKPf'HANT New Business! Orders of all garments warranted to perior of workmanship Also repairing and clean ing at very short notice at No 8ndgtreet my 8 ltd Springfield rpHE NICE EMBROIDERED SHIRTS aud NEW STYLE NECK TIES and JAUNTY CANES and Elegant SUSPENDERS and GLOVES are where the splendid Suits of Clothing are made AT 227 Main strict Npringticld Post OiUce Office rom 7 a to 8 Sundays from 9 to 10 a ARRIVAL ASH DKPAKTURE MAILS New York and Close at lllo a and 5 and 9 in open at 7 a ni and 2 Hartford and New Close at 61 and 11 a ni 5 and 9 pm open at i and lllo a ni Close at 1115am open: nt 7 a South Way to New Haven Close at lllo a nnd1Eastern at 615 and Wrio am and 730 in open at 7 and 9 a ni and 630 Worcester and Close at 61" and 104o a and 730 open at 9 a ni and 630 in Providence Close at 615m 104o a and 730 tn open at 9 a and 1215 and 6o0 East Way to Ch se at 1030 am openat Boston and Worcester railroad Close at 30 open at 9 a and 630 New London and Northern Railroad Ulosi at 1030 a in open at 1215 Eastern Connecticut Close at 1030 a 1'RhMienisland and Eastern New at 1030 a in and 8 open at lOlo a ni aud ooO Holyoke £630 Close at i a in and 1 ni open Uhicopee alls Close at 615 and 1115 a open at 1015 a and 630 7n Vrmont andNortbernNewYork Closi at a in "'North wyV "Bellows alls Vt Close at 1 in Railroad way Close "'LhueloVISread at 1 "'i 6 Albiny and Western Close at 8 a and 515 M' Albany Close at 8 a open at 12Nort1i Adams Railroad way Close at 8 a in Railroad way Close at 5 pm open and eeding Hills Close at 1 and South Wilbraham Close at 1 open at lllo am JXffl Close at 1045 a and 115 est fpringheld a fi 0 ni onen at 111 at 13St oJrignerTUdaysand ridayfr CIose nt 5 in Sunday Evenings at 7 OUILDING LOTS AT AUCTION ON NORTH CHESTNUT STREET I shall sell at auction on Thursday May 14 at 11 a rm on the premises two large Building tot" each having a front of 80 feet on Chestnut street and situated at the north aud south corners of Essex and Chestnut streets These Lots are just the places for large tenement blocks lying on one of our principal thoroughfares within five minutes walk of the railroad and in a part of the city where tenements are in greatest de TjMSd BEACH 0OSY LITTLE COTTAGE AT AUCTION SPRING STREET AND AIRBANKS AVENUE I shall sell on the premises on Thursday May 14 at precisely 10 a the very line cosy little Cottage House and lot No 5 airbanks avenue the lot running through to Spring st making a good lot on Spring st with a frontage oi some 5 rods which will sold separate or together with the house as may be most desirable The house contains 8 very tidy rooms with closets and pantnes all in nice order the grounds are filled with the choicest fruit vines and shrubbery and to get a right down every way desirable homestead attend this sale or other particulars see the SALE ARM ARMING TOOLS STOCK HAY POTATOES URNITURE AT AUCTION Bv order of the administrator Col Edward Par sons I shall sell on Wednesday May 13 at 10 clock a ni at the Homestead of the late Samuel Smith Esq West Springfield miles from i ttineague on'tlie main road from Springfield to Westfield he Homestead consisting ot the House Barn and Out Buildings and some 33 acres of very choice Land also the so called Mountain Wood Lot containing 23 acres the Great Plain Lot of 20 acres and the Lot of 5 acres also 3 good Coys 1 Calb 1 Horst lot Potatoes tons Hay Business Wagon arj1 on lot arming Tools lot urniture as Beds Bed ding Carpets Tin Ware Crockery Stoves also a quantity of Lumber Corded Wood besides lots of other personal property The Real Estate and Stock will be sold at 12 o'clock precisely EDWARD PARSONS Administrator mvG 9 myll 3d BEACH pOR SALE One good second hand amily Carryall Inquire of HENRY MARSH or LIN COLN ADY HAMPDEN the largest HEIER IJ in the world will be on exhibition on Barnes lot for a few weeks commencing Monday 11th rest 41e weighs four thousand (400) pounds is fSix yearslink summer "irth 9 ft 6 in 3 ft between her is altogether the best poii nsabove stated II I Uv "irUSIC HALL SPRINGIELD Booth (of Boston Theater) Lessee and Manager OR ONE NIGHT ONLY WEDNESDAY EVENING MAY 13th 1868 vthvtv liOOTH EDWIN BOOTH vmviN BOOTH EDWIN BOOTH EDWIN BOOITE EDWIN BOOTH In his avorite Character of HAMLET! PRINCE DENMARK HAMLET! PRINCE DENMARK HAMLET! PRINCE DENMARK Supported bv Misses Ada Gray Rachel Noah Messrs A Thorne Jr Louis Aldrich Leman IL A Weaver and others of the Boston The 'entire Seats in Dress Circle and Parquette WZRd ifty Cents and One Dollar each (according to location) and for sale at the Opera House Bor Office RIDAY May I 1 12 and on following days at Hutchins A Son Doors open at 7 Curtain rises at? clock bid AgCuf CwnfijtJd Mr IL A Buddington has been appointed The Re publican's agent and siews reporter at Greenfield He 1 suthorized to receive subscriptiqis forthe daily semi weekly and and will also take or ders for job printing bodl binding qtp on the same terms as are charged at office Mr Buddington may be found at 7 Ban Kow Greenfield SPRINGIELD AND VICMNITI I The Young' Christian association will hold a meeting tonight Miss Bascom is jmccccdyl as teacher of the truant school by Miss Cooke ot Hadley Mr rank Thompson of tV city commences his service with the Congregational church ot Bussell next Sunday The police court yesterday sent Maria Rigney to her old home at the jail for 80 days fur fcree ny of dresses from Arnold Bumstead The scientific association will meet at the police court room this evening to hear and act upon the report of a committee appointed two weeks ano to present a plan ot future action for the as sociation A well known paper collar manufacturer in this citv refusal several of his shop girls opportunity to go Maying day before yesterday and volun tarily offered several of them yesterday a Chance to attend the circus The funeral of Col Hazard will take place at 2 this afternoon at liis residence at En field An extra train will be run up from Hart ford and quite a number of our prominent citi his friends will drive down Every seat in the parquette and dress circle has been sold for Edwin night on YVednesday and the gallery seats without numbers will be sold to at Hutchins They are just about as good as the oth ers and a good deal cheaper An accommodating YE in this city was visited a day or two ago by a sick man torwhom he prescribed and prepared an injection A few hours afterwards the invalid wite called in great alarm and said her husband had vomited violently ever since lie had taken fhe medicine The doctor was long in discovering tljqf the man had swallowed the stuff The shad fishers at Double Ditch arc despond ent and have good cause to be Thus far the season has been for them a remarkably poor one the catches aggregating less than 200 on the best day One cause is low water and another is cold weather The former is growing no better as the river is still falling and as to the latter the ease seems about hopeless New York circus drew a large crowd vesterday afternoon and had its canvas crowded last ni'riit Th" performances were received with great delight and everybody voted the lady bare back rider the finest ever seen lieic An excellent feature about this circus is the fact that the features which render other circuses objec tionable are excluded while the attractiveness of tho entertainment is more than maintained The proposed new lodge of Good Templars in his city to be composed of several members of Mount Horeb lodge and associates now outside the order meets favor with the grand council at Bosion and the parent lodge here and is a sure tiling As soon as the necessary documents can be obtained which will probably be in a fort niuLf Hia inMtintr will ho held ill the hall of the Grand Army of the Republic The name of the new organization is to be the Spring field lodge The supreme court unmarried two couples Lovinia Estin from David stin of Palmer divorced from bed and board for cruelty and abusive treatment and Elvira Cole of Springfield from David Cole of Bridgeport Ct divorced conditionally for desertion the de cree to be made absolute six months hence if there is no just cause to prevent The judge re fused to divorce Mason A from Jennie Tink ham of this city on the ground of adultery The Rider will case had to be postponed two import ant witnesses being sick and in order ry it tfec court P'Uourned till July 7 7 ltrs Wli'e funeral will occur this afternoon died the effects of aa accident on Monday of week While searching for hen eggs dtt scaffold of her barn in East street she fell down a steep flight stairs her severely on the head She was attended by Dr Allen and on rii dav was able to be removed to her new home re cently purchased at the Water Shops where she suffered relapse and died on Sunday Mr Ashley and his wife had occupied their house on YVortli in(rton street for no less tlian 27 years and it was very sad that such a casualty should occur just as they were leaving it The 21st anniversary of the North church Sunday school was observed last Sunday aiter noon The report showed an increase of 15 per cent in attendance during the past year that 100 new books have been added to the libra ry and SI 15 raised to purchase books The en tire contributions of the school during the car wcreS450 Addresses were made by the super intendent Rev Mr Cooley Rev Mr Green Dr Chaffee and others Dr Chaffee remarks were very cheerful and delighted the children while some of the old folks thought they had an allc gjrical significance Mr Morse the no" superintendent was the unanimous choice of the school and is emphatically the right man for the place The record of the probate court at the ad journed session Saturday runs Guardians Mary A Kellogg ofSoutli wick over Isabella Kellogg a minor A Bradley oi Springfield over Theron Ives adjudged insane Accounts allowed on the estates Henry Sar geant and Cullamer of Springfield William Skidmore of ales James Bucklord of Holyoke Commissioners Hildreth and A Tifft of Springfield on the estate of Cull mer Austin uller and Joshua Tracy of Monson on rvjfnfo nf Will in rn Skidtnnrn nf WnlftS Affidavit Of the notice of the appointment of Porter Underwood of Holyoke administrator of the estate of James Buckford Inventory By Allyn Allen Higginbot toni and James Doyle on the estate of James Buck ford of Holyoke The sale of seats for the German opera per formances at the Opera House on riday and Saturday evenings of this week will begin at Hutchins this afternoon at 4 and as they are nlaced at i very low price con sidering the expensiveness of the undertaking evening this week ami tne proo iine nign ciiuiiivrei me inaiunu anees they will doubtless sell very briskly The cast of characters with which the popular operas of Martha and aust are to be presented is certainly quite strong and includes several artists of established standing and conceded merit Hermanns is without a peer as Mephis it wicked in this ease to say lie the very and rederic! has been much admired as Marguerite Martha ks also well cast and both operas will be well worth hearing THE STREET COMMISSIONER BILL The bill presented in the Legislature Saturday bv Mr Haynes of this city to chan re the charter of Springfield so as to' put the laying out and altering of streets into the hands of three paid commissioners seems to meet at the outset with considerable opposition here at home The objec tions urged arc tint it would multiply unneces rily the departments of ourmunicipal adminis tration would increase the annual expenditure Agents yvanted tor the life or GEN GRANT By lion Henry Dem ing The only work of the kind issued under the solu tion and by the authority of Grant author is well known as one of the most bnlhnnt writers and eloquent orators in the countn nu will find this oue of the most intensely intere sting biographies ever published in America and moft with a ready sale or particulars SCRANTON CO 126 Asylum A GENTS WANTED AagnificeSMWraRISl'w'ItKING ON THE We Haim this to be without fear of the best selling Engraving now offered ant and public Now is the time to commence sd XKta n7 dawtf Spnngfieldjl T00K AGENTS WANTED JOR HpJ Lite ot Gen and Statesman An accurate History of his UK Civil career One large octavo ohime buU finely illustrated Vts find tM sell at the present tune The largest cornu en We employ no general agents and inducements to canvassere Agents Mm cr vantage of dealing directly with taXR ggnb circulare and terms address BU jawlni lishere Hartford Ct WANTED AGENTS (Mle or emale) every town and county to sell DU The Life of Jesus Christ our Lordby Rev Uis We claim without tear of of contradiction is the best book now offered agents We also wish agents for several ings which we shall sell less than any and quality have been offered inducement to We shall offer good agents every t0 sell sell our publications as we are ion9 than them for less money and pay largei commi anv other publishers A GENTS WANTED OR A AUTHORIZED AND AUTHLN1 LIE ULYSSES GRAB ipf hi Comprising a complete and accu authentic eventful and interesting career vntn aepj! addlllg narrative of his invaluable 2aoter as a I also an impartial estimate ol cl chare A a Soldier anil a Statesman Dy TheH'ri11? ufn AcdWfint Secretary of nmPTfll field Republican says nf eand best Dri Grant is sure to be the most autl applv of Grant published or Pcurire PgW(i or address GURDON BILL co ia20daff Mass Undertakers JJNDERTAKING The subscribers after an experience of are prepared to attend to undertaking in dies in a superior manner Wareroom No 17 East State st a No card playing has been no lowed in this establishment K()y riflL o29 fionse Iurnislnttg urniture at cost Contemplating a change in business the next sixty days offer our large stock elegant urniture consistingofrarlor Chamber and Common Suits nt cost fo DICKINSON COyocK Hampden savings bank spring IELD Office at tlie Agawam Bank Deposits received everybusiness day from 9 a to Bemis Vice Chapin Harns Janies A Riimrill Wilkinson Brown Arthur Bemis Richard Hawkins Chapin YV Wason Southworth 'Baker John Stebbins William Slclcher Secretary and Bailey: Deposits made at any time between the quarters ending the third Mondays of ebruary May August and November will be put on interest on the quarter day succeeding the deposit at the rate of six per cent per annum 11 Agents Wonted WANTED our good TIN PLATE and Sheet Iron Workers immediately to which the best wages will be paid Apply to or address DECKER North Adams Mass my8 6d TO PAPER MANUACTURERS A ourdrinier Machine Tender wishes a situation on day work The best of recommendations given as to ability and good qualities Address Republi cun Office myfi 8d WANTEI) Tv Organ Manufactory in West field three good wood workmen who are first class mechanics and reliable men To such constant employment and good wages will be given A JOHNSON Westfield April 29 1868 a3l CARRIAGES OR A large assort ineut of Open and Top Buggies of de work va? Also Business and arjn YVagons All work war ranted to be first class CI ARK jIalnlfaeturer West Springfield Mass mile west cf Chicopee Junc tion jyYID SMITH CO CARRIAGE MAKERS LIGHT AND HEAVY CARRIAGES CONSTANTLY' ON HAN and MADE TO ORDE No 2 Park Street mv5 3md SPRINGIELD MASS millincrn onti Brcsg Waking 0HEAP OR CASH' We shall open this morning 15 cases of Straw and Linen Braid Hats in ell tlie new styles which we Oiall sell nt unusually low prices Corsets Hoop Skirts Gloves and hosiery veryhsnlo Agents of the King William Kid Gloves WALLACH SCHWAB ZINSSER Wholesale and Retail Dealers my9 3d 233 Main street jjootg Shoes IN EAGER Manufacturer of Calf Boots to order at Palmer Mas will be at the Massasoit House on ridays from 7 to 9 where lie will take measures for Boots Iist of Prices for Boots manufactured from the celebrated rench brands Lemoine Ieven Jadot and Gents' Calf Boots single sole pegged Sewed 4 double pegged st 4 aou'Uil An extra charge of 8150 or Eng Box Toes a20 Imd YVorkuicn at a Plymouth brick yard last week unearthed a skeleton that had been buried with the head downwards lexauder Nixon of Nantucket 114 years old was thrown from his ox cart a lew days ago und instantlv killed by breaking his neck XJharles Knox was arrested in Boston bun day morning for attempted rape on Miss Olive Robertson a fellow boarder Maine The Maine soldiers and sailers elected to their greut convention at Chicago 1100 delegates 20 nt large and '20 from each congressional district There are among them 30 generals 27 rotors 30 captains and not one of the rank and file while the have a single ensign as their representative iGov Chamber lain heads the list Davis and Clark the Pembroke burglars of last falliwere found guilty last week but their case goes up to the full court on points of juns MadisAn according to a vote of Jf'2 to 89 will not help the Somerset railroad The resioniinatkm of A ike member of Congress from the fifth district will be sharply opposed ostensibly on the plea our persons will compete for the honor Ylaine merchants are making efforts to organ ize an company in opposition to the present monopoly Mrs house at YY aterford was burned a few days ago loss heavy pith a slight insurance A beautiful wing footed mollusk the Clione borealis a marine animal of the Arctic seas has been discovered in Portland harbor iniargenum bers doubtless drawn thither by the excessive cold of the winter as they have never before been seen so far southward Harxiuiuu of Belfast and JRustoi Camden have been elected delegate and alternate to the Chicago natiftial convention by tlie repub licans of the fifth district store and gristmill at YVest Pans were broken into recently mid a quantity of goods stolen Two fellows uamed Puttie and Keaton were arrested for Hie burglary last week in Naples New HmnpHbire ranklin has given $709 towards the endow ment of the Chandler scientific department ol Dartmouth college The town of Atkinson is 1 00 years old ft is Sifol it has had an established fire department has had but one house burned and has never hadone of Its citizens imprisoned for crime Vermont A correspondent on the Y'ennont hills at ay etteville sends some double arbutus with other rare wild flowers of spring The nannal meeting of the Connecticut valley Unitarian conference will be held al Brattleboro to day atkl to morrow Connecticut Richard McCloud the enian district center for the state whom the Norwich lodge tried to expel for making republican speeches in the late i a1 i i i ATI tO cainpauin la si with iuhucivu nw thn nresident who tlioiuin a democrat declined to accept it in a letter which is a strong rebuke to the partisan persecution of Irishmen who quit the democratic party Yt the trial of the contested election ease in New London on Saturday Joseph Dunford a suite constable testified to five illegal democratic votes in his personal knowledge one cast by a man who also voted in Waterford by other testi mony one under the name of a dead jnan two on names of voters absent from the city and one by an unregistered individual A chicken with four perfect legs and feet was unfortunately killed in its downy infancy at Xixw Haven recently by being carelessly trod zxi Ktr innHini The library building for the univer sity Middletown is nearly completed It is of Portland brown stone and the blocks have been plaeqd in the same relative position in the walls which they held in the that is those Stones from the lower strata were used in the and so on up to the eaves YVorit has coBuneiiccd upon the observatory for tw college Russell Judd the swindling expert was bound over on riday for trial before the superior court of indhaui county liffd sent to jail in default of 8600 Gov English has recommended that the Legis lature cliange their' day of meeting to January hereafter YVhiit would become of th? cherished election parade in that ease? Cherry trees are in blossom in Hartford The building in Cedar Hill cemetery used as a boarding place men employed there was I burned a few days since insured for I A house three miles from Hartford owned by Prosser was burned on Sunday morning and probably from a pipe put in his vest'pocket while unextinguished loss on the house '000 jiartially insured Mr Converse its occupant was very seriously burned and he has lost money and papers of much value Peter house in Trumbull was burned bv an incendiary recently no insurance Connecticut spent last year lor public schools 1 Company A of the 1st Connecticut artillery will hold a reunion at YVindsor on the 22d of May the anniversary of their mustcr in Tlie affair will include a dinner at Capt popular house the Windsor hotel Green house glasses distant nearly a quarter of a mile from the blasting operations for the lager beer vault at Snake Rock New Haven have been broken by fragments of the flying stone An attempt fortunately unsuccessful was made ow from the track the midnight express on to iiu Blackhall riday night by llfo innv' was probably robbery piling up ties 1 he I'foH of the mails artU express' The new Catholic semuiary in Nett ill consist of a main stmetwband Wo One wing will first be built ihd used ill conjunction with the old seminary The New York and NeW ibven railroad have asked the Legislature for till increase of stock and the Danbury and Norwalk railroad have peti tioned for permission to extend their road il The East Hartford depot was broken into one last week and two trunks robbed one of tliem of worth of clothing THE LATEST MARKOS Trustees Benj Bliss Chas Marsh 11VA1' 7 a ni 510 ip 1215 615 South 11.

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.