The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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1 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER MONDAY DECEMBER 20 1954 daughter Mr lorence Wanl A InrJov 15 Persona! Business Notices a I I I ry 1 1 I A (Ctntlnur4 front Preceding Cslsmu) I Death and uneral Notice I ICS iMalt nuui ty Doc 21 It 230lCharle Spire and a grest grandchll lower pteue make dien brother ot Mary Moly: reaidence to 40 4 43 I 43 43 43 Auto 42 43 Salesman Administrative Trainee 44 uxd work exnerlence to 43 I Brown 8C Automatics Plain healer Assistant 45 to 50 hour nee' Want Ad oreman to find a good job 8 to rent jour tpare room todispoie of unwanted Machine houehold good (Cenilnaed in Next Column) GOING TO LORIDA? fM i I 4142 4041 4 4444345 Usnt Want 40 40 40 10 Want Want ant Group insurance and hospitalization plan Jlish hourly rate plus department i i ve Paid holidays and vaca tion to ell your car to find a buyer for your hom*o Box 10943 Plain Dealer Phon MA 14503 Jiut Mt "Chart It" REPRESENTS ISRAELI HERE JERUSALEM Israeli Section Dec The appointment ot Dr Abraham Biran district commissioner in as Israel's consul general in Los Angeles was announced today Box 5812 Plain Dealer Cleveland volume builder of homes and apt? wants man for and layout Please state and 4343444444434343 9501 CARNEGIE Minimum 5 Experience If you have had sales experience we can offer you an opportunity to earn $10000 or more per year Our salary and commission plan is set up yo reward the individ ual who produces Affiliate yourself syith Cleveland a LARGEST Lincoln Mercury Dealer to sell America's "HOT line of KU WAHIS MINKINS founder of th Ifankln Con tnlner Co and pioneer lit Ihn corrugated container Jndut ry died jenterday lor was school principal In Geauga County After his death the nerved many families in the area tut a practical nurse She and Mr Ws were mar rled lit December of J91 and moved to Melbourne after that Surviving her ai a diugi ter Mrs Harold lccka ot Ports mouth and three grandcliil dren I Services and burial will be to morrow th Melbourne MRS KATHERINE Mrs Katherine Dunham Per ry member of a family long prominent in Cieverru died Saturday tn Lakeside Mospnai Airs daughter ot the late Truman and Helen Dun Sct up and Operate 2d Shift E1SI3 KIRCHNER lorut tor ll oc UilOM 10633 tlKlld CI 1 3361 rance in an Infantry company He wa formerly active in the Knights of Columbus and wa a member of SI Clement's Catholic Church Surviving Mr Hone are hi wife Amu hl mother Mrs Mary Hones a son Pvf Leon ard Hones stationed at Aber dccn Md two daughter Sir De Lourde La Vielle and Miss Joanne Hanes two grandchil dren a brother and two sister riends may call at the Cor riran funeral home 14750 to rain Avenue after 5 today Service will be held Wednesday at a time to be announced later DR LOUIS JACKMAN Dr Louis Jackman who began his dental practice her in 1909 died Saturday in Lake side Hospital Dr Jackman was a graduate pt Western Preserve University school of dentistry He practiced in offices at 102d Street and Euclid Avenue until he became ill a year ago Ilis home was 1653 Holyrood Road He was a member of tha Church of the Saviour Cleve land Heights and fbr many years served as a team captain in Community Chest drives Surviving Dr Jackman are his wife Beatrice a son Myron: two daughters Mrs Winifred Schmidt and Mrs Betty Spcacht and one grandchild riends may call at Wells funeral home 8806 Euclid Avenue where services will be held at 2:30 tomorrow that friends make con tributions to the American Can cer Society in lieu of flower CHI IsHAN CRICKON Christian Crickon father of two Cleveland policeman died suddenly Saturday at his home Air Crickon who was 86 was' born on a farm near Port Huron Mich and came here as a boy Before his retirement he had been a painter machinist and toolmaker His wife Augusta died 13 Architect Recent Graduate Products Inc 5100 ST CLAIR HE 2 1500 REE TRANSPORTATION CARS LEAVING CLEVELAND OR Miami Phila Dalia Lot Angele AUTO DR1VEAWAY CO 1014 Standard Bldg CH 1 1033 Sun and Eves HI 2 382? We have 3 new ords to be driven to Miami Able leave at once References Mr Reynolds AC 1 1100 40 43 40 44 BARTENDER also chef Required: apply in person only Stoo Inn Pearl Rd 1 mt of center oi Strongsville Inc 5415 HE 1 6430 SALE UNREDEEMED LOANS Diamonds and Watches 19 Winiam Vodrey 81 yeartold Ohio lawyer and news paper executive died at his home tonight after a long Hi nes 1 'He while talking with boyhood friend Dr Joseph Cartwright of East Liverpool He had had a heart ailment for several years Mr Vodrey had been secretary treasurer and general counsel for the Brush Moore newspapers since 1927 Mr Vodrey eminent in legal circles began his career as a newspaper executive as counsel for Louis If Brush and Roy Moore in the purchase of the Marion Star from President Warren Harding in 1923 lie negotiated the purchase of the Steubenville Herald Star in 1925 and joined Brush and Moore in a three way partner ship TO The partners founded Brush Moore Newspapers Inc in 1927 after they bought the largest of the chain's papers the Canton Repository from George rease in 1927 A The Salem News the East Liverpool Review and the Ma rion Steubenville and Canton papers were properties of Brush Moore at that time Since then the company has bought the Cacb ran HAUndn 51 at Mr Hankins was a director of the Cleveland Health Museum and th Cleveland School of Mu sic and a trustee of the Cleve land Play House Nervlecs Wednesday He wss a member of the Pepper Tike Country Cub the Country Club of Cleveland the Hermit Chib and the City Club He was also a member of the Paradise Valley Country Club of Scottsdale Arlz and the Chicago Athletic Club Surviving Mr Hankins arc his wife Isabel tn whom he was married in 1911: three daugh ters Mrs Ann Louis tong Mrs Jane Moyer Lockwood and "Miss Ruth tonic Hankins and two sisters Mrs William Carr and Mrs Carl White Memorial services will be held al 2:30 Wednesday in air mount Presbyterian Church 2757 airmount Boulevard Cleveland Heights It is re quested that in placeof flow ers friends make contributions to the Cleveland Health Muse um The Millard Son Raper funeral home is in charge of arrangements SIRS IRENE WARD Mrs Irene owler Ward died yesterday In her home In Mel bourne la She was the widow of Philip Ward former Ch ir don superintendent of schools and state icpiMcntative who died In Melbourne last NoVi 30 Mrs Ward 78 had lived in Chardon for many year when her first husband Arthur ovv ACCOUNTANT Collett graduate: at tisinant to officer of growing industrial con tern: ftiut thow initiative and analytical ability Mn Hili ON 1 8608: 43 43 43 43 43 2 20 Help Wanted Malt draftsman xnertencid hourly rate Laurlt 1514 Proapect Ave MA 1 3834 job contracting shop or Heavy machining Knowledge and experience in set up and of all types of heavy machinery poiithn with a future Travel throughout the entire United Statea cent acting field organisa tion! fn all principal cities: ner forming auch duties as auditing accounts and payroll records taking Inventory Introducing new office procedures instructing field per sonnel into use of new forms etc This position offers attractive pro motional possibilities in either field or home office organizations Salary plus expenses: no selling Applicants should be single male college graduates with a degree In business administration accounting or Industrial management Thev should be between the are of 23 and 28 and free to travel In replv state personal data educa tion and work experience to experience education annual salary desired BLTLR SARAH ISAILT) (n Br beloved wife of Hueh: sister of Jons ph Lawrence Josephine Darlak and Eleanor Warner: passed awav Sat urday Jate residence 5409 Scheil Avr HendS received ATER 7 MON DAY at Gustav Buesch At Sons uneral Hrre 3111 Broadvtrw Rd Services from Church 4384 Bmad vtv Rd Wednesday Dec 22 at 9 I Dssth snd uneral Notices aciilKMAN NULII' we SUea Miller h011' SIN'DLLAk' NORBERT beloved husband ot the late Anna: father of Line Mpirek louio King and Emma irandtatner of Thomas King it Lucille Wunker Norm McWnerter Automatic Screw Machine Operators We are looking for good men If you are experienced on multiple splndlr machines able kt work any shift stop In and see whst WEATHERHEAD has to often good hourly rata pfue many employe benefits a Edwtird Hankins founder cl tha Hankins Container Co widely known in the cor rugated box field died jester day in St Hospital Al ih lima ot his death Mr Hankins was chairman of the company's executive committee He was a former vice president of the Container Corp of Amer ica His home was at 22525 Shaker Boulevard Shaker Helcht 17 7 7'7 Mr Hankins was bom In 1882 In Bellaire Ho cot his start in the box industry hen he tqpk an otlice position in the Sefton Box Co: In Anderson Ind 'after attending schools there He rose to executive position in the company and in 1914 left it to found the Midwest Paper Box Co in Cleveland Headed OTA Group Mr Hankins was made vice president in charge of manufac turing of the Container Corp of Aptcrica when the Midwest Co became a part of that organiza tion in 1926 Seven years later he founded the Hankins which now has six plants and a paper tmill in five states including the Cleveland plant at 1480! Emery Avenue During World War II he was chairman of an advisory coni mittce for the corrugated and solid fiber container Industry ot the Office of Price Administra tion He was a past president of the iber Box Association ADVERTISING A technics! copywriter Is needed for our Advertising Dept: must have tech nical writing experience and a college 5 day week 8 a 4:45 mt talary Contact Tom Simcox Personnel Mgr VIKING 4 Air Coriditioning Div 5601 Walworth Ave 7 ME 1 7500 7 bury (ML) Times a half In terest in the Ironton Tribune and the ssseuzof the Canton "Dally News which suspended operations His wife Rebecca two William jr of East Liverpool end Joseph of Canton and a daughter Mrs Gerald Boyd of Portsmouth survive JOHN REDMOND MARRA John Rcdmond Marra who was general manager of the Railway Express Agency in Cleveland tor a short time sev eral years ago died yesterday in New York the Associated Press reported At his death he was vice president of the agency and in charge of system wide opera tions 7 He had completed 38 service with Railway Express and besides New York and Cleveland had served in Utica Buffalo and Boston RAYMOND HONES Raymond Hones manager of the Cleveland Lorain Avenue 130th Street branch since 1945 died suddenly yesterday in his home at 2160 Richland Avenue Lakewood Mr Hones a native of Cleve land was associ ated with bank ing for 44 years His first job was as a teller in the old Lorain Ave nue Bank when he was a youth He was with the Cleveland Trust Co during most of his career Quick Reiuki Low Cost! BARBER iMMKWkTSLV 5100 purnutee: rar mission Anpl Avon Lake Barber Shop Commercial Bldj lake Rd Avon take Weatherhead Co 300 131st St Just north of St CUIr Automatic IScrew Machine Setup Operator Muit be experienced on multiple iptndle machine hourly rite 2d thift Must furntxh own trxnsporUtlon ZALO MG CO 4891 Van ppRd ON 1 8583 AUTO body man able to give estimatea' flat rate or salary Box 11043 Plain Dealer Street HewM a member of the photoengravenf union He was native of Louisville Ky His wife Minnie nd sister Mrs Xisie Mehler survive him riends may call at the Wells funeral home 8806 Euclid Ave nue until 1030 tonight Serv ices Mill be held in Louisville on Thursday WILLIAM IL VODREY Heights She graduated from Vassar College In 1895 s' Her husband Allen Perry Cleveland Industrial it died in 1918 I lr only close survivor Is a sister Mrs David Green She was the sister of the late Charles Prescott and Mrs Ray Perry She Jived at 1906 105lh Street Dr Hamid Cooke pastor of irst Baptist Church airmount Boulevard and Eaton Road will conduct services there at 2:30 tomorrow Burial will be in Lake View Cemetery It is requested that friends make contributions to the irst Baptist Church Memorial und in lieu of flowers HARLOW BROWN SALT! Harlow Brown Salter owner of brass manufacturing com panies in Kinsman and in years ago Texas and a former resident oft Surviving Mr Crickon are his Hunting Valley died Thursday sons Sergt John and Patrol at his home in Tyder Tex 'He man Harry Crickon and a wax 49 Mr Salter was bom in Mans Bump with whom he lived at field and attended schools 30339 Lorain Road North Olm there He learned the manufacturing i as riends may call at the Mand a young man and for 12 years ley funeral home 18871 Lorain before coming to the Cleveland airview Park after 7 to arca operated toe Salter Manu facturing Co in Marysville ive years ago he and his family moved to Hunting Valley and lie became president and owner of the Glauber Brass Manufacturing Co in Kinsman He moved to Tyler a year ago and established the Glauber Texas Co Mr Sailer was active in the Church of the Saviour in Cleve land Heights and was a mem ber of the Cleveland Skating I Death and uneral Notlcss Aioor ANNA "(tie k'ved wile of ti Ute Per mother of MyrtltKeetiu and veim Lytle enter of Mra Mamie Gardner Mn Mabel Malvll Wilhajn Watna and the le JimM and Dtk Watni retidenre 3455 GUiiralrn Rd riend may call at Thomaa uneral Home 13M2 Miles' Ave aemrra hmoi in hen Af fl dotuUoni to 1ht Cancer Nhwrc CHAtti L5 'residence Tn 95 135th At beloved htuband of Elii abrth (net Lleht: father of Melvin A and the Uta Orville and Norman: brother of rank Mary Kalal Joaeph ajid Rc se Hiller pasted away Saturday rlrndi may call at the A Noaek Ac Sena uneral Home 3882 55th St whtft acrvicea will be held Tuesday Dk 21 at 8:30 a and fit Vin cent De Paul a Church 13400 Lorain Ave at 9:30 a NEHARK AMfUA net Klrcnnen be loved wife ol Walter Ltr dear mother of Walter Edward Robert and the late Mildred and grandmother daughter of Julia alater of John Kirch ner Rose Rieth Joseph rank Paul anikMIcharl Ortoaky rienda received at Qte late reaidrnce 3438 125th St uneral Tuesday Dec 21 St Vin cent De Paul Church at 10:30 a Jutorment st Marya Cemetery 41st st and Clark Ave Auansem*nti by Corilgan'a uneral Home ALmkiVT JRANCLx pastor St Catholic Church Maillon died Dm 19 1934 In Massillon Ctiy HwpUal ordained June 14 1924 in Cleveland: (ormer poster at St Philip Neri Church Dungannon St Loula Churrh LouitUlle atepaon oL red Gross brother of William Mra LU I'an Irwin and Mrg Edward Wallera Pontifical high mass 31 a Thun day in fct Mary's Church Callen re ceived tn the church rectify TUESDAY 2 4 7 9 and in pie church after 3 Wednesday RK3 ALICE Mf Willoughby: wife of the Ute Horace father of Goli Turner rancis and Beaumont and grandmother rienda may call at Davts uneral Jlnme 4154 Clark Ave Will oughby Services Willoughby teitais Church Monday 2 In lieu ot flowers contributions may be made to the memorial fund of the Willoughby Presbyterian Chqich PAI L' ALEXANDER husband of the late Anna father of Roy grand father and great srandUther: passed away Saturday Dec 18 Ute residence 5497 State Rd Parma riends may call at the Busch A Son uneral Home 4334 Pearl Rd where services will be held Tuesday Dec 21 at 3 PAVER AMON husband of the "late Eiuabeth ne Spandb: beloved father of Julia Hermann John Emelta Bockmiller and Anna Gang grandfa ther and great grandfathei Saturday: Ute residence 054 loath riends received at the NEW Nickell uneral Home 14300 Madison Ave Services Tuesday Dec 21 frm St Ignatius Church at 9 a Interment Ca I a ry Cem PERRY KAIHERINE DCNHAM wife of Allen Perry (deceased): sister ot Mrs David Creen the Ute Mrs Charles Prescott and the Ute Mrs' Ray Perry: late residence )908 105th St Services Tuesday Dec 21 from the irst Baptist Church corner of Eaton Rd and airmount Blvd Brown Son A orward service In lieu of flowers those who wish to may make contributions to the irst Baptist Church Memorial und Interment Lake View Cemetery PidiRowsKL frank 3569 St Olga Ave beloved husband of Antoneet unee Harmon): dear father of Edward Walter Janet SatoU Stanley and Sally Mae and grand father Services Tuesday Dec 21 at 9 a at tht Sacred Heart of Jesus oluh National catholic Church riends mav call at the A Tomon A Sons uneral Homs 2144 14lh St I Death ini uneral Notice Rn eiwd Until Mldnlrht for Xt riln Dlrr AXniRkON IDWABfi btlovrl hui knd nf Kill inr John on Upf thtr of Mr Slmr Mtl gu'n XI brt nd Mu John owll: broth or Mr Mirrurt Puon Mo Ouwn Wtl bm n4 Thom AndrHon ind ithr: redtne 13304 burn riend mf rn Bern1 runerl Home 7200 Detroit Av AmR 7 MONDAY ItineiAl wnuei Iron hiHipu nd Jmev Church AUTO WASH ULL OR PART TIME CAR R3T1L APPLY IN PERSON AUTO WASH 19880 WEST 14KE RD ROCKY RIVER 20 Help Wanted Male HAIR If your hair is falling dry brittle ends breaking off and Itching actin from harsh shamnoos or bald WHY YOU TRY ICIL IE HAIR CROWING AID? We art Always Im proving and alwaya the best Over 27 veers in successful business Loreene Johnson Licensed cosmetologist and Graduate Nurse 9200 Hough Ave RA 1 3773 Office hours Mon through Thurt I you want the best turkey you have ever eaten come out to Sagamore Hills arm: bring the children tn see the turkeys geese ducks chickens and lots of little pigs: available live or dressed Take Rt 8 to Northfield Center turn right (which is west) on Rt 82 one mile to crossroad Sign on comer Hill Turn south to drive on right 5 GOING to Chicago want 3 4 men to share expenses and help drive SW 1 0144 6 to 9 Auto Mechanic WHh full knowledge of Chrysler prod ucts tor new car dealership Only ex perienced man need apply in person Service Manager (Mr Pfatter) Hale Zupan Inc Chryler Plymouth Dealer 13815 DETROIT AUTOMOBILE PORTER' Experienced reliable min Apply in person only to ARR STUDEBAKER 4 SOO 152 AUTO OBI porter wanted Contacl Mr Anderson Whyte Chevrolet 543 185 Box 10641 (Plain Dealer Automatic Machine Operator and 7 Set Up Man Acm yplndle and Brown A ihirpt 2d Mft experienced KELLY MACHINE CO 344 Green Rd South Eatild 1 toroil) 101 IS beloved husband of Matilda (nee Kaschubeck) father of Leonard grandfather of Laurel Alien and Donald: brother of Henry William Charles and the late Alvina Bub and red Thursday at late residence 4330 210th St riends may call st the Cha A Hand ley uneral Home 15480 Trlskett Rd st Lorain Ave UNTIL MONDAY NOON Service from Messiah Lutheran Church 21435 Lorain Rd at 1:30 LOG4N mVrfl late residence 19)7 take Ave Elyria beloved wifef Arthur mother of Arthur Robert and Judson daughter of Mrs Martha idler: sister and grand mother riends will be received at the Wainwright uneral Home Elyria where services will be held Wednesday Dec 32 at i LOBIA i RSUl A ate 80 of Narrows' Rd Perry Sunday Dec 19 wife of the late Joseph: mother of Anthony and Joseph of Perry Mrs Audis Mrs Daisy Vince of Detroit Mich Remains at Mulqueeny Bros neral Home 90 Cart Erie St Rt 20) Painesville vneral Wrtnesdav Dec 22 9 a St Mary Church riends my call ATER 7 MONDAY 7 MAHLI SOPHIA beloved aunt of Mrs Henry Nyiand Mrs Bolhamu of St Cloud and George Newport: passed awav Dee 19: residence The Altenheim 7719 Detroit Ave riends may call ROM 7 9 MONDAY at the Saxton uneral Home 13215 Detroit Ave where service will be held Tuesday Dee 21 3 MENCIN Si A A ET nee Mixe rock late residence 13601 Sherry Ave be loved wife cf John dear mother ef Gerald and Robert: daughter ot Geor and Monica Muertxk sister of Ann Tomko Hurt Uhron John Christine Struck Betty Uckatovkh Genevieve Leonard and Michael riends received st Corrigan's uneral Home Lorain Ave at 148th St unersl Monday Dre 20 Ascension Church 4400 140th at io a Interment Holy Cross Cemetery MTLHORN WILLIAM beloved hus band of Elltabeth father cf Russell Averil and Audry: nine grandchildren and three great grandchildren: brother of Mrs Charles Allen: Saturday Dc 18 1954 residence Howe Rd Strongsville riend ma call at the Jardine uneral Home Perl Rd Strongsville from 2 5 and 7 10 Monday uneral Tuesday Dec 21 at 2 Rev Haber offici ating MILLER ELLIN mother of Edward Schermen Lillian Griffiths the late Helen Doremus Elsie McDonald Les ter andDewey Scherman riends re ceived 2 5 AND 7 io Monday st the Ma rxen uneral Home 1802 Crawford Rd between Chester and Hough Ave Service Tuciday Dec 31 MILII JtnrrH 5L "husband of Marte father of JveDh Ann Work ill Wilfred Walter Dor ethy Art and the late Libert 'd grandfather: residence 3287 17th rt receiver at A Son uneral Hm 2377 Ave ervfces Tuesday pc L30 SAER SAMVEL beloved husband of Rose? devoted father of Mn Lillian Safferi Mr Yetta Rush Mrs rieda Kochman and Bn Saffer: brother of Mrs Rose ox Mrs Regina Marks ef Cal grandfather of six Services Tues day Dee 21 I the Miller Memorial uneral Chapel 744 103th St amily in mounting at the resi dence 334 146th St Member ot Kinsman Jewish Center LOCAL WANT AD RATES Within 100 miles of Cleveland (Rate beyond this area given upon requtitl DEATH "NOTICES: 6 lines $200 per Insertion: cxres over 6 lines at rate under Other (Drath Notice Lost and ound and Lodge Notices accepted up to midnightor edition) Positions per fine: Daily Sun 7 consecutive insertions 20c 20c 3 or more consecutive insertion 21c 22c 1 or two insertion 28c 31c Housekeeping Home for Aed Children Boarded Lost and per line (agate type) Daily Sun 7 consecutive insertionsrie 25c 3 or more consecutive insertion 21c 28c 1 or two insertions 3 All Other Gaulfications Daily Sun7 consecutive 44c 3 or more consecntivt insertion 36e 47c 1 or two insertions 43c 65c OfOWN ADS should be fc eompvnled by check at above rateMinimum charge lines Count 32 letter and space per line (about 5 words) Box number counts 23 spaces Want Ad for the Morning lam Dealer received until 5:30 dally or (he Sunday Dealer or 8:30 riday Cancellations up t) 8 ridayKo Sunday ads accepted Saturday The Plain Dealer Is net liable for errors after the first edition 11218 Clarebhd rlrnd may call at Thomas luneral Home 1212 MiteATER 7 MONDAY Service Wednesday Per 23 at 1 tn STRLET GEORdE beloved father Of Mr Phjlll Edelman and Street: pasted away Saturday ervlcea at Christ Church Episcopal Hudson Wednesday Dec 2 3 al 3 (Don ald Johnson Hudson SVHY JOII 3139 93 beloved husband of Helen (nee arkatH on of Stephen and Elisabeth of Lemont urnace Pa brother ot Steve Michael George Helen Burn Joseph Andrew HtUvay and Anna of Cxechoslovakia riend may call at The Loul erfolla 'uneral Home 9116 Union Ave at 93 until 10:30 Monday Inter ment Uniontown Pa SWAR tit obb ADA (nee Ant)Hy): beloved wife of the iate Clarence mother of Edward Anthony of Detroit John Anthony of Cleveland Mr Dor othy Upp of Lorain Mrs Blanche Weinrelcn and Mrs Maude Knoef ot Detroit: residence' 4 235 44th fit The family will receive friend ROM 2 4 7 10 MONDAY st Klanke kuneral Parlor 1 2629 Detroit Ave Lakewood where service will be held ACCOUNTING CLERK Young man (to 30) for position in accounting department expe rience some college accounting preferred salary AMERICAN STEEL WIRE Rockefeller Bldg TO 1 2000 Line 479 ACTOMOBltfs Parts brrvlc 4R Silr ied Aatamobiles 444748 Atfla Part RrpUri 43 Mobil railrrt 4R Tracks 'frailer Parts A os Trucks48 Antes Track far Rent Motorcycle Riejtlr 48 BLSINEO OPPORICNUIT Roslnes Opportunities business service Barter and Swap Educational lowera Moving Storage Parking! Personals Bitsinewi Notice Repair and Service HELPS Employment Rama emale Employment Bureau emale Instruction Maio Instruction Help Mnted emale Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Salesmen Help bales women Position emale Position Male INANCIAL Automobile lxan Personal Loan (Lirtnied) Diamond Jeehy Real Estate Loan Money Wanted Mortgage Bought bold honcis Death and uneral Notice uneral Dirorlon In Memoelam Lodge Notice Lost and Rewards OR RENT Rent Apartment (hast) Kent Apartments (Real Apartment Hotel Rent Garages storage Business Places for Rent Children Boarded Home for Aged Invalid Hotels Houses lor Rent (ast) Houses for Rent (West) Rental Agencies Kent Rent Rent Rent Rett Rent Rent Rent 1 Rent Rent Rent Share BVLOVA CRUEN MANS AND WATCHEB 4895 LONG1NES HAMILTON Elgin 21 Jewel Bulova 814 95 14 CARAT GOLD RINGS 5 95 DIAMOND RINGS LARGE SELECTIONS 1095 MANS 1K CARAT DIAMOND RING MODERN SOLID GOLD Mounting very brilliant OUT OP PAWN AT $259'! CARAT Diamond ring platinum mounting UNREDEEMED AT 8 1 5 0 Schick or Remington mors 5795 2 DIAMOND BULOVA 5 1795 14 CARAT WHITE GOLD BULOVA With 20 large diamonds 375 34 PIXE SET DECORATORS STERLING SILVER 585 Dealer Invited No Monev Down i TAKE UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY Open 9:30 to 9 00 til Chriitma a Sunday until 1 BAILY CLTDE beloved husband rt Lueills roes Merkel) father of Kenneth Marquis Bailey and Lieut rurtli Merkel Bailey: brother of Mt Orma Mayer and Mr Ruth Moriarily late i evidence 3266 Ard nrore Rd Shaker Heights riend may rail at the Shaker Home of Brown Son 'A orward 17022 Kinsman where'service will be held Monday at 2 In lieu of flowei those who wish to may make contribution to the lex eland Clinic Reerch Hypertension und PAR4RA8H PA VI IN 1 3706 Durkee Ave: belovad wife ot red mother of Helen Spok: lister rhlmkl riend may call at rank Marek A Sons Inc uneral Horn X856 J31 where service will be held WMnetdtyJ922Jat2 THEODORE brother of Robert Arthur Edward of New Yok City Mr Mttdrgd Nesbitt Mi Irene Wti lam Mr Blanche Gil of New oak CUT Mn Pulirie Tnk ot Cilccn i III nd Mr Jn fcoit: rMenc 123 Slt St Hinrl held Tu'jdir Ded 21 from the Bovd Sonjunetl Home 2163 9th St HM'I HIBMN HKBERr ot 58I Nemphu beloved hubnl "'ne Mrt fther ot Mr Donnh i wilHir ot Chieso end the lt rt: irMfther irt grndtther brother ot Mr Klle Jeckmn end Mirth: Dee 19 rtende mJ th Lout Bodner unerel Chape 3929 Lorain Ave where ervlcea will be held Wedneada Dec 23 at 3:30 tn interment West Paili Cemetery BLUE lot'll" Anne dear tether ot AC Hral Cleaa Mirmn Edward end Sonja: tnprnther nt Anton Melter IndtanaMllj Ind late residence 6026 Claes Ave riend received alter 3 Monday at Js eph Zele Son uneral Home 6503 st Clair Ave where aervlcee will be held Wednesday at 1:30 ro tnte' ment Hlrhland Park Cemetery blakeliy harry Invtne htia hand ot Martha father of Harry In Mra Martha Davenport: sten father ot Alfred and Alma Mra Phjilla Memmer: brother ot ttarlee Clarence Benjamtn Thomas And Met Anna Thursday Id 1954 hie home wae at 00 260th St Euclid riends mar rail at Chas Melbourne A Sons Coloniali7 13722 Euclid Jr will conducted by PUJ Mayer ot The East ShoreMetod hurch Monday Dec 30 at 1 orest Hill Lodje No 64 4 and A Services Sunday at BOHXRT MAKlARI me Kern' residence 7206 Neville Ave: wife ot red mother ot Mrs Mar vuret Bailgkow: grandmother of Mr lerxy Schubert Mrs Ruth Rein hint rrsttrandmother Saturdy a Intends may can at Mandley uneral Home IS490 Triikett I at Lorain Ave Service Tuesday 3 Born MARTHA beloved dauthjer rt Martha and the Ute Mmun Jitter inf Elsie Schulter Ute r'w lllt St The tamlly win ro ehe night Services will be held there Wednesday at 1:30 nj THEODORE HERD Theodore Herd phoiocn graver for the Cleveland News for niore than 35 years died Saturday at Polyclinic Hospital Mr Hcrd 63 joined the News engraving department 'shortly after the end of World War I' in which he served in the Army Stationed in this he played in a division band His home was at 151R R2d Portsmouth Times the Salis 43 actory Warehouse Site 43 urnished Apartments (Last) 43 urnished Apartment (Heat)4 3 urnished House (East) 43 urnished Hosses (West) 43 Housekeeping rasij Housekeeping (West) Offices Desk Room Rooms Board (fast) Reoms Board (Wet) Suburban Property i Houses WANTED TO RENT actory Warehouse urnished Apartments Housekeeping Room Rooms Board to Rent Anartmcnts tb Rent Houses REA I xi'lTr Exchange Real Estate Out of loin Rtai Ulate Sate Apartments Sties bato Business Property actories Site Sate arms and Acreara Parma 45 bale Hosses East East Cleveland Eu clid 44 JfonsM Jtouth Southeast Garfield Heights Bedford Maple Heights 1 Warrensville 45 Sale House lUirhtii South Euclid Lyndhnnt Mayfield Height Beach wood Pepper like 45 Sale House Lakewood Rocky River Bay airview Sale West Southwest Be rea 43 ate lots 15 Suburban Propert (Eart) 45 Suburban Property (West) 45 Cottages Sites Resorts 44 Tn Lease 43 Wanted Real Estate 44 SALE MISCELLANEOUS Marine supplies Otothin? ur Repair Dogs Poultry Supplies Horses Stock arm Tool Machinery Motor Piano Musleal Instruments Sai Diamond Jewelry Sale Household Good bale MiAeetHneou Sewing Machines Store and Office ixture Typewriter Office Machine Wanted Old Gold Diamonds Wanted Miscellaneous PI5COPO LORE ANTONIO beloved husband rt Ruby (nee ChieUa) father ot ester: brother of the Ute fiabilo Piscopo pmed away suddenly riend received uneral Home 2097 Murray HtU Rd uneral Tuesday Dec 21 al 93Q axm4 at the Holy Rosary POTHNGLR JOSEPH JR Ute residence 55 St Clair Mentor darling of Mr and Mr Joseph Pottinger: brotbr of Paulette nd Donald grandson ot Mr and Mra Taddie and Mrs Clara Pottmger riends may call at the lAwrence McMahon uneral Home 38001 Euclid Ave Willoughby ATER 4 MONDAY Mas of the Angel Wednes day Dee 22 9 15 a nt Immaculate Conception Church WILLIAM residence 19460 Raymond Ave Maple Heights: beloved husband of Anna (nee Koneru father of Caroline DeMarco Clifford Raymond Donald: brother of James Quinn Mae Clark Josephine AIU house riends may ealUat the Wm Donlon uneral Home 9213 Mlles Ave ATER 2 MONDAY neral Wednesday Dec 23 at 9:30 a from st Wenceslas Church 17825 Libby Rd Maple Heights ROXCH WILLIAM formerly of Cleveland beloved husband otToeephlne (nee Cernyti dear father ot Rita Dietz and grandfather ion of Jamei and Sarah nce Caasldyrt broth er ot Elisabeth Heffron Homer Re gina Hoffman Raymond and rancis riend received at uneral Home toraln 14 Sth St (ATER 4 MONDAY) uneral Tuesday Dec 21 Holy amily Church 13205 Chapeltide Ave at 9:30 a Inter ment Calvary Cemetery RYRICKi 11LLN (nee MurtaH of 1810 Cypress Avet beloved wife of Joseph: mother ot Aliee Dine Patricia and Ann Mirier dauhtr cf Arne sis ter cf sister JusttcU John and Sister Veronica and grandmother riends may call at rank Rybicki uneral Home 4640 Turney Rd where services will held Tuesday Dee 21 at a and St Leos Church ham was bom in She Club He was a 1939 graduate whs active tor many years to tha of Ohio Wesleyan University irst Baptist Church Cleveland and a member of Phi Gamma uciu socia jraicnuijM Sumvfng nun art hu wue Elinor mother Mrs James Salter and three daughters all ot Tyler Services will be held at 2 pm tomorrow In irst Methodist 1 Church to Marysville Burial WlU EAST UVERPOOL Dec 3116 TH familv wilt ro'Clvt frisnd MONDAY MherrunerU Wootfluid Ave (flrtt north o( Sbkr Square) Sente our Ldy of Price Church iE 126th Sit at Shaker Bh'di at 10 pl GERTRUDE A (nee Bon chert: residence 3X72 lOth St beloved wife ot Mrs Judith Bel: Wr and Howard Borchert and the late Eida Euisik riday riends mv sli at the Cha A Handler AIRVIEW PARK UNERAL HOME 18871 Rd Service Tuesday Dec 21 at 1 BROCK ALMA (nee MaPleiton) be tovd wife ot red: mother ot Rtchaid Rupple Mr Catherine Rtero and Les lie lister Alpha Mapieiton and grandmother riends may IJ 4j 'I Berry uneral Home T200 5tro Ave after 1 Monday Jner81 service from SL Church AVednetday Dec 2 2 at 9:30 a BROWN JESSIE beloved Mater of May Thurber Albert Charles and Clarence passed away riday riend may call at the Baker Eyneral Home Berea where service will be held Monday Dec 20 at 2 JOSEPHINE late residence 4008 JA 24th fit brtoved wife ot Louis dear mother rf Lduli grandmother ot Loul Thoma Robert and Charte: daughter rt Marr Rabsh: rier rf Rosetta Payne of Utica Mich riend received at uneral Home Lo aln Ave at 148th fit uneral Monde Dec 20 fit Angela' Churchy 9:30 Interment Holy Crex Cemetery Please omit flower BRUNaON GRANT beloved husband nt Minnie father of Mae Pawmoro Ed Muri Iv White and Eva: grandfather and great grandfather: passed away riday riend may call rt the Raker uneral Home Berea where service win be held Tuesday Dec 21 at 2 GILMAN JENNIE LIND age93 Years: wife ot the late Arro Chester Gilman mother of the late Harry grand mother: residence 708 Whitethorn Ave Memorial at the Uni tarian Society 82d and Euclid Avg on Monday st 3 Arrangement by the Dougherty uneral Home GLICK ZORA Phillip) wife rf the late Georg mother or Mrs Cordon: cousin of Ruth Zimmer man residence 18420 Kinsmen Rd Service at Bennett Sharer uneral Home 11212 uelld Ave Tuesday at 2 Burial Mallet Crek RANKINS EDWARD BORERT beloved and of Leite Hankm: father of Ain Louise (Mn Cordon Low Jane Moyer (Mr Arthur Lock Ruth Leale Hankins brother cf Mr Cart Whpe of Tucson Arte end Mr WlUIsm Carr of Anderton Ind: Dec 19 Private funeral and burial tn lieu of flowers contribution mav be mde tn the Cleveland Hrtth Muge Memorial rorvires will be held 2:30 mM Weineadv Dec 22 1 the a Irmouht Presbyterian Church HARP (LADT fnct £trunk fience 486 239th St: beloved wife nf CMo: mother of Robert Clyde tr Ciaronre 1 and John fcer ot Hattie and th tat Strunk sister of Jneg Piatt and Reatia nrew riaroU may cal! the tnJe JahMton uneral Hom 15314 Mwauley Av corner 152d and 7 Blvd where frttett will te held Monday it 1 tn 01! nd unsrsl flatlets HI HI) 1 II) Ol) jRL uckjvcu iiuaiMMu of Miomc bioihrr of Mr Elsie Mah ler ot Louteville Ky riends may call at Loiee A Write r'uneral Hume 8806 Em nd Axe UNTIL 10 30 MON DAY Service and interment Louis Mlle Ky HLRMtNN KAllti RIN) leildeilce 14112 Thame Ave bewved wife ot the late Henry: mother nt Elizabeth Zigander of Montville Kmelia Saihaidt Margitt Bukky Mentor and grsnd mother riends may call 1 Aianley Johnswn funeral Home 15J14 Ma cauley Ave turner ot 153d fit and Lake fihore Blvd where aervlce will be held WednedayjH 1 MLShKlH7'JAMLfi JOSEPH late rei dence 38956 boreal Giove Willo mtk beloved husband cf Catherine fnee Waith) dear father ot James Brien Swaney Mary VVrisbarih John Margaret itxgerald brother of Helen Marau Agney Thoma: grandfather riend may call at the Laurence McMahon unoral Home 38001 Euclid Ave Willoughby Service Tuesday Dec 21 10 a Rt Mary Magdalene ChurchVine St Willowick lateroidnee? 3160 Richland Ave: beloved husband ot Aim (Bithi: dew father ot De Lourde La VJelie Lrnnaid and Joanne and grandfather dear son of Mary (Burkhardt) and the late John brother of Ached Coletta Marrtr and Rita Winkler riend received al uneral Home Lorain Ave at 148th (ATER fi MONDAY 1 uneral Wednesday Dec 22 Time and place later 4 Hl MrAlJjaihl 14 of Twlnibiirg wife of the late John mother of iJowepiu rank Mra Celia Brinker and John ir grandmother of 3: passed away Saturday riends may call al the Donald IL Johnson uneral Home 521 Broadway Redford where service will held Tuesday Dec 31 at 3 BLI Wbeloved hub band of Isabelle brother ot Raymond Saturday Dec 1: late reildence 7000 Dig Ct riends "may call at Yuung Koeblcr uneral Home 1966 id 81 where service will be held Monday Dec 2u at 8 Interment Applecreek 0 Tuesday Dec 2 at 1 JACKMAN DR LOVIS beloved hus band ot Beatrice lather of Hurtfield Mr Winifred Schmit Mn Betty Speacht and grandfather riend may call rt Loree A Write uneral Home 8806 Euclid Ave Services Tuei Pec 31 at 2:30 LN SL YBib IE residence 15420 Hummere Ave beloved sister of Wil liam Kinsey Mr Albert Stucky and Mrs Ira Stubbart rlnds may call at tha Stanley 11 Johnrion neral Home 15314 Macauley Ave corner ot 152d St and Lake Shore Blvd where servtoe will be held Monday evening Dec 20 at 8 interment at New Philadelphia Tuerday Dec21 at 1 kOKT'VRNLST it beloved husband of Mabel residence 1361 Hell Ave riend may call st the Daniela uneral Home 15800 Detroit Ave where serv ices will be held Wednesday rec 2 st 1 Burial at Amhert IIARRY beloved husbanJ of Mollie devoted father of Michael brother of Katit Gorsky Sima Levine Elsie KanetslJ Ben Knslen alt of Philadelphia ra Jennl Leantek Lucy Andres Isidore Kosltm 11 of Lo Angele Cal Morris A Koslen and Ida Berg I Tuesday Dec 21 at th Cohn Margowsky Inc Memorial Chapel 772 105lh St amily at residence 12953 Cedar Rd KOVACS JOHN1 71 llosehifi Ave beloved husband of Mary (nee Tracztkr dear father of Elizabeth Mr Margaret argo Mrs Irma Ste fsnek Joseph and grandfather riends received at the Hrteto uneral Home 9412 Buckeye Rd where services will be held Tuesday at 8:30 a and at St Margaret's Church 116th St and Harvey Ave at 9 a KRAUbi: BEi rY wife of the late ranke mother of Lester rank jr Robert and Dorothy Hop kins grandmother and great grand mother: sister of Mrs A Murray: pusrd way rid riend may call at the Donald uneral Home 521 Broadway Bedford where service will be held Monday Dec 20 at 2 LtXART VERONICA of Hudson beloved mother ot Stephen Mrs Marr Olah and Mrs Irene Trubiua and grandmother passed ay Saturday riend may call at the Donald Johnson uneral Home Hudson Service at SL Mary Churoh at Hud son Tuesday Dec 21 1 10:30 RAYMOND ssnurc A sergeant in the Army in World War I he served in 15 Personals Business Notices ci km rKANCH nt atrwt briuved daughter of Anna and the late Charte niece Mr Joeephme grab and Mr Anioineli Jankowski pau'd away Satind i lend may rail at Ihe Donald Johnson uneral Home Hudson Services at immtrulal Comcptluh Church Tavenn Tuesday Dec 2L st rtO rirrnmKi conatnt homyi fnimerly of Wickliffe beloved son nt Louis brother' of Victor Ldwaid Leonard rance Wilcox Heln uhr man l0ule Hollritl and Elsie Ho laski passed away Thursday riends may rail at Da via uneral Hume 19001 Notinihain K4 (DUte) Services a 2 CRHKDN CHRISTIAN beloved hus band of the lata Augusta nte Persin 1: fUher of Harry John Mr iorenc Bump the late Henry Laura Grlb ben Lena Hoffman and Edward grand father and great grandfather: Satur day in at hl daughter' residence 3033 Lorain Rd riend may caH ATER 7 MONDAY at ths CTias A Mandley AIRVIEW PARK NERAL HOME 16871 Lorrtn Ed fierv Ires Wednesday Dec 22 at RLI MARY (Mrill7) (riee Rea tan 1 beloved wife of the late John nicilicr of Beatrice Connor Colette Sammon Nnroen Brown grandmother of Patrick Pam mon Mollv and Kathleen Brown: shder nf Nor Gaytetd Cat her ine Wlchern and the late Patrick Rea ran rMidence 3321 Berea Rd Sun day Deo 19 1954 riends may call at ihe MrGorray Pro Lakewood Home 1 14133 Detroit after 3 Monday uneral Wednesday Dec 22 fit Vin cent De raul's Church at 9:30 a CZUKA JOfirni residence 4706 1 Rlythln Rd Cartleld lirights: beloved I husband of ths late Julianna father of Gene John Steve Bernie Blue 1 Walter: brother of the 1st John Hed wig Regula and grandfather uneral Tuesday Dec 21 from Komorowskl uneral Home 4105 7Ht St 8:30 a tn to Scied Heart ot Jesus Church 7lst bt al 9 a Bui lai Cemetery' jDWIlS JOHN beloved husband of klary Jane father of Bee (Mr George Miller) grandfather of Holly and fientt residence 1079 Selwyn Rd Cleveland riend received at the Dougherty uneral Home 13613 Euclid Ave services on Wednesday at 1:3 with pev Howard Graham officiating Interment Knoll wxd Blauaoleum DENNIS ROBERT A beloved ton of Glen A and the late Adele hire Wor teyt Saturday a riend may call ATER 7 MONDAY at the Chas A Mandley uneral Home 154 an Tris kett Rd Services private Kindly omit flower 4 DeNOintR HULUN (nee Green wald) residence 14236 Lake Shore Blvd beloved wife of the late Nathan mother of Nathan Jr: sister of Helen Alex and Robert riends may call at Marv A Svetek uneral Home 478 152d St SeivteM Wednesday at 10:30 a Burial Highland Park Cemetery DY ME ciHRtra huiband of Sadie (nee Weaver)? Lather of Mrs Margaret grandfather and great grandfather: brother of Henry and Rob ert Dyble and Mrs Alice Leckle riends may call at ean uneral Home 3914 Dover Rd Wertlak where services win bt held Monday Deer 20 at 2 IGGRT EMMA 5 IADS age 97 wife of the late Albert: beloved mother ot Mrs Robert Koob and the late George A Eno grandmother and groat grandmother: raed awav pec 19 residence 1421 Waterbury Rd nends received 3 5 7 9 TUES DAY at the Saxton uneral Hom 13215 Detroit Ave where services will be held Wednesday Dec 22 at 3 Please omit flowers ABR Jackson Rd Moreland Hills: beloved wife of ihe late William mother of Dilworth and the late William: grandmother of Petrteia Ciarlariello cf Texas: Roderick and William aber IV riends may call at Stroud A Sons unral Home 95 ranklin St Chagrin alls Memorial service al the irst Unitarian Church Shaker Blvd at Belvoir Tuesday Dec 21 at 4 In HAl of Hower pleau make contribution to the Uni tartan Memorial und 1 AI CHARLES (I great uncle of Mro Eileen Reinhart (lgary): sudden ly Saturday: residence 3264 Grandview Ave Cleveland Height riends re ceived ATER MONDAY at the Home of the John I Kunn Co 2041 89th St between Euclid and Cameri where services held Tuesday Dec 21 at 2 Kindly omit flower ERGUS LENDER wife of the late Horace mother ot Lenar Mi Don ald Stuart and the late Rex riends received at the Dougherty neral Home 13613 Euclid Ave on Monday ROM 7 10 Private services on Tuesday INDLAY WILMA (LOLGLER) wif of Russell mothr of Susanne and Cynthia: daughter of Mrs Louts Lneg let: sister of Cnon David Izerier Arthur Tcrrev Mr George Guthmsn Walter ef Chlcarn of Waahtngton Ch and Mr Paul Hurr of Detroit: Dro 17 riends may call at the rtrhPl Ho? o' tb Millard Son A Raper Co alrhiil at East Blvd where service will be held Monday De 20 at 1:30 TOSTER ELIZA beloved sister of fifster Mary Estelle fi and Mr Patella Toner and the late James os ter Mrs Margaret McNamara and Arthur oster: residence 1260 Rist fit amily will receive friends at The iynn roelk Co uneral Home 13104 Euclid Ave ATER MONDAY uneral notice later Please omit flowers RANZ HENRY 2080 101st fir: beloved hiubsnd of lorence (nee Kinketeftn father of Rosemary proth of Maty Wiersma Chrtstten Ori mll and Wiiltem: undav Dee 1 riends may rail at the Carl Kauf mann uneral Home romer of fifith rankHn Blvd wh win be held Wednesday Dec 22 St AUTO SALESMAN USED CAR SALESMEN Have opening! for 2 g'vM men New car agency ex cellent oav plan health and welfare benefits West Side resident preferred must have selling experience See Mr Rethas Robert Tcp ord 17525 Lorain AUTO SALESMAN EXPERIENCED steady work GOOD Salary! SUN Motor 2700 EUCLID ir Edward Hankins ounder of Container irm Is Dead I Mr 111 Xmas Sharpe Shop JO TALBERT JIITH oelovnl has Unit ot Brrndrtte mre Schorldm tthrr ot Clherlnr Lynn Leley Ann Nancy Jan and Hugh JI Jr brother ot Ho fretl Cimer ot Shelbvvllie In6 nd Mr Edwin ot phn sprins Cl JAmlty will receive friend The Hynn rnelv Co nrl Home 13104 Euelid Av where Dr Jme feivrd (Church ot the Cross will ollkUt on Monday 1 TON ER ELIZ A Ke oster notlee TliRICH CHARLES beloved hus band ol Shirley: brother or Albert Htrrr Mra Nell Handler And Mra Ruth Trlmtl riend my till Merle Owen Son uneral Home 16O4I Etielid Nobl Rd Services Tuesdr Dee 31 3 0 i CMvirv rebyferln Church Euclid at 79th St WALSH ANNA MAE late residence 1944 S3 St beloved daughter ot Nor tClnlejl and the Ute Patrick: dear aUter or Marie Relle Edward and Joseph riends received uneral Home Lorain Ave at 146 St (ATER 5 MONDAY neral Wednesday Dec 33 St Patrlck a Church Bndje Ave at 9:30 a In terment Holy Cro Cemetery WABSHOSKY E61HER wife ot the Ute Isaac: beloved mother ot Mra Jeannette Yespur: dear jrandmother ot Mra Eleanor Eckhouse Service at BerWwlti Sons Inc uneral Chapel 618 105th Monday Dec 20 at 1 Interment Zion Memorial Park amily will observe the week ot mourn ing at the residence of Jacob Yospur 1833 South Green Rd WrlMEB CORNELIUS (CHARLIE! residence 400 146th St: beloved husband ot the Site ssle father ot Guy 7 Ray Mildred Culp and rrandfathcr brother of Jull Thomas Katherine Verhsgue and Edward riends may call at the Johnston uneral Home 15314 Ma cauley Ave corner of J53d St and Lake Shore Blvd where services i wilt he held Wednesday at 3:30 rn Burlrt atCrown Hill Cemetery wiTTBR PHILEMON DeO 18 at the Masonic Home Springfield riend received ATER 7 MONDAY st The Edwards uneral Home 13143 Euclid Ave where Woodward Lodge No 508 and 1 will conduct services Tuesday Dec 31 at 8 Interment Acacia Cemetery "WOOD tfLLIE (nee Bedie be loved wife o( Amos mother of Amos Wood Jr of Seattle Wash and Mra Mary Crates: grandmother ot3: sister of Charles Bedie: residence 14634 Armin Ave The family will re ceive friend at KUnke uneral Parlors 13639 Detroit Ave Lakewood where Services will be held Wednesday Dec 33 at 1:30 In lieu ot flower donations may be 'made to the Cancer und YATCHUN MIKE neloved husband of Eva dear father of John and Mary: brother ot Mrs Pauline Hovan Nestor and Gua: suddenly riday riends may call at the rank McGinty neral Home 8113 Superior Ave where aervlcee win be held Monday Dec 30 at 3 2 Lodge Notices a WOODWARD LODGE NO 508 and A Breth AA ren: You are requeued to cxfV? meet at The Edwards i neral Home 13145 Euclidxx Ave on Tuesday evening Dec 21 at 8 to con duct funeral services for our late brother Phil Witter HARRY UNTERBERGKR WILORD KEEUNG Sec 4 In Memorlam KMOLA MAY Dec 20 1251 Before mf eyes you fad'd Crowing weaker everv day Doing all could to save you Until God took you away a You suffered much your pleasures few You never deserved what ycu went thtough You stood the trot you took It well hat you suffered none can tell Your memory Is our keepsake i With that we shall never part God ha you in Hi keeping We hav von in our heart YOUR LOVING HUSBAND DAUGWTERfi GRANDfiONfi AND SONS IN LAW 5 uneral Directors 12737 Euclid Ave GA 1 1857 Daniels uneral Home 15800 Detroit Ave Call Us Day or Night BO 2 5149 BO 2 5150 DeVAND 11130 EUCLID "'i CE 1 0910 Wm Abel Sons Co ESTABLISHYD 1880 15317 Euclid Ave 15333 EucMd Ave 1 1000 GL 1 0614 4 THE ZIEHM CO 11415 SUPERIOR GL 4782 13633 EVCUD GL 1 7656Merle Owen Son' GL 1 3101 1604 9 Euclid at Noble Rd 6 lowers iONS RUSSBU lnrlt ot Distinction 1036 Euclid (Account Welcome) MA 1 8343 SHAW ELT10 lorli4 cf Diacinctl 9to0 CiriMgl TIA 1 7900 pfrrn gvftn lower TrierrabheJ 'CALIORNIA Cadillac driver travel in style in a late model Cadillac Can leave immedi ately ull insurance Ample driving time allowed Must be ol age and re sponsible party ACE MOTORS SPECIALIZING IN CADILLACS 7U1 EUCLID JIE 1 1613 CHRISTMAS TREES Wholesale 8' 8150 American Red Pines $150: 4' 7' Scotch Pine Bal sam Pine Bough Priced very reason able Churches halls schools cgll ui for once 6138 Broadview Rd SH 1 1575 ilm Developed Only 35c Your film developed and 8 finest qual ity enlarged print 35c 12 exposure 50c Trial offer free mailers MODERN ILM SERVICE Box 3938D Cleveland 20 DRIVE A CADILLiC Los Anzeles Spokane Wash Miami la Some expenses paid Han son Chevrolet 1425J Maek Ave De troit 15 Mich VA 2 9S00 Ace ree Transportation New 1955 cars to Miami Los Angeles Seattle Portland San rancisco No waiting gas paid 3340 Woodward Detroit 1 Mich Phone Temple 2 1002 California loridaxWE URNISH NEW CARS" TO DRIVE TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES NO CHARGE A 1 1592 1909 Taylor A 1 9474 CANADIAN CHRISTMAS TREES WHOLESALE All varieties end size reasonable prices free delivery in lots of 50 or more 3780 Lee 15661 Euclid WA 1 76 8 8 CHRISTMAS TREES Nursery spruce and bushy Balsam Scotch pines potted trees: wholesale retail Lorain Garden 7982 Lorain Ave Open eves Sun ME 1 3144 20 TRACTORS: 3 ords with leader Moline snow plow $390 Cub and tnnls ord back hoe and loader $1900 Tire chains for all tractor and truck Horner Tractor Sales Geneva GITS to the Heart und in memory of your friend relatives or associates will be gratefully acknowledged by the CLEVELAND AREA HEART SOCIETY Room 518 2073 9 St TO 1 5173 Christmas Trees 3 8' Nursery grown spruce cut or dig ynur own $250 and up 9764 Columbia Ed off Lorain SH 1 6464 TURKEYS Double breasted tom 39c lb hens 45c lb SL Ciair Shaw Poultry 13520 St Clair CL 1 0825 CASHMERE SWEATERS 1ST QUALITY 100V pure imported cashmere: below whole le price Caxton Products Co distributors 314 inance Bidg (750 Prospect Ave at 9) REE HALL or banquets parties meeting! etc DI 1 0733 for reservation MAS trees wholesale: red pine to 8 ft: extra nice 4 urice 30c and 80c Kurrery 618 Clark Ave Ash land 3 3804 CADILLAC owner white neat will chauffeur rou anywhere In Creator Cleveland area ri Sat Sun eity policeman) Box 4215 Plain Dealer YOUR underwater headquarters: Aqua lungs and all equipment for underwater activities 3432 Memphis Ave ON 1 1800 DRIVING New York rfariy Tuesday desire pavenger of college age to share expenses Call IV 1 2636 after 5 DRIVING to Los Angrtes Dec 24 "rro turn Jan 15 Anyone wishing to along and help with expense call BR 1 7355 a only LEAVING for Los Angele Jan 5 young man wants' riders to share ex pense and driving EN 1 0564 after 3 7 DAILY ceramic firing elaM enamels cbm bisque glaze porcelain WA 1 7216 2000 XMAS TREES NX 1 Scotch plue at 2637 Scranton Rd Open a 10 SH 1 8758XMAS TREES Wholesale 5903 Lorain WO 1 9565 HIGHEST PRICES PAID We W1U Buy Your Photo Equipment BRYAR PHOTO SUPPLY PR 1 4605 HIGHEST prices paid for old gold and llamond Money loaned on diamond SOL BERGMAN 401 PROSPECT NEWt Waring blender cost $48 tell $40 small $200 Aeonriicon hearing aM new batteries tell 1 0116 Share expense Maine six Conn rec 23 return 27 Old mobile Ouellette GA 1 5213 ORBES DIPPING CHOCOLATE Both milk and vanilla sweet tor home makers PR 1 6779 'bRinNG'MADE EASY GL 1 0200 Any time any weather LORIDA Drive a new ear to Miami Auto Clinics Ine PR 1 9218 TU 5 0561 APT tie taa range new $4995 Prospect warehouse ELIX: GRILL 201 DENISON OPEN AS USUAL XMAS tree nd trtail we deliver SW 5 2545 33321 Euchd Ave 7 Lost and Rewards BOXER lost: Vicinity 115 Eitehd: short haired: answers to name ot Reward GA 1 2341 BRACELET lost: Pink gold and pal ladium set with 32 diamonds in panels Dec 14 in Shaker Square Re ward Call Mr Stafford SK 1 5800 BRACELET Jost: Black and gold en amel near UO Detroit rewartLJL 1 20S3 co*ckER Spaniel lost: all black male anwers to Pepper Rocky River ED 1 0068 DOG lost: St Bernard: will answer to Vicinity of 266 and Lorain Rd( North Olmsted Reward TR 1 6360 DOG lost: Black co*cker Spaniel male brown snot left side of nose reward Di 1 8291 DOG lost: Pekingese in Lakewood: wearing harness and license answer to Phone BO 2 2 7 3 7 lasses ioxt1 a horn Mon 118 Collamer Rd reward GA 1 416 LOST: Elgin wrist watcti face encircled with diamond: downtown De troit or bus: reward TO 1 46J0 Ext 691 or eves AC 1 3798 MONEY lost: throe $20 bills In Lake wood Sat reward LA 1 0240 PUPPY near Onaway School Shaker Height with brown and white marking very young and very lost Call WA 1 6773 RING test: With aaophim and dia monds: downtown: Dec 10: reward 8 3306 PR 1 7600 RING lost 5 opals Dec 15 at Carter Hotel keepsake reward YE 2 0733 VIOLIN 2 bow and case lost Re teard No questions asked IV 1 56 2 2WRIST w'atch teat Lady: gold vlcin Ito Thun reward YE 2 0354 wrist watch lost: lady Elgin white gold Thu between 4 PR 1 7103 1 1 Barter and Swap WILL trade used car for Hi i equip ment or what have you Center Motors 5137 Pearl SH 9 0860 TRADE £200 portable tape and disc recorder for 16 mm sound projector MI 1 8776 WILL do dental work in exchange for painting end paperhanglnc ER 1 1177 15 Ptrsonais Business Noliees YOUR car delivered to any point of destination PA 1 1592 ODD JOBS REPAIRS WHAT HAVE YOU? UT 1 8411 CERAMIC tiring greenware fur sale GL 1 7744 XMAS gift below wholesale: 9014 va rittes 1 to 8 901 4 a Ptrk music OCASTONS REASONABLE HATE HI 3 536 1 WE will deliver vour car any place Auto Cltotcs Inc PR 1 920 THE Get You Up oil Service! We ring till iron aniwe WY 1 7168 XMAS trees: Scotch pine wholesale $l6O ea Gai Nursery 5211 Lee.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Views: 6125

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.