The Ultimate Guide To Gluten Free Flapjacks: Tips, Tricks, And Recipes | Gina Burgess (2024)

Gluten free flapjacks are a delicious alternative to traditional flapjacks for those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. Made with gluten-free oats, these flapjacks are a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth without compromising your short and long-term health.

In this post, I will cover everything there is to know about gluten-free flapjacks, including tips for making them, essential ingredients, and delicious recipes to try at home (and that delicious recipe is of course… my own).

So whether you are new to the gluten free lifestyle or have been managing a gluten intolerance for some time, keep reading for my ultimate guide to gluten free flapjacks.

The Ultimate Guide To Gluten Free Flapjacks: Tips, Tricks, And Recipes | Gina Burgess (1)

Do Flapjacks Contain Gluten?

Flapjacks in the UK are typically made with oats, butter, sugar, and golden syrup.

While oats themselves do not contain gluten, they are often processed in facilities that also process wheat, barley, and rye, which can lead to cross-contamination. Therefore, it’s important to check the packaging or ask the manufacturer to confirm whether the oats used in the flapjacks are certified gluten-free.

Additionally, some recipes may include other ingredients that contain gluten, such as wheat flour or malt extract, so it’s always best to double-check the ingredients list before consuming flapjacks if you have a gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

What Are Gluten Free Flapjacks?

Gluten-free flapjacks are a type of flapjack made without gluten containing ingredients such as wheat, barley, and rye. Instead, they are made with gluten-free oats, which are certified to be free from cross-contamination with gluten.

One key difference between gluten-free flapjacks and regular flapjacks is their texture. Gluten-free flapjacks tend to be more crumbly and less chewy than traditional flapjacks due to the absence of gluten. However, with the right ingredients and techniques, it is possible to achieve a delicious and satisfying texture.

Gluten-free flapjacks are a great option for those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease as they allow people with these conditions to enjoy a sweet treat without causing digestive discomfort or other symptoms. By using gluten-free oats and other gluten-free ingredients, gluten-free flapjacks can be a safe and enjoyable dessert option for people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

Tips for Making Perfect Gluten-Free Flapjacks

Making perfect gluten-free flapjacks can be a challenge, but with the right tips and techniques, it is possible to achieve a delicious and satisfying result. Here are some tips for making perfect gluten-free flapjacks:

  1. Use certified gluten-free oats: When making gluten-free flapjacks, it is essential to use oats that are certified to be free from contamination with gluten. This will ensure that your flapjacks are safe for people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.
  2. Add extra moisture: Gluten-free flapjacks tend to be more crumbly than traditional flapjacks due to the absence of gluten. To combat this, add extra moisture to your batter in the form of melted butter, coconut oil, or a mashed banana. This will help to bind the ingredients together and create a more cohesive texture.
  3. Avoid over-mixing: Over-mixing your batter can lead to tough and chewy flapjacks. Instead, mix your ingredients together until just combined and then stop. This will help to create a tender and delicate texture.
  4. Let them cool before cutting: Gluten-free flapjacks can be quite fragile when they are warm, so it is best to let them cool completely before cutting them into squares. This will help to ensure that they hold together and don’t crumble.

Ingredients for Gluten Free Flapjacks

When making gluten-free flapjacks, it’s important to use the right ingredients to achieve a delicious and satisfying result. Here are the essential ingredients you will need to make gluten-free flapjacks:

  1. Certified gluten-free oats: Oats are the main ingredient in flapjacks, and it’s essential to use oats that are certified to be free from contamination with gluten. This will ensure that your flapjacks are safe for people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.
  2. Brown sugar: Brown sugar, or light-brown sugar, adds sweetness and moisture to your flapjacks. It also helps to create a soft and chewy texture.
  3. Butter or coconut oil: Butter or coconut oil helps to bind the ingredients together and create a cohesive texture. It also adds richness and flavour to your flapjacks.
  4. Golden syrup or honey: Golden syrup or honey adds sweetness and flavour to your flapjacks. It also helps to create a soft and chewy texture.
  5. Baking powder: Baking powder helps to give your flapjacks a lift and create a light and fluffy texture.

Alternative ingredients that can be used to achieve different flavours or textures include:

  1. Maple syrup: Maple syrup can be used instead of golden syrup or honey to add a different flavour to your flapjacks.
  2. Almond or peanut butter: Almond or peanut butter can be added to your batter to create a nutty flavour and add protein.
  3. Dried fruit: Dried fruit such as raisins, cranberries, or apricots can be added to your batter to create a fruity flavour and add texture.
  4. Nuts or seeds: Chopped nuts or seeds such as almonds, walnuts, or pumpkin seeds can be added to your batter to add crunch and nutrition.

My Favourite Delicious Gluten Free Flapjack Recipes

Of course, it’s got to be my own! That’s not against the rules, is it?

So this is my signature gluten free flapjack recipe:

It’s delicious, you can make it chewy or crunchy (there are tips on the link above!), and you can even drizzle dark chocolate all over it for an amazing sweet finish!

The Ultimate Guide To Gluten Free Flapjacks: Tips, Tricks, And Recipes | Gina Burgess (2)
The Ultimate Guide To Gluten Free Flapjacks: Tips, Tricks, And Recipes | Gina Burgess (2024)
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