The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont (2024)


George W. Brlggs leaves this morning BAILEY'S that on his vacation which he will spend in the Adirondack. (broing JLiKv Hot Cakes. THE WEATHER. Take EleTator For Carpet Dept.

The indications are 'J will be fair to-day. JIUlttj FAIR TO-DAY. Forecast for Saturday for Vermont: Fair, except showers in northern portions, warmer southerly winds. Elias Lyman Is spending the week with his family at the Cascade House, Caa-cadeville, N. Y.

John Dubue of Fletcher Boynton's shoe store, went to Montpelier yesterday on his vacation. A. J. Boynton, manager of the Hotel Dresses Elegant Crepon TIHIIE ILAIIMIES added to the $oo lot this Yesterday's WM. All colors and Burlington, returned yesteraay irom a The weather yesterday.

Indicated by the thermometer at Bellroee's pnarniatr: H.W.Allen&Co's trip to Lake George. D. K. Hall of Rutland, who has been In 7a. IS o.

black. New goods. Prices from $12.50 to $20. oo, all in one lot i 12 75 i Coming Loral Kventt, Press rarade of squadron. 3d TJ.

S. Cav alry. Major I T. Morris commanding, on pleasant Tuesday and Friday afternoons JULY SALES of each week, first call at 15 o'clock, on drill grounds near highway at Fort Ethan "He always looks 3 if he 2 the city for the last few days, returned to his home this morning. Mrs.

L. A. Cunningham. Miss Murphy and Joseph Murphy of Bennington are visiting William Cassidy of Crombie street. Miss Maud Ballard goes to Winthrop Beach, near Boston, to-day.

to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. Henderson. J. C.

F. Hayford was in the city yester day buying material for a new school building at Johnson, for which he has the contract. Mrs. E. A.

Severance and daughter. Miss Maud'-, of Bennington, were in the city yesterday as the guests of C. S. Feople are not fools and cannot be imposed upon all the time. Frequently a so-called music house can place a fictitious price on a piano and sell it, but some one will find them out sooner or later.

But that does not help the purchaser, for such houses have no responsibility. Why not buy of an old reliable music house, who, you know from experience, is not only dealing hon Drably, but one perfectly reliable Such a house is Each. had just come out cf a band Allen. TO-PAY. Excursion to St.

Albans. THE FVTVRE. July 22. Montcalm club excursion. box." Well, he did, and a Are our Suits at the prices we have placed on them.

Just ILook July 22. Entertainment at Rock Point. pretty large one too, located at No. 156 and 15S College July 26. Buffalo Bill exhibition.

5 street, ut course, trie man I Severance. E. Towiisend went to Boston yesterday to spend a few days, after which he wiil go to Rochester, for the re Hoys' Shift Waists. Rourh and Ready kind Tcf errt lnan 1i NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS TO-DAY. Information wanted, 1st page.

Photographs, Snyder's, 4th page. At the way we have marked mainder of his vacation. tne ladies (jDniy one ot a I I BAILEY'S MUSIC ROOMS, i them. N. Miss Agnes O'Brien of Nashua, Clothing.

Chas. E. Pease 5th page, Fine Clothing, U. Turk 5th page. who has lieen visiting Miss -Mamie thousand) bought his cloth Crepons are good; never more stylish than now.

We urge every lady to examine this lot of handsome Dresses. No such bargains in desirable Dress Fabrics ever offered in the city. N. E. CHAMBERLIN Bnrlinsrton, Vt.

$20 00 Suits marked down to $15 00 l-arty of Front street for tne past two weeks, went to St. Albans yesterday. hats and neckwear of ing, Special Sale of Shoes, Mosley Bigelow 3th page. Mechanics' Tools, John A. Manson Co.

3th page. IS IV III VUf ICdlfVU4 1G 00 Suits marked down to 14 00 14 00 Suits marked down to 10 01) 12 00 Suits marked down to 9 00 July Pales of Dry Goods, II. W. Allen A. G.

Whittemere and H. S. Peck will drive to Milton this morning and Mr. Perk will return to Essex Junuiion in season to take the aflernoon train to Hardwick, where he will spend Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur E. Chase of Canton, N. Y-, Miss Hattie Mann of Chatham, 5th page. us.

Is there anything you need to complete your summer wardrobe We can supply Rfimrt of the Condition of the Mer PIAfiO TUNING chants National Bank, 1th page. Report of tm? Condition of the Howard CHANGE OF RULES. N. and Dr. Manley.

who have been piano work of all kinds done in only your wants, it is not our National Bank, 4th page. Percales, Flanelettes, etc; 25 cent kind now HIT cent. Boys' Shirt Waists, Rough and Ready kind Extra quality, white and black checks, blue satine stripes, 5 to 12 years, 50 cent kind, now cents. Boys' Double Ye Shirt Waists, best made, white Cambric $1.35. stripe and fancy Percales $1.00.

goods alone that are attrac- All Physicians and Surgeon May stake Ve of Fannie Allen Hospital. For other local news see sixth pajs. 10 00 Suits marked down to 7 50 8 50 Suits marked down to 50 00 Suits marked down to 4 50 Children's Suits, 50c to $5.00. The greatest Bargain Sale of Men's Working Shirts at 39c, and Men's Unlaun-dered Shirts at 39c, regular 50c and 75c goods. cruising around the nortnern part 01 ineifirgt ciass manner.

Twenty years expe-lake on the yacht "Polly wog" were in the; rjence an(j recommendations from Wildly yesterday. liam Knabe Emerson Piano Co-Mrs. Charles P. Nash of Kansas City, H. F.

Miller Piano Mason Hamlin, formerly Miss Sara A. Enright, a popular 1 Mcl'hnil Piano New England Piano tec-herin the rmhlic schools here, is vis-! r- William H. Sherwood. Carl Zerrhan Our reasonable prices to the combination The trustees of the Fannie Allen Hospital have decided to change the rules and regulations so that all duly authorized AT FORT ETHAN ALLEN. Yesterdat's Drti Farade the Finest the Season, With Many Spectator.

tive. add Shall you. be to see physicians will have the i slstPr- -Mrs- surgeons and delighted tiiiM uuiuis la a guarantee 01 guuu wurn. FRANKLIN OP.TII. privilege of sending their patients there for care and attendance, and even of at- Miss Bessie Cary of Montpelier, who tending and operating if their patients so The dress parade of the 3J United States cavalry last evening at Fort Ethan Allen, was the finest of the season and was wit- desire Thi is a fhanrp which will urc South Willard street.

67 rTsum r. Piano Tuner and Repairer. Orders may Uft at MrKanaon Store, or reaideaoa, Elinwood at. S.wxUf nessed by a large assemblage of people, dout(tejiy be. pleasing to the medical fra- too Many other bargains numerous to mention.

who came in carriages and on the elec- I trie cars from all quarters. At precisely church choir, has resigned her position. During her stay Miss Cary has made many devoted friends, who very much regret her leaving here. Dr. W.

H. Vernon loft yesterday for Kcene, N. and will spend a month in the Adirondacks. From there he will go 5:40 the cavalry men appeared. Major Mor ternity of Burlington and vicinity.

The Sisters in many hospitals give this facility to the doctors and elsewhere it has worked well. If the medical fraternity approve of the plan and make it a success the Sisters mav make it permanent. The or- is in command. Lieut. Dickman adjutant.

G. HARRIS. B. TURK I The Leadins Clothiers. i The formation of the squadron for parade from to left was Troop Cant.

dinary rules of all well regulated hospitals 'to London and take a post-graduate course Stiles SKelley's, Corner (hurch and College Sts. F.ourke. Lieut. Tate. E.

Liut. ll- will be enforced, particularly in regard to ai me iioai college, rciuming iu -ew operations, where the surgeon operating York to practice. liams. G. Capt.

liardie. Other officers PIANO AND OKLrAN TUNING. Graduate of New Kland Omserratorr, Boston. Orderi mav be at Paige's mulo store. 1W Oolieife t.

Residence 1 st. Paul Street. SK.KIOl'S atid permanent damage to the uttoui aTxtoin trannmiseible to p.terity. and death even, may be caused by prolonged or frequent attacks of Hysteria. Dr.

Wil-lard' excerpt. present were Lieutenants Caldwell and f.o Ladies' Shirt Waists I were Andrews. The dress tarade ceremonies gone through wan great precision. should be assisted by two or Ihree other surgeons. The change will go into effect as soon as the necessary rules can be made and published.

The electric railway from Winooski makes the hospital easy of access for physicians, patients and their friends. i showing the excellent drill discipline of New Tercales and Muslins both men and horses. The sounding on" by the trumpeters, the reports of the first I sergeants, the open order formation, man to-day; lots of them. iplen I an ap-a a rm tKa ual of sabrv. in which all the intricate did value in Silk Waists.

THE RAYMOND EXCURSIONISTS. movements were included ar.d finally tne 1 i 1 dismissal of the raraiie in which the offi .1 (hum Vi.lted -Tally-ho Ride-Concert by the SUertnau. Among the visitors to the city yesterday were the Baroness de Beridcz of Paris, Mr. and Mrs. M.

D. Rueker of London, and Miss Johnstone Bennett, the noted actress, who starred last season ill "The Amazons." Gov. Woodbury left last night for Mor-risville. where his family spending a few days. As was announced in the Mor-risville news in yesterday's Free Press, a son was born to Mr.

and Mrs. J. M. Powers Thursday morning, making Gov. Woodbury's fourth grandchild.

Among the arrival at the hotels yesterday were Dr. G. S. Heft of Bridgeport. Coi.n., F.

I'. Thomas of iiandnlph, H. II. Lee of Rutland. D.

11. Johnson, J. H. Ayers H. G.

Root and C. H. Darling of Bennington. H. G.

Jamison of Alburg, Willard Farrington of St. Albans, H. B. Kent of Dorset, and G. I'.

Twigg of St. Al cers came to the front and saluted the commanding officer, were well worth I seeing. The parade over. Major Morns or dered his officers to their posts, and th- followed a review, the troops passing platoon columns at a walk and trot, after .1 i hich a squadron drill took piaee. endirg s.

snl CHILTON TAINT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. Ladies' Under- with a line formation on the southerly side rf the fiVld. then moving forward at la walk. trot, gallop and charge, when flew these gallant soldier boys of -across the plain, lines bans. wear Eoonterss ing and sabres flashing All present were proud The Raymond excursionists visited Au-sable Chasm yesterday and were much impressed by its grandeur and wildness.

On their return in the afternoon they were met by W. H. Lane's coaches and were driven around the city, visiting the points of interest of the most beautiful city in the country, as they expressed it. In the evening they were fortunate enough to be entertained by the Shermans, who gave an exceptionally fine concert in City Hall Park, and said that the band was second to none in the country, and that Burlington ought to congratulate itself on having such an organization. The excursionists leave this morning in two parlies, one going through the White Mountains and the other direct to Boston.

Extra parlor cars will be attached to the mail train on the Central division and to the White fountain train for their aecommo-1 dation. of the evolutions. The only drawback was 3 i "I i. the dust which it is will be avoid- CITT AND JUSTICE COURTS. John Roakes appeared before Judce CO GOZen L.auieb CSIS, an as tne.

government are necessary to keep the feet cool and z-i We have proven in sores of rases that I'hi'toa Paint dire the mot pointing for the least money, wears longest aud luoka betit. w. E. KREENE, 1 t'ollose Street. fOOCl OUalitV, While they last I must improve the rarade ground.

Cav-owu 4U airy soldiers who have served through the easy in summer.The lady is evidently well pleased with hers which are all that a pe.rfect summer shoe should be. They can i war of the rebellion say they never saw a finer sight. The electric cars did not At 5c eacli. begin to accommodate the public and it is hGped that at no distant day the railroad people will put on more cars and give satisfactory accommodation. Russoll yesterday to answer to a charge 'of intoxication, but was quickly remanded jail for unsatisfactory disclosure, i The second chapter in the three cases of general assumpsit, M.

P. McMahon. J. W. McAuslan and H.

J. Nelson vs. (George E. Ashley and trusteo was raJ by Justice Hawkins yesterday. The trustee-, H.

H. 1 Ross, tiled disclosure in all three cases that he had no of the principal defendant in his hards. The case was continued until July 23 and the Merchants' National bank notiried to appear as claimant. Defendant Ashley defaulted July 22 easily be duplicated in our stock, which consists entirely of be beaten" goods. Low shoes, low prices, but high qualities describes our goods in a few-words.

Those who have worn our shoes praise them most strongly, and the testimony of experience is conclusive. Join the cloud of witnesses to the superiority of our shoes in value, fit, style, and wear. Printed labels for fruit jars, in book form, gummed and perforated, ready for use. No more guessing at the contents of your fruit jars. CHINA HALL.

69 Church Street. L. C. GRANT, Proprietor. 100 dozens, four or five kinds, fine goods, silk trimmed, your choice for 25 cents.

Many of these are worth 50 cents. 100 dozens Children's Underwear, one-half price. SFNDAY SERVICES. At the Coiletre Street Congregational church there will be a union service of the two Congregational churches with an address in the morning by Gen. O.

O. How BUFFALO BILL LEADS THE WAY. One performer in the Wild West exhibition is entitled to especial mection, from the fact that she is the only white woman in Buffalo Bill's camp, and is at the same tim the greatest lady wing shot in the For ale. Two houses with large tract of land for sale very cheap on Interval avenue, near North street. J.

J. FLY XX. and the question now is on the liability of FLETCHER BOYNTON. ard, who will speak of the work and needs the trustee. of the Congregational Home Missionary world.

This is Annie Oakley, who, when not travelling with the Wild West enter- i society. Of which he Is president. The pas- tor. Rev. P.

M. Snyder, will preach at the tainment. resides at Nutley, N. but was raised at the ol I homestead in the West Egyptian Cotton, sizes 16 ASSAULTED HIS GUARD AND ESCAPED. Ethrop Mitchell, a soldi-r ronf m-1 in the guard house at Fort Ethan Allen on a six months' sentence, strti'k his guar! CStS 'Annie- Oakley has performed some of the to worth 25 cents.

"it. i emii name leais Willi me rule luai eStS With ever man or woman attempted. Some of with long sleeves, evening service. i The services at St. rani's church to-1 morrow will be as follows: a.

celebration of the, holy communion; a. regular session of the Sunday-I school; 11 a. morning prayer and ser-jmon; p. evening prayer. tbo ner pastimes are shooting a ten-cent piece short sleeves; Pants, all a severe blow on the bock of the head yesterday morning and W-scaped.

Parties were sent out in search of him. but at last accounts he had not been captured. EizeS in StOCk tO-day. We had man 35 feet away. In 1SS5 she shot at glass balls in one day.

loading the guns Gay The services at the Methodist church the an extra tdbC ut au in ui nerseir. anil freaking out of that number wiu De as usual, with preaching by WVi nipple Department, and haIiS" She haS With the PrinciPa! i pastor at 10:30 and 7:20 p. in. Mitchell would have been arrested by i Chi- Dumas on the expiration of his sen-I tence for stealing a watch on Battery street in this city some time ago. I gun ciuu memner rathedralS a.

low mass: 9: 13 Offer all Sizes at 12 Cents a America and Europe and has scores of mass; a high a. mass; Ill Ears cleaniDjr up our slock ot i VV Gents' Fine Shoes and hare Bargains offer ALIEN SHOE CO. FOR SALE. On Colchester avenue a very fine House location good price reasonable. W.

B. McKillip, Howard Bunk Bull Jin sr. iupr UI ner W'l ion m. p. This lot of fJOOQS popularity.

In addition to all this, she en Garment If the is Cutting Teeth sure and ubs that old an! well-tried rem St. Joseph's church- -S a. low mass; n. AHenderson, I joys tne, distinction, as saia Detore, oi oe- 9 a. children's mass; high will surprise the most skepti mg the only white woman who goes to cal.

edy. Mrs. Wlnslow'g Soothing Syrup for rhll-dien teething. It soothes the child, sotteiii the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic ami the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle.

make up the wonderful world-wide Wild West exhibition led by Buffalo Bill. WE HAVE with sermon by Rev. J. M. Cloaree.

Friday being the feast of St. Anne, mass will be said at in the morning and there will be services every evening during the Another remarkable marksman, whose sk'll is scarcely inferior to that of Annie I LINB 154 College St. TELEPHONE 123-2. week except Saturday at 7:30. INB OF Oakley, is Johnny Baker, who is considered the equal of the most accurate marks AT WINOOSKI.

Congregational church in man in America. The Wild West will be here on Friday. July 26. at Howard Park. niEn.

KILLEM In this city, July 13th, Mary, the wife of George W. Killem, aged CO Wi- At the servires: will be the usual Mechanics' nooski there Morning services at 10:30 with preaching 1 years. Star Restaurant by the pastor, Sunday-school at 11:45 and Funeral from her late residence 432 Col-at 2 ien's Underwear, Summer, MORRIS VILLE CAMP GROUND. Meetings at the Union tamp grounds will open August 5 and close August 13. The executive committee of the associa Tools.

Jin R. Cottrell, Jeweler and Optician. Chester avenue, Sunday, July "1st, o'clock p. m. Strres meals at all hours.

Coffee the THE BEST MIKES. Christian Endeavor service at 7:30 p. m. Holy Trinity Mission 10:30 a. mor.i-irg prayer and holy communion; 3:30 p.

even song and public catechising of children; p. even song and sermon in G. A. R. nail at Essex Junction.

C. W. McCully, priest in charge. finest. Opposite Y.

M. C. A. Eyes Fitted Free of Charge. Silver and Jewelry.

Holiday Ooods. THE BIGHT PBICES. JOHN A. MANSON I GO. 98 Church Street ifStw Whits 8TO.aa Teeth Extracted by a Painless Method.

tion is sparing no pains or expense in making this meeting ore of the best that has ever been held on. the ground. There will be every accommodation for the people. The boarding house will be run by the association. The railroad will give reduced rates of fare and it will be an attractive place in which to spend a vacation.

G. H. Terrill of Morrisville is the secretary of the association. 183 College seit to rree ress. F.

BROWN. NOTES FROM CAMP JUAN1TA. The members of the New York and New Jersey State camp at Westport were the guests of the camp last Wednesday and TTWnFRTnKTJ? UllLl-lY inuLiv 1 OF VER- MRS. E. D.

CHISHOLM, GKNNES. says: In the evening the camp was Mr. P. AVikv ex-postmaster, Flack Creek I decorated with Chinese lanterns, a big BANK STREET. SPECIAL SALE OF SHOES 1 r.

M. won extracted nineteen verv X. was so Vadlv afflicted with rheiima- I bonfire was built and everybody enjoyed bad teeth for me bv his painless jnet hod" Ksvrn cLOf-Bn. Renidence over store. tisinthat he was only able to hobble around themselves hugely.

A game of base ball and it gives me pleasure to recommend tlw it I was played, resulting in a victory of 15 to! this of -tra''t'r'ff being practic- allv painless. 50 dozen Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, regular 5-cent goods, at 17 cents. 25 dozen Men's Jersey Bal-Wian Shirts and Drawers, 50-cent goods, now 29 cents. 50 dozen Men's Scotch Mixed Shirts and Drawers, 50 cent kind, now 29 cents. Extra quality Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, 50 cents.

American Hosiery Co. 's Salbriggan Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, $1.00. great pain. After using Chamberlain's Pain j1 tf thf. mn WPrfl-l With eight years' successful practice Halm he was so much Improved that lie V.

VYr saie mew.o.i oi i ai.m.kss O-llll I i J' .,11. VI DENTISTRY which I have used with the Orange, N. J. best results. inrcwawav canes, tie says mis diil him more good than all other medi UNDERTAKERS.

McMAHON GLEAS0N The fishing is excellent, everybody is in good health and enjoying themselves to the cines and put tosrether. For sale i w. it. mcir, i). p.

s. 94 Church Stroet. Closing out sale of broken lines of Shoes and Summer Footwear. We will give you shoes for a few days at prices you cannot afford to let pass. These goods must be closed out during this sale regardless of cost Come right away, for utmost.

at 50 renU Kt Lottie Ly Ltaupre Ixwrr, Dnisrist-s. Don't let yocr horse suffer from contracted PURE COLD Successors to Oleason Goyette and G. B. Kami. 53 Cliamptaiu St.

Residence over store. feet, corns, quarter crarka. thrush, etc. Morrison's English Liniment stop It. the first pick is the best.

Will give you a few of the many euro piles. L. P. O. Is what we all want and the Hour that I sell under this name in the very best family Hour.

Every barrel guaranteed. -SOLD ONLY PY Suppositories will Price 50 cents. bargains Try them. You Shall 1 I The little Home Savings Banks are being called for from surrounding towns because of their popularity. Only a few left.

C. P. SMITH, Your Laundry. 217 College Burlington, 101.1 dress well if j'ou talk with us about your clothes. Whether you trade with us or not we shall be glad to tell you hew good clothes are being made.

You can do busi Wash Dress Goods. Fine Percales, 27-inch, 5 For Sale The property of Mrs. Alger on Murray street, consisting of commodious brick house, vacant lot and tenement house, or will sea the residence house separately. Isn't it worth while to have X'i done properly? Neatness and economy are combined in having it done at Burlington Steam Laundry, Ladies' Fine Kid Button Shoe, Plain Toe. were $3.50 SOW 2.50 v.

2.00 fSl.JJ. Lace Cap 3.00 Misses' Fine Kid Button Shoe, were $2.50 SOW 2.00 V.2J, 4 it II i 4 1.50 Child's Fine Kid Button Shoe, were $1.50 1 SOW 1.25 gg 41 it 1.00 1 i I ness with us tor a lew weeks 01 TRUCKING. We do all kind-, of transferring and hauling. Especially prepared to move safes and all kinds of machinery. We pay freight on local or car lots, and transfer It to any part of the city at reasonable rates.

Experience in bo-ing and moving enables to move pianos and household goods without the least injury. M. COLLINS CO. Leaveorders at Parker's Drug Store. specially favorable terms.

Come ia and talk. Hautley Hammond, Proprietors, College j-tbs-et. Paul Street. 131 St. CHAS.

E. PEASE MATS STREET. C3 aV cents a yard. Fine Crepon Ginghams 6 tents a yard. Fine Outing Flannels, 6j cents a yard.

Fine 36- inch -Manchester Delaines, 63 cents a yard. Fine Fancy Ginghams, cents a yard. Fine Percales 30 inches wide, 6J4 cents a yard, and many other goods at greatly reduced prices. SHJM- 3 a We fflHate lo Say Gent's Fine Cardaran Calf 0: Hand-made Shoe, were now 5.01 3.00 i 3.50 2.2 Small sizes, were 5.00 2.25 .4 Au 2.00 1.00 3 1 6- CO CIS CO ct aa i 0 53 CO I I CZTl co CO 5 5ra Anything about the price. Makers of cheap things have nearly pulled that string out.

Still, for a few weeks we will take your order at a reduced price, just to keep the help busy. 2 'tli Clothes shall be the best, just the same as ever. Confectionery 5 Kent Keeps. at 101 CHURCH ST. CHAS.

E. PEASE I Mlley IBiselow, Successors to C. L. S0ULE, SS Church Street. JIAH SIKKKT.


The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont (2024)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.