Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 27, 2024 (2024)

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May27, 2024

Judy Note:

·Emergency Broadcast System Alert: 17 Countries Initiate NESARA/GESARA, HiddenMilitary Underground Bases, Vatican’s Darkest Secrets of Pedophilia and Power,and the Betrayal of The Act of 1871! …the 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) onTelegram Sun. 26 May 2024

·Sun. 26 May 2024 THE COUNTDOWN HAS STARTED. Welcome to the end game, PATRIOTS. BOOM. AWEEK TO REMEMBER. They are not PREPARED. Now buckle up and listen to what Ihave to say, Patriots. BLACKOUT is neccessary. The hour is upon us. LargestDECLAS yet. MAIN EVENT ON IT'S WAY. BOOM SO LOUD IT WILL BLOW THEIR MASKS OFF.…John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram Sun. 26May 2024

·Taiwan Defense Forces will destroy the ThreeGorges Dam when China invadesthe independent country. Millions of Communists would lose their lives.

·The Canadian Government, in a death pact withthe Vatican to eliminate native Indian Tribes so they could confiscate their land, has beenfound responsible for the death of 50,000 Native Children in mainly 80 CatholicResidential Schools across Canada.

·SCAM ALERT: TRB Scam using Trump GoldProducts: “Please be advisedthat the Trump Organization has absolutely no affiliation or associationwhatsoever with TRB. Unfortunately, it appears that the individuals behind TRBare engaged in a scheme to deceive and scam the public by falsely representingit’s affiliation with the Trump Organization, going so far as to even sendemails falsely representing to be from one of our employees.” … Alan Garten,General Counsel to the Trump Organization

·There was a possibility the “Ken and Barbie vs GoliathIRS” case could be thrown out of court since it was based on“unpaid” taxes and there was no law that stated you had to pay income taxes according to two IRS Agents who testified in Court.Your income tax payment to the Cabal’s IRS was strictly voluntary.

·Sun. 26 May 2024: Trump has given the Green Light for theGlobal Currency Reset of 207 Sovereign nations to change to gold/asset-backedcurrencies.

·Sat. 25 May 2024: The Phrase “The Ending Israel is Last”Carries Profound Implications: The Vatican is Gone. The Crown is Gone. Israelis Gone.

·Sun. 26 May 2024: MILITARY SOURCE: Global Alert! MilitaryForces Enforce Martial Law Worldwide, Ground Command Confirms!

·Sun. 26 May 2024: RV Intelligence Alert – The FinalConfrontation!

A. Scare Events:

·Sat. 25 May 2024: BREAKING! Chinese State TV Declares thatChina Will Reclaim Taiwan! Prepares Chinese Public for Coming War and PossiblePolitical Sanctions and Isolation!!!

Sat. 25 May 20224 Scare Events: Thisis a helpful reminder in anticipation of world theater "scare events"which have been scripted in advance.

·On X: Three Gorges Dam isback in the news as China & Taiwan heats up There’s been massive covertoperations going on for years in China & Taiwan clearing out western [DS]agents & the CCP. What is being scripted & played out now is for thepublic movie.

·Undersea cables being cut. Silk Road military ops. Wuhan & otherbio-weapon laboratories. DUMBs have been taken out. Many ‘10 km deepearthquakes’ especially recently in Taiwan.

·The Three Gorges Dam will not be taken out in the way where millions of Chinese will bein danger. ‘Strategic Military Operations’ have cleared out CCP x CIA’sunderground facilities under the 3GD with one of its main purposes of ‘miningbitcoin’.

·The public movie may show kinetic eventswhere 3GD will get damaged& will appear as if China & Taiwan are at war with one another.

·However, much like how White Hats in Israel, Palestine & Iran are clearing Khazariansin the same areas under the guise of Israel vs Palestinians & other Arabnations.

·The White Hats in China & Taiwan areworking together toexterminate DS CCP agents & operations under the guise of China vs Taiwanin public view.

·Taiwan Defense Forces will destroy the ThreeGorges Dam when China invadesthe independent country. Millions of communists would lose their lives, ifBejing wanted a war.

B. Mon. 27 May 2024 Update on “Ken andBarbie vs Goliath IRS” Case.

Dear Patriot Friendsand Family,

I’ve neverbeen under so much pressure for such a long, sustained period as the first fourdays of trial have been.The word trial is exactly right!

As you know,two IRS agents testified that they did not know of a law that requires us tofile federal income tax returns.

You also knowthat the judge has suggested that I have grounds for twomotions foracquittalbecause, one, the IRS claims are required to be signed bysomeone under penalty of perjury and such a document doesn’t exist; and 2, thatthe entire indictment was filed under Title 26 IRS alleged violations, when allthe claims against me happened during a Title 28 Judicial Action, thus voidingthe entire indictment. So, we are doing well in our case, to say theleast.

BrettBelliston (the man who claims he “won our home at the auction”, that he wasn’teven at) and Gary Chapman, the IRS auctioneer, both were suddenly madeunavailable for the rest of the trial. Belliston had scheduled a trip outof the country and was allowed to leave. Chapman’s mother had a tumoryears ago that suddenly flared up and he needed to go home to be with herbecause she may “pass away”. I told the court I thought this was verysuspicious and convenient, that the two who I believe were in a criminalconspiracy to steal my home had now, suddenly, “fled the scene of the crime”and are unavailable for testimony. Only they know the real truth of thematter.

This comingweek the prosecution has said they plan to take two more days to make theircase, leaving me only two days, when they will have taken 5 altogether.Doesn’t seem fair, does it? By design, no doubt. We haveexcellent witnesses scheduled this coming week, despite the prosecution tryingto block them. Pray they don’t succeed. We appear to bemiraculously winning this case, however, because the prosecution can smelltheir own defeat, they are now more dangerous than ever. Beware ofunexpected attacks, in unexpected ways. We must all BEWARE.Therefore, please don’t stop praying. Your prayers are working.Keep believing in God’s miraculous hand. Pray now more than ever.

If Barbara andI prevail by week's end, it won’t be just for the sake of Barbie and Ken vs.IRS, it will be a win for all Americans against the IRS.

Believe inmiracles! Live for miracles! “Oh Lord, thou art my God; I willexalt thee, I will praise thy name;…” Isaiah 25:1 “Bring mysoul out of prison, that I may praise thy name:…” Psalms 142:7Ken

P.S. We’ve hada few people come to court. Thank you! All who would like to come tocourt are welcome to come!U. S. District Courthouse, Room 7.300 351 S WestTemple SLC 84101801-524-6100Tuesday 28th - Friday 31st 10 a.m. - 4p.m.

·Even though Ken and Barbara Cromarproved in a FederalCourt that they owed no monies to the IRS, they remained in a six plus yearsbattle with them. Two different SWAT Teams had twice descended on their fullypaid for dream home – that was later sold at auction. The SWAT Teams also threwaway all of the Cromar’s possessions, including expensive camera equipment Kenused to make a living.

·Ken now sits in jail charged with living in his own home, but undeterred to fightfor the rights of the American taxpayer. Ken says,“The days of the“mighty” IRS are numbered.For far too long the IRS has been backed by acorrupt DOJ and ever-growing big government bureaucrats who have crowned themselveskings and queens to rule over us as their slaves, as they get fat and enrichthemselves on the backs of struggling Americans.”

·The judge has dismissed allfilings Ken submittedand would not even allow counsel to sit by him during trial. A few days ago Kenwas finally informed he would be given one hour on Mon. 20 May to research his defense on his computer and to finallyhave access to prosecutor filings – one hour, one day before the trial. Thinkhis trial is rigged? I do – the case has been all along.

·Ken really appreciates receiving encouraging messages inpostcards.White,pre-stamped postcards with your name and complete return address hand-writtenis the only thing accepted at the jail.

C. Scammer Alert UpdateMon. 27 May 2024:

·Thurs. 23 May 2024: Fed Chair Powell Heading Trump Gold ProductsScam.

·Fri. 24 May 2024 BREAKING NEWS! Judy Byington: Fed ChairPowell Heading Trump Gold Products Scam? Update as of Thurs. 23 May 2024 .

·2012-2015 Telex $1.7 Billion Scam of 700,000Remote Work Scam, 15 lawsuits filed: America's Biggest Remote Work Scam - $1.7 Billion Stolen

·Billiondollar fraud on the Internet | DW Documentary

·Busting a Billion Dollar British Scammer Cartel: Busting a billion dollar British scammer cartel | Part 1of 2 | 7NEWS Spotlight Documentary

·Fri. 24 May 2024 BREAKING! Wells Fargo’s Exploitative Scheme:Caregivers Framed for Fraud, Elderly Accounts Frozen at 0.01% Interest

·March 2024 Letter from Alan Garten, GeneralCounsel to the Trump Organization:

Dear(redacted) , I am General Counsel to the Trump Organization and it’s affiliatedentities (together, “The Trump Organization”) and write in response to yourinteractions with various entities operating as TRB Bank, TRB Fund, TRBOrganization and other similarly named organizations (collectively referred toas “TRB”).

Pleasebe advised that the Trump Organization has absolutely no affiliation orassociation whatsoever with TRB. Unfortunately, it appears that the individualsbehind TRB are engaged in a scheme to deceive and scam the public by falselyrepresenting it’s affiliation with the Trump Organization, going so far as toeven send emails falsely representing to be from one of our employees.

Pleaserest assured that we take these matters very seriously and are taking immediateaction to address the situation. We have launched our own investigation intothe matter and have shared information we have gathered with federal lawenforcement authorities.

Ifyou believe you are a victim of this scam, you may wish to report this matterto your local law enforcement authorities and consumer protection agencies. Inthe meantime, we urge you to exercise caution and vigilance when reviewingcommunication or requests of this nature going forward. Very truly yours, (signed)Alan Garten

·Judy Note: The following is a email I have been sending out to thehundreds of TRB victims who have contacted me ( on thismatter:

Dear Patriot;

Thank you for your emailon the TRBso-called “Trump Gold Products.” I have received hundreds of emails on this matter, with my email boxgrowing fatter every day, so unfortunately, I can’t answer you personally.

My initial impression is that this is a hugescam.I have yet toreceive confirmation that anyone of the hundreds of people who have contactedme has actually been cashed out. The TRB team just keep asking for more moneyand then quit communicating when they feel you won’t give them any more.

Apparently for years Chairman of thenow-bankrupt US Federal Reserve Jerome H. Powell has been running this Scam that sellsso-called “Trump Gold Products,”promising huge returns.

The so-called Trump Coins, Badges and Stickers were NOT, as theadvertising claimed, endorsed by Trump, Tucker Carlson, the Trump Organization,or its affiliates.

“The Trump Organization has no affiliation orassociation whatsoever with TRB products. …They illegally use pictures of Trump and othersassociated with Trump to sell their products. …They are engaged in a scheme todeceive and scam the public. …We have launched our own investigation and haveshared information with federal law enforcement agencies. …They have gone so faras to send emails falsely representing to be from our employees.” …a lettersigned by Alan Garten, General Counsel to the Trump Organization.

One victim reported he was sent emails from the TRB Group saying“AlanGarten, Executive V.P. and Chief Legal Officer at The Trump Organization orMatthew Calamari, Chief Operating Officer at The Trump Organization” werecontacting them. This was an obvious lie.

Anothervictim reported a letter sent to them that claimed to befrom President Trump himself which supposedly validated the TRB Gold products –another outright lie.

If you feel you have been a victim to this scamit is recommended that youreport such to your local law enforcement and business bureau. If I were avictim, I would also write up my TRB experience including products bought andmonies paid out, plus my contact information. Send an original notarized copyof your TRB write up to:Alan Garten, General Counsel to the TrumpOrganization. The Trump Organization 725 Fifth Avenue, 26th Fl. New York NY10022-2519 United States.

Here is an article I recently published in Before It’s News that could give you more insight as to what wasreally going on:Fed Chair Powell Heading Trump Gold Products Scam.

Please note that if you have sent me anyidentifying informationsuch as a copy of your Drivers License or Social Security number, I have erasedit as I do not want to be responsible for allowing such to get released to whoknows who, or where.

I will continue to collect data and publish information on this, but realizeI am just one person and cannot solve any of your personal problems.It isnow up to you to seek reimbursem*nt for the monies you paid out.

I will be contacting Mr. Trump and his legal department to keep theminformed, plus suggest that they organize a Class Action Lawsuit for you.

There appears to be thousands of victims who have spent millions of dollars on thisScam. If you all stick together and act, you will have a huge amount of powerand authority to bring justice for yourselves and others.

Remember, Where We Go One, We Go All!!!

Love, Judy

D. Global Currency Reset:

·Sun. 26 May 2024: Wolverine justgot this text from Trump! Green Stop2End LET'S GOOOOOO!!!!!!

·Sun. 26 May 2024 WolverineLive Chat: “It is Monday morning 27 May 2024. Ihope you are doing alright. As I said before T1 and T2 are already finished,from what I was told. I do not know anyone in those groups. It is a processwhich should be finished by June 15th.We should get good news this week. Ihave had confirmation that Brazil will start this week from the Central Bank of Brazil. I am hoping that bytomorrow, being Monday, that the confirmation comes to reality, and if that istrue then, Reno is not that far away. There are people saying it all starts this week. We are that close to getthis done. All is quiet, and I try to find info for you, and it has not beeneasy. I do want to say, it really upsets me, that most of the gurus are outthere to make money. There are good ones trying to help people get bonds andcurrencies so they will have great opportunities. One must be careful fromwhere you obtain your currencies and bonds to keep safe from unscrupulouspeople. Be careful scammers. That is all I have for you. Let’s see what theweek brings. Take care everyone. Wolverine

·Sun. 26May 2024 NC Chick: A banker from Brazil did a talk last week. He said Whales would be finished in a dayor so and notifications have gone out to the Bond holders. He was amazed thatT4B hadn’t been notified. Actually, it is the same person that tells Wolverine.

·Sat. 25 May 2024 MarkZ: Two Military Contactssay before July 4, butlikely way sooner than that.”…“There is high expectation from the individualBond Holders that they will go over thisweekend.”

·On Fri. 24 May TNT sent out a cryptic message that the 800#swere coming out for Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) to set redemptionappointments.

·AContact at a Redemption Center said Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) wouldget emails to set appointments over the weekend.

·Thurs.23 May 2024 Bruce felt it was likely that we won’t get the 800 numbers tomake appointments until Tues. 28 May, and could begin exchanging on Wed. 29May.

·Sat. 25 May 2024 Wolverine: “We are defiantly close, guys. …Thurs. 6 June is D Day.

Fri. 24 May Wolverine: “From my Brazilian contact: We are waiting foran official order to release funds and payment order. This will happen at anytime, please of today we have nothing official. Things are moving guys. The greatest transfer of wealth hasstarted T1 and T2 have been completed and a very positive Mark Z message today!He’s saying he’s hearing Individual Bond Holders expecting to receive bigPayments now! First time I’ve heard him talking about Individuals rather thanGroups/ Platforms.”

Thurs. 23 May 2024 Wolverine Here's a helpfulupdate: My friend has givenme permission to share information with you.Remember, she has a relative who is an MP from a Middle Eastern countyand he sits on a committee that oversees the timing of the event.

Anonymous Friend: Ginger, I was just informed (by a relativein the Middle East; Ginger is hiding the location for security) that there are7,000 payers in Tier 3 who are being paid before Tier 4B distribution goeslive. This will happen over the next 10to 14 days.

However, in the meantime the public will be prepared for many things, such as:gold-backed USN, debt forgiveness, increases in SSI, and other benefits.

Also keep in mind that the absolute back wallis the 4th of July, so alot has to happen quickly for us to reach our day of redemption.

·Tues. 21 May 2024 Unknown Source:Banks in theUSA will close on the 24th and until May27th (Monday) they will be offline, without credit cards and without accessto 24-hour banking. It will be the beginning of AES - EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEMand on Tues. 28 May 2024, some banksand companies will no longer open.

Thurs.23 May 2024 Happy Welsh Guy:

·Tony is quite correct the RV will happen soon, but notyet. This is what is really happening. There is a carefully,orchestrated plan in effect, that is being meticulously monitored.

·Tier # 1 and Tier # 2 is currently being financiallyhydrated.

·When this is completed to the satisfaction of theAlliance then and only then willTier # 3be financiallyhydrated.

·When Tier 3 is completed to the satisfaction of theAlliance then and only then willTier # 4 (US) the internet groupbefinancially hydrated.

·Everything is currently“On Track”andmoving to expectation.

·If everything continues toexpectation, thenTier# 4should be financially on or aboutJUNE 15th with a backwall of July 4th.

·It is“NOT”going to happentoday, tomorrow orthis month. However, Tony is right. It will be our timesoon. Nothing will stop this except for a 911type event.

·My source actually sits ona special committeeformatted for the very specific purpose of the timing of the revaluation totake place.

·June 15th is not that far away soremain patient and be in expectation

E. Fri. 24 May 2024Goldilocks: “ABank just told us they are going to move onto the QFS. First action date: June 21, 2024 before 3:00 p.m. MT.Second action date: June 24, 2024 forthe remaining steps. It is important to note that this is just one bank'stimeline, but I can't help from notice that this one is before the June 30th, 2024 lawsthat are taking effect on Crypto regulations and Stable Coins at the end of the month.”

·Sat. 25 May 2024: BOOM!!! Major Bank Announces Shift to QuantumFinancial System Ahead of Crypto Regulation Overhaul (Goldilocks)

F. Global Financial Crisis:

·Sun. 26 May 2024: Conspiracy Theorists Are Right Again. TheCBDC Central Bank Digital Currency Is Moving Forward. Western Australia'sBankwest is transitioning into 100% digital banking and closing ALL branches bythe end of 2024. Bankwest says this is “A signal of its exciting digitalfuture.”

G. Restored Republic:

·Sat. 25 May 2024 Hello Wolvie. Justletting you know that NZ is having an emergency warning on our phones on 26th May (Sunday). We are being told to stop and read themessage. Very stressful time. Stay strong, my friend.

·Sat. 25 May 2024: Shadows and Secrets: Unveiling the MysteryBehind Kate Middleton’s Absence and the Specter of Skull and Bones

BOMBSHELL!!! INTEL byGhost Ezra Cohen on EBS & ‘The Movie’. By Ezra Cohen-Watnick – an American intelligence official who served as the acting undersecretary of defense for intelligence during the Trump Administration.

·I’m going to spell it out one time only forthose who are lostand not registering the 100’s of clues I’ve been dropping you. Here we go one time. Pay close attention:

·You are watching a movie. A lot of what you are seeing is completelybullsh*t and fake. It’s so outrageous on purpose to get your attention at this point.It will continue until it has accomplished that goal fully.

·There is no Biden presidency. The real Biden was executed for his crimeslong ago along with Clinton. No, that woman in purple the other day wasn’tHillary Clinton. You are seeing actors, some have masks. That’s why Biden keepsreferring to himself as the mask president. This means they are the good guysin this movie on the team of freedom.

·This whole election was fake along with a fakeinauguration.Fake executive orders. Fake oval office. It’s all bullsh*t.

·Wake up: The military is right now controlling ourcountry until the new elections in a couple of months. Insurrection Act hasbeen signed. EO from 2018 is in full effect.

·Things will soon be revealed publicly. Hopefully you can wake up before then so youdon’t have a heart attack in the process.

·They really tried stealing our election – that part is real. Trump knew this andallowed it to expose them and arrest those involved and will be implementing ablockchain fraud proof election system which was already patented back inAugust 2020. He skipped the 9th circuit corrupt courts because they too werecompromised and went 100% FISA.

·This is a total military operation. The goal was to arrest and remove thesecrooks first before ever winning an election.

·Furthermore, the Vatican ownedthe corrupt DC Corporation and that is no longer.

·It will soon be a “Republic For Which ItStands” under the Constitution as originally intended.You will get ahistory lesson in the process along with a solid grasp of the Constitution.

·Many corrupt DC rats and Hollywood pedophileshave gone to jailand or been executed for crimes of high treason, conspiracy. Many more are inthe process of meeting justice via military tribunals.

·Things will be made public in time very soon, no more secrets no moregames.

·There are many actors in the movie, not just Biden double comedian guy. Who’s whoat this point is somewhat of a mystery. We don’t know exactly who is who 100%.Some are playing a part from the very beginning. Others flipped for a deal andare now playing a part in this movie.

·The best thing you can do right now is justwake up to the truth that being shownto you, take heart that communists have no real power over our country and lookforward to the things Trump has already pre-planned long ago for you. I’ll warnyou now, things will get stranger from here.

·If you pay attention and listen to what I’ve told you here you’lllaugh. If you are watching the mockingbird media CNN or FAUX NEWS you’ll cry.

·Whatever you do, please don’t call Joe Biden president. He’sreally long gone and his double has no power.

·Enjoy the show.

·All of the above and a lot more of thegovernment corruption of the last 150+ years will be revealed to the Americanpeople via the Emergency Broadcast System SOON!!!

·The U.S. CORPORATION is being dissolved and we will bring back ourTRUE Republic!

·Prepare for a complete shutdown for several days AT HOME with no Internet orTV, except for the disclosure videos that will be played 24/7 for several days.

·This is a military operation and final cleanup and arrests of all thegovernment and political traitors against the American people.

·Banks and everything else will be closed, credit/debit cards won’t work. Police,firemen, military, hospitals and medical emergency services will be available.

·Prepare with food, cash and essentials.

·There is nothing to fear.

·If you don’t prepare for this lock-down inyour home for approximately 9-14 days, it will be a very difficult time for you and your family andfriends. (who you can help by informing them so they can prepare)

·I realize that many of you will not believe this and I don’t want to take up anymore ofyour time or mine.

·BQQM!MILITARY INTEL!TRUMP EMERGENCY REQUEST (EBS) – GesaraMilitary Law, Secret Military Tribunals, Vatican, MED BEDS, Buckingham Palace,Big Pharma, Khazarian Group, Castle Rock and More – Popcorn & Movie Time

·SpecialReport!MilitaryForces (Q) and the EBS: According to Ground Command, the Entire World isCurrently Under International or Global Martial Law

·STARLINK’sEBS Signal:The Countdown to Global Connectivity Begins,DEFCON One Alert, Q’s Sting Operation, Trump’s Prediction & GlobalCommunication Revolution

·PROJECTODIN + Military GESARA = EBS:A Formula that Will Change the Course ofHistory Forever!

H. The Real News for Sun. 26 May 2024:

·College Campus Protestors EXPOSED By NonProfits Money Trail. Some OfThe People Protesting On American College Campuses Are Making $7,800 PER 8Hours Of Protesting. Money Funneled From George Soros & Directly From TheRockefeller Family

·On page two of a CIA Director William Colbymemo dated June 1973 there is a reference to a meeting involving John FKennedy on May 28, 1964. That’s sixmonths after his death! This would suggest that JFK may have survived theassassination.

·Sun. 26 May 2024 JAG Arrests Fauci Advisor:

·Sun. 26 May 2024 Loy Brunson Declares 2020 Election FightIsn't Over: Supreme Court Case Could Change Everything! 2024

I. International Child SexTrafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican andhoused in China’s Three Gorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs betweenthe Vatican and Jerusalem:


·Fri. 24 May 2024 Rape Victim Claims ThatBiden and Obama Raped Her as a Child in the Global Elite Child Sex TraffickingRing:

·GovernmentTestimony Alleges Childhood Vaccines are the Likely Cause of Autism in Children

·Will Smith’s best friend of 40 years: “Again, I don’t care about people’s personalsexuality preference. But I’m sharing this to show you that almost all Alistactors partake in hom*osexual activities in Hollywood to maintain status and orget movie roles. It’s part of the rituals. Most celebrities are gay on the downlow. This ain’t the first time I’ve heard rumors of will smith being gay. Healso took it in the ass for his movie Six degrees of separation back in 1993.And No telling what he had to do to Quincy Jones to secure his leading role onFresh Prince Of Belair.”

·Sun. 26 May 2024: Remember when people werearrested for filming empty hospitals? In the Scottish Covid Inquiry it was confirmed that hospitals were infact, empty.

·THE TRUTH ABOUT BABY FORMULA: AUTISM AND LOWIQ IN CHILDREN: “There’sa lot of money in sick babies” Baby formula is not a healthy substitute foryour infant. It is made with cheap ingredients and lacks the vital fats andcholesterols needed for brain development and health fortified with toxicinorganic iron causing an array of health disorders. Soy formula is the worstof all, flooding the baby’s bloodstream with oestrogen, disrupting hormones.

·Sun. 26 May 2024 Q Remember - Qurrent Event

·Sun. 26 May 2024: Judy Byington Bombshell Report: TraffickedChildren, Bodies, Weapons Found on Evergreen Ship Blocking Suez Canal

·Fri. 5 Sept. 2014 Vatican, Mafia Kill Child SacrificeWitnesses

·Thurs. 28 Aug. 2014 Catholic Popes At Child Sacrifices? MafiaIssued Hit? Missing Witnesses Murdered.

·Fri. 22 August 2014 Mafia Threatens Pope, Court Considers ChildSacrifice Links To Vatican, CIA, Sinclair Oil, HSBC, Cargill, Cameco Uranium,Antony Kidman

·Sun. 20 July 2014 Pope Francis Found Guilty Of ChildTrafficking, Rape, Murder

J. A Candid InterviewOn The Crime of Genocide in Canada by Kevin Annett:

Dr. George Darbywas a United Church missionary doctor who involuntarily sterilized andexperimented on generations of native women and childrenat the R.W. Large Hospital in Bella Bella, B.C.

·“Doctor Darby stopped a lot ofour women from having babies. If you didn’t go to church or you stuck to yourtraditional ways, the Mounties gave you a red ticket and you had to report tohim at the hospital. He sterilized me in the summer of 1949 after I went to asecret potlatch. He was raping me when I woke up on the operating table.”–Ethel Wilson, June 4, 1998

A Gallery of murdered Indian residentialschool children and survivors – just some of the60,000 slaughtered children and the ongoing victims of Church-State terror inCanada.

The below George Brown,William Combes, Harriett Nahanee, Ricky Lavallee, Ron Barbour, Joan MorrisandSarah Modeste have been featured in Kevin’s historic documentary filmon Genocide in CanadaUnrepentant

Children murdered at the Lejac CatholicIndian school, January 2, 1937:Allen Willie, Andrew Paul, Maurice Justin.

·“The manner of their deathclearly indicated homicide. The boys were forced to stand in the sub-zero snowin their shorts and shirts as punishment. They were all dead by morning. Icannot in good conscience issue a report saying that they died of naturalcauses.”– Dr. C.W. Pitts to Indian Agent R.H. Moore, January4, 1937

·“Our inquest showed that theboys were not subjected to ill treatment but ran away to spend holidays withtheir families. No blame is attached to the school.”– Dr. C.W. Pitts to Agent Moore, January 6, 1937

Vicky Stewart,age nine, beaten to death by staffer Ann Knizkyat the United Church’sEdmonton ‘Indian Residential School’ April 9, 1958.

·“I saw that evil woman Knizkyhit Vicky on the head with a two by four. She died during the night, but theysaid she died of TB when she didn’t have it. The church killed my little sisterand got away with it.”– Berle Stewart, May9, 2007

William Combes,eyewitness to the abduction of ten children by Queen Elizabeth killed in St. Paul’s Hospital by order of Charles Windsor on February26, 2011

·“William had all the symptomsof arsenic poisoning just before he died. He didn’t have any symptoms of TBlike the B.C. Coroner claimed. I was threatened to keep quiet about whathappened.”– Attending nurse Chloe Kirker, August 18,2016

Harriett Nahanee,the first eyewitness to report child killings at the United Church’s Alberni‘Indian Residential School’, murdered at St. Paul’s Catholic Hospital,Vancouver, February 24, 2007:

·“After Harriett was illegallyarrested, Judge Brenda Brown locked her up in an unheated cell in Surrey RemandPrison at the age of 72. Then they transferred her to St. Paul’s Hospital whereshe was dead a day later.”– Nahanee family member, March2, 2007

Harry Wilson,knifedto death after speaking publicly of finding dead childrenat the UnitedChurch Alberni Indian Residential School, April 6, 2012.

·After I toldPrincipal Andrews about finding that girl’s body, he had me locked up in theNanaimo Indian Hospital. I was in there for a long time. They gave me electricshocks and they experimented on me.”– Harry Wilson,March 28, 2012

·“Harry, you have half a brainand nobody’s going to miss you if you’re found floating face down in the water.So you’d better not talk about that dead girl.” –Nuu-Chah-NulthTribal Council official Charlie Thompson to Harry Wilson, Port Alberni, B.C.,March 28, 1998

Johnny ‘Bingo’ Dawson,beaten to death by Vancouver policeafter leading occupations of United,Catholic and Anglican churches, December 9, 2009.

·“I saw three cops work overJohnny Bingo in the alley right off Main and Hastings. One of them was thatsergeant who threatened to kill Bingo if he went into any more churches. Theyused clubs on him and busted his jaw and he was dead the next day.”–Ricky Lavallee, shortly before his death by beating on January 3, 2012

Ricky Lavallee,beaten to death by Vancouver Police after leading occupations of Catholic,Anglican, and United churches and reporting the death by police beating ofJohnny ‘Bingo’ Dawson, January 3, 2012.

Ron Barbour,found dead two weeks after protesting indigenous child killings at theVancouver Club, July 30, 2008; no cause of death was given.

·“Ron told me that RCMP officershad threatened to kill him for working with me and our campaign. He fled toWinnipeg in fearforhis life. Just before he died, Ron phoned me tosay that the Mounties were following him, and he was in danger.”–Kevin Annett

Elder Louis Daniels,murdered in Winnipeg General Hospital after naming namesof local Catholicand Anglican church child killers, January 16, 2008.

·“When I was a boy in Brandonresidential school, I heard the staff talk about the government plan to helpthe churches wipe out all our Ojibwe people. They’ve always done whatever theywant to our people. They still traffic and kill our children in foster care andthe social services.” – Louis Daniels, December 9, 2006

·Louis Daniels adopted Kevin Annett into the Ojibwenation in 2006 and gave him the name Eagle Strong Voice

Edna Brass, killed inVancouver General Hospital after naming namesof Vancouver policeresponsible for murdering native women, March 15, 2013.

·Edna worked on theVancouver police liaison society and had all the dirt on which women were beingkilled by which cop. She also was documenting the huge money rip off happeningin the society. I heard more than one cop say that her days were numbered.”–Retired RCMP officer George Brown, July 7, 2021

Joan Morris, involuntarilysterilized as a child and held for yearsin the United Church’s NanaimoIndian Hospital, 1959-1965

·“They put me under an X-Raymachine for a long time so I couldn’t have children. They took out one of mylungs and broke all the bones in my feet so I couldn’t run away. It was DoctorsSchmidt and Lang from Nanaimo who did it. They worked for the church and theydid that to lots of our children.”– JoanMorris, August 3, 2004

SarahModeste, involuntarily sterilized by United Church missionary doctor JamesGoodbrand at the King’s Daughters Clinic, Duncan, B.C.,1958

·“Doctor Goodbrand got so angrywhen he heard I’d married Freddy, who was a traditional native man. He said,‘Now I’ve got to do an operation on you.’ He did it to me after he delivered myfirst child. I couldn’t have any more children after that. Goodbrand told me hewas getting paid $300 from the federal government for every Indian woman hesterilized, especially the pagans.” –Sarah Modeste, October14, 2006

K. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

·“A$200 billion enterprise (Big Pharma) would've collapsed if they had admitted that Hydroxychloroquine andIvermectin were effective against Covid. I'd call them criminal but thesepeople are much worse.”

·17,000 doctors and scientists signed a treatythat declared:"The data confirms that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapyinjections must end... They can damage your heart, your brain, yourreproductive tissue, and your lungs."

·“We’ve got 3-5 years to see the fullmanifestation of Spike Protein Disease…and autoimmune diseases…and the next 10 years will be unbelievable withwhat we’ll see…when the antibodies continue to destroy every organ system inthe body…” -Dr. Tenpenny

·REPORT: Dr. Peter McCullough tells Tommy Tthat doctors were BRIBED topush the COVID vaccines. A typical doctor could make an extra $250,000 if theyinjected 75% of their patients. This was discovered through a leaked AnthemBlue Cross Blue Shield document. The question is, was Anthem Blue Cross BlueShield giving doctors jab incentives, or were they being paid to do so by thegovernment?

·Sat. 25 May 2024: Dr. Fauci may soon beindicted after Sen. Rand Paul revealed new evidence and contends there are groundsto prosecute the former top federal health official based on congressionaltestimony from his former top aide. Dr. David Morens, the former aide to the longtime director of theNIAID, testified before a House select subcommittee. Evidence shows that Fauciand Morens destroyed evidence and evaded a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)request. “The most important knowledge that we learned is that [Dr.] DavidMorens, a 20-year assistant to Fauci, was purposely evading FOIA, which is thelaw,” Paul said."

·Sat. 25 May 2024 Dr. Judy Mikovits: Flu shot, made in chicken eggs, bird flu yousaid? "Just to be clear, every flu shot before 2019 was made in what? Chicken eggs! It is and always was infectionby injection. Just going back to bird flu, come on folks. How dumb really arewe? Where did we make all our flu vaccines until the universal syntheticvaccine that unwittingly President Trump was conned into signing into law byFauci and company in September of 2021.Before our book, Plague of Corruption came out, and of course the movie, whichhad already been written. So folks, just to be clear, every flu shot before 2019 was made in what? Chicken eggs! Sodo you think you're gonna get a bird Coronavirus, a flu virus? Check back to myfriend Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and see that they use specific pathogen free eggs.Oh, which specific pathogens don't they look for? Oh: Corona viruses frombirds!"

·Dr. Joel Wallach: “Alzheimer’sis a physician CAUSED disease! It didn’t even occur in people over 40 yearsago! And now it’s the #4 killer of people in the USA over age 65! What isAlzheimer’s disease? Well, it’s the disappearing of your brain’s insulation,the Myelin!! What is Myelin made out off? It’s made from Cholesterol! If you goon a low Cholesterol diet or cholesterol medication, it’s the fastest way toAlzheimer’s disease.”

·Sun. 26 May 2024 Scotland: From the Scottish Covid Inquiry. 'We wereused to full wards... they were half empty... We had lots of free down-time.Hospitals were empty... There was no pandemic, the whole event was fabricated,it was a lie.

·Sun. 26 May 2024 REPORT: Dr. Naomi Wolf tellsAlex Jones that the COVID shots are about “destroying women and babies” and“emasculating men.” InPfizer's own documents, the pharmaceutical giant focused more on researchingthe effects of the vaccine on sex and reproduction than on its impact on thelungs. This is odd, considering that COVID is a respiratory virus. And what thePfizer documents reveal, along with medical studies, about the impact onfertility is alarming: The lipid nano-particles accumulate in the ovaries.Severe menstrual and hormonal dysregulation. The lipid nano-particles can crossthe placenta. The shots affect sperm production and motility for a period oftime. Pfizer's documents advise vaccinated men to use two reliable forms ofcontraception with unvaccinated women, suggesting a shedding risk. The lipidnanoparticles degrade the testes of baby boys in utero. “So we don't even knowif the babies of vaccinated moms will grow up to be normal men.” Dr. KimberlyBiss has also noted that the miscarriage rate in the Pfizer trials was “80PERCENT” and that “they knew that.”

L. Illuminati Deep State Cabal GlobalistAgenda 2030:

·Contrary to the fear-mongering climatepropaganda pushed by climatetotalitarians, sea levels were considerably higher a thousand years ago, duringthe Medieval Warm Period, almost a millennium before humans burned fossil fuelson any significant scale.

M. Biden Crime Family:

·The Biden Crime Family will soon be revealed for their dirtydealings including Child Sex Trafficking.

·Tucker Carlson: Under the Biden Administration, Americanswere abandoned in Afghanistan, Americans are still being held hostage in Gaza,and tragically 2 Americans were just brutally murdered by gangs in Haiti.Thereneeds to be an investigation as there are reports the State Department did notgive the green light to rescue them in time. This administration puts everyother country first and leaves Americans to fend for themselves and pay for itall.

·Sun. 26 May 2024 Hunter and Joe BidenExposed:

N. FBI Crime:

·Ex FBIAgent Exposing The FBI! Says The FBI said child p*rn and human trafficking areno longer priorities. “Spent my first seven years investigating violent crimeson Indian reservations. Eventually moved to Florida to work on childp*rnography and human trafficking. In 2021 I was reassigned and told that thosechild p*rnography cases were no longer a priority for the FBI and I needed tofocus on domestic terrorism. The FBI is departing from its own guidelines andrules for managing cases. I brought my concerns forward. I told my supervisorsthat what we were doing was jeopardizing righteous cases and putting the publicsafety at risk. The security division tried to compel me to lie to them so theycould charge me with a crime. The FBI rejected my multiple requests for outsideemployment because I was in an unpaid status. What are they willing to do tothe regular American citizen who they are duty bound to protect?”

O. Rothschilds Crime Family:

·The Banks that control the world are run by the Rothschild family.

·Mayer Rothschild’s five sons were sent by their father on hisdying bed to control vital parts of Europe through loans and interest.

·The Rothschild Family is behind the creation and running of theFederal Reserve.

·The Rothschild Family created the US National Debt that is owedback to the Rothschild Family.

·The Rothschild Family created Israel and Zionism.

·The Rothschild Family’s net worth is over half of the globalpopulation.

·The Rothschild Family has funded both sides of every war in thelast 80 years.

·The Rothschild Family were behind Marxism, Communism, Zionism andBolshevism.

·The Rothschilds are the most powerful family in the world.

·We can no longer stand idly by while the choices of our nation, culture andwell-being is made by a select few. America immediately needs torelinquish control of these foreign influences before it’s too late.

Amschel MayerRothschild (1773–1855): Frankfurt , Salomon Mayer Rothschild (1774–1855):Vienna , Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777–1836): London , Kalman Mayer Rothschild(1788–1855): Naples , Jakob Mayer Rothschild (1792–1868): Paris

P. Whywere Patriots Ken Cromar (who proved in a Federal Court he owed no moniesto the IRS) and Tom Fairbanks (whohas spent his life gathering information on the Satanic Ritual Abuse ofChildren) sitting in jail without having committed a crime?

Were Patriots Cromar and Fairbanks being setup as an example of what the Satanic New World Order Deep State Cabal would doto you if you tried to confront their illegal acts?

·The Satanic New World OrderDeep State Cabalworshipped Satan through pedophilia, torture and Child Sacrifice in theirattempts to rule the World.

·Since 1913 this Satan worshippinggroup has owned the US Federal Reserve and IRS which collected and spent USTaxpayer dollars.

·In 1871 the Cabal took over the US legalsystem, including law schools to promote their lies, propaganda anddisinformation in line with their agenda of total dominance of The People.

·The Cabal’s control of the US legalsystem began with treacherous legislation called theDistrict of Columbia Act of 1871.

·Even after the RevolutionaryWar (of which both sideswere financed by the King of England), the ‘United States’ had never declaredIndependence from Great Britain, or the King.

·America was a British Colony, while the United States was an independentbusiness Corporation that existed before the Revolutionary War.

·American Courts were ruled by Great Britain under InternationalMaritime Admiralty Law.

·American Courts wereoverseen by Administrators whoenforced Statutes and Codes.

·If you retained legal counselin your defense, you were automaticallyassumed by the court to be a mentally incompetent ward of the court. You couldnot use the U.S. Constitution (1873) to defend yourself because you werenot a party to it. “The People” did not include you and me because America wasa British Colony.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 27, 2024 (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

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Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.