Cataracts: Signs, symptoms and surgery (2024)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports cataracts are the leading cause of vision loss in the United States, and the leading cause of blindness worldwide. A cataract is a cloudy area in the lens of your eye – the clear part of the eye that helps to focus light.

Cataracts: Signs, symptoms and surgery (1)

SSM Health Davis Duehr Dean Ophthalmologist Dr. Michael Yablick shares information on the risk factors and symptoms of cataracts, and when surgery may be needed.

Who is at risk for cataracts?

Nearly everyone! Cataracts come with age, so most everyone will develop cataracts at some point. Most people will have some early signs of cataract after age 50, and many people who have cataract surgery are in their 60s to 80s. There are other factors that can cause cataracts as well, like smoking, diabetes, trauma to the eye and certain medications.

What are some typical signs you might have cataracts?

Some common symptoms of cataracts can include hazy or filmy vision, increased starbursts or halos around lights, the need for more light when reading or colors looking more dull. Early on, a patient’s glasses prescription may change more frequently than it used to.

How does cataracts surgery work?

Cataract surgery is an outpatient procedure, meaning there is no overnight hospital stay. The main type of surgery done in most cases is called phacoemulsification. This uses a specialized ultrasonic machine to break up the cloudy lens and remove it from the eye. A new artificial lens is then inserted into the eye to help correct the vision. The procedure takes about 15 minutes and is relatively pain free. Some people will feel that the eye is a little sore or scratchy afterwards, but Tylenol or ibuprofen typically takes care of that.

Many patients will notice an improvement in brightness, color and clarity from the first day after surgery. It can often take days or weeks to see the full benefit, especially if the cataract was at an advanced stage before surgery. It may take a pair of glasses to fine-tune the vision once the eye is healed, usually about a month after surgery.

How do you know if it’s time to have surgery?

In general, when a patient has symptoms that affect their daily activities, and glasses or contacts don’t help relieve those symptoms, the cataracts are ready to come out. The timing on this will naturally vary a bit from one patient to the next based on their visual needs.

The best way to know whether you need surgery is to see your eye care provider!

Do most people need both eyes done?

Often cataracts will form at a similar rate, so that both eyes will need to be done within a short period of time. Typically, we wait about two weeks after the first eye to proceed with the second in case there are some unanticipated delays in visual recovery. For some people, a cataract will form much quicker in one eye and it may be years before the other eye needs surgery.

Many people no longer need glasses after cataract surgery. Why is that?

The implant lens can be customized to correct a patient’s vision, which reduces their glasses prescription. It is fairly common to require glasses for some tasks like reading afterwards.

What factors might lead to continued need for glasses?

Some patients are more likely to need glasses after cataract surgery. These patients might have a lot of astigmatism, have very large or very small eyes, or have had previous refractive surgery (like LASIK).

Are there any health or eye conditions that rule out cataract surgery for you?

Most people are healthy enough for cataract surgery since it usually does not require general anesthesia. Some patients with other eye conditions, such as advanced glaucoma or macular degeneration, may not see an improvement with cataract surgery so we may not recommend surgery. It really depends on the severity of these conditions and expectations for improvement.

How much of a difference does cataract surgery make in a person’s vision?

It is true that cataracts typically develop over many years, so sometimes patients don’t realize how bad their vision has become. Some patients redecorate their house after cataract surgery because the paint color is actually different than what they were seeing through cataracts. It can bring back the ability to drive or read. I think the large change in a short amount of time is one of the most satisfying things about cataract surgery.

At SSM Health, our ophthalmology departmentoffers the full spectrum of diagnostics and treatment to help correct or preserve your vision. Our ophthalmologists are pioneers in corrective eye surgery and treat all conditions that affect the eyes. Find an eye care specialist near you, and schedule an appointment today.

Cataracts: Signs, symptoms and surgery (2024)
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